
Chen Kaiyong launched a new work "No Gratuitous Hate"! Perfect interpretation of sadistic emotions

author:It's OK
Chen Kaiyong launched a new work "No Gratuitous Hate"! Perfect interpretation of sadistic emotions

In the 2 years since Jace Chen Kaiyong's debut, in his previous works, he has mostly interpreted it in a state of withdrawal and change. This time, the song of the new song "No Gratuitous Hate" emotionally interprets what is happening at the moment, so it is a new attempt for her in expression, and the recording process is not easy, exhausting the heart-wrenching emotions and bringing a really moving sound.

"I want to be honest about what I feel in my heart and lungs."

To interpret "No Gratuitous Hate" from the perspective of the first body, you need to think of yourself as the protagonist in the story. The emotions expressed in the new song are very direct, and the other party's attitude towards himself is from caring for me and caring about my big and small things at all times, until it slowly becomes cold, not looking at it. This "slowness" accumulates and evolves into a hatred. This "hatred" does not arise for no reason, but arises from experience. With the theme of the new song, Jace presents the emotions in his heart without reservation, the inner flexion, sadness, and powerlessness, through a frank voice, the feelings of the heart and lungs are told, touching people's hearts.

"You may not have shown it to anyone, let alone faced it directly, but unconsciously your resentment towards him has slowly surfaced." It turns out that hating someone can be tiring."

When you have experienced love and hate, I believe that this song will also resonate. When we continue to express our hatred for a person, the whole person will become very tense and require a lot of energy. As with the recording, Jace had to exert several times more effort to present this pulling emotion, singing and singing during the recording, and frowning involuntarily. Although the entire recording process was exhausting, the song was recorded within two days. Jace is very grateful to the production team, whether it is composer KW Zhu Minxi, lyricist Chen Yaosen and KW Zhu Minxi, arranger Su Daozhe, producer Feng Hanming, etc., everyone is working intensively to prepare, and I am really grateful to the team for spending a lot of effort and time in new works.

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