
Chen Kaige revealed himself: The truth about breaking up with Ni Ping, and the reason why he chose Chen Hong later is embarrassing

author:Think about looking at the past and the present
Chen Kaige revealed himself: The truth about breaking up with Ni Ping, and the reason why he chose Chen Hong later is embarrassing
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Chen Kaige revealed himself: The truth about breaking up with Ni Ping, and the reason why he chose Chen Hong later is embarrassing

In 1996, somewhere in sunny America, a grand wedding was underway. The groom, Chen Kaige, a leader in the Chinese film industry, is holding the hand of the beautiful bride Chen Hong and stepping on the red carpet.

The guests at the scene were like clouds, and the sound of blessings was endless. At this moment, Chen Kaige seems to be standing at the pinnacle of his life, with a successful career and a happy love.

However, what is less known is that behind this high-profile marriage, there is a complex emotional journey hidden. From Hong Huang to Ni Ping, and then to Chen Hong, Chen Kaige's emotional world has gone through several twists and turns.

What made him choose Chen Hong in the end? What is the truth about breaking up with Ni Ping? Let's step into Chen Kaige's inner world, uncover this embarrassing emotional journey, and explore the important choices in his life.

Chen Kaige revealed himself: The truth about breaking up with Ni Ping, and the reason why he chose Chen Hong later is embarrassing

In 1965, in an ordinary family in Beijing, 16-year-old Chen Kaige was packing his bags and preparing to embark on the road to Xishuangbanna. The young Chen Kaige's eyes flashed with anticipation for the unknown, but he couldn't hide the apprehension in his heart.

Before leaving, his parents prepared a few beloved books for him, which became his spiritual comfort in a foreign land.

Life in Xishuangbanna was not easy. During the day, Chen Kaige worked hard in the hot sun with other educated youths; At night, he immersed himself in the world of books by the dim oil lamp.

This experience made the young Chen Kaige deeply appreciate the hardships of life, and also accumulated rich materials for his future artistic creation.

Chen Kaige revealed himself: The truth about breaking up with Ni Ping, and the reason why he chose Chen Hong later is embarrassing

In 1970, by chance, Chen Kaige became a sports soldier. The rigorous training of military camp life not only tempered his physique, but also honed his indomitable will.

This experience became a valuable asset in Chen Kaige's life and laid a solid foundation for his future film career.

In 1978, the spring breeze of reform and opening up blew across China. This year, Beijing Film Academy resumed enrollment, and 28-year-old Chen Kaige resolutely took the exam.

When he learned that he had been admitted, Chen Kaige was so excited that he burst into tears. During his days in film school, he was hungry for film knowledge, and he also met Zhang Yimou, Zhang Tielin and other classmates who would shine in the film industry in the future.

Chen Kaige revealed himself: The truth about breaking up with Ni Ping, and the reason why he chose Chen Hong later is embarrassing

1985 was an important year for Chen Kaige. This year, he filmed his debut film "Yellow Earth". During the filming, Chen Kaige and the crew members trekked the Loess Plateau, just to capture the most real and moving pictures.

Their efforts were rewarded, and "Yellow Earth" not only caused a sensation in China, but also won many awards internationally.

The success of this debut film marks Chen Kaige's official becoming a director. From educated youth to soldier, to director, Chen Kaige's every step has been arduous and firm.

This experience not only shaped his unique artistic perspective, but also gave him a deeper understanding of life and art. Standing at the starting point of the director, Chen Kaige's eyes flashed with a vision for the future, and a film era belonging to him was about to begin.

Chen Kaige revealed himself: The truth about breaking up with Ni Ping, and the reason why he chose Chen Hong later is embarrassing

In 1989, in the spring of Beijing, a grand wedding was being held. The groom, Chen Kaige, a rising movie star, took the hand of the bride Hong Huang.

Hong Huang, the daughter of a prominent family, attracted Chen Kaige with her unique personality. The combination of the two seems to be a perfect encounter between talent and background.

However, married life is not a fairy tale. Hong's family background provided strong support for Chen's career, but it also put pressure on the relationship.

As Chen Kaige's fame grew, the scandals about him gradually increased. Hong Huang found that the elegant young man in his mind seemed to be being changed by fame and fortune.

Chen Kaige revealed himself: The truth about breaking up with Ni Ping, and the reason why he chose Chen Hong later is embarrassing

In 1991, this seemingly happy marriage came to an end. There are different reasons for the breakup, but what touched Hong Huang the most was Chen Kaige's words to show off his new luxury car.

At that moment, Hong Huang suddenly realized that perhaps there was a huge difference in their values from the beginning.

Soon after the breakup, Chen Kaige's life ushered in a new turn. On a chance work occasion, he met the popular host Ni Ping. Ni Ping is gentle and generous, exuding the charm of a mature woman in her gestures.

The two soon fell in love and began a vigorous romance.

Chen Kaige revealed himself: The truth about breaking up with Ni Ping, and the reason why he chose Chen Hong later is embarrassing

Ni Ping devoted herself to this relationship, and did not hesitate to sacrifice her public image to publicly admit her cohabitation relationship with Chen Kaige. She kept her home in good order and became Chen Kaige's strong backing.

In the past six years, they have walked hand in hand through the highs and lows of life.

However, fate always likes to joke. In 1995, at a movie shooting site, Chen Kaige met the young and beautiful actor Chen Hong. Chen Hong's frankness and boldness gave Chen Kaige a new feeling.

In the face of Chen Kaige's overture, Chen Hong said: "There are so many people who like me, what does it make if there is one more of you or one less of you?" This sentence completely ignited Chen Kaige's desire to pursue.

Chen Kaige revealed himself: The truth about breaking up with Ni Ping, and the reason why he chose Chen Hong later is embarrassing

Chen Kaige fell into a deep contradiction. On one side is Ni Ping, who has been with him for many years, and on the other hand, Chen Hong, who makes him excited. When he learned the news that Chen Hong was pregnant, Chen Kaige made a difficult decision.

He confessed everything to Ni Ping and proposed to break up.

This decision undoubtedly brought a huge blow to Ni Ping. Years of hard work, but in exchange for such an ending. The public also had mixed reviews of Chen Kaige's choice, with some accusing him of being unkind, while others thought he had at least chosen to be honest.

In the face of doubts from the outside world, Chen Kaige faced it calmly. At that time, he explained, he was desperate to get married and start a family of his own. And Ni Ping is at the peak of her career, hoping to stabilize her career first and then consider marriage.

Chen Kaige revealed himself: The truth about breaking up with Ni Ping, and the reason why he chose Chen Hong later is embarrassing

This difference in life goals eventually led to their breakup.

In 1996, Chen Kaige and Chen Hong held a wedding in the United States. Although the marriage was fraught with controversy at the beginning, time has proven the strength of their relationship.

Each of Chen Kaige's three relationships has left a deep imprint, shaped his life, and influenced his artistic creation. From ignorance to maturity, Chen Kaige continued to grow in his relationship, and finally found his own home.

In 1993, on the red carpet of the Cannes Film Festival, Chen Kaige stood in the spotlight with high spirits. His work "Farewell My Concubine" has just won the Palme d'Or, the first time in the history of Chinese cinema.

Chen Kaige revealed himself: The truth about breaking up with Ni Ping, and the reason why he chose Chen Hong later is embarrassing

The applause was like a tide and the praise was endless, but Chen Kaige's heart was full of ups and downs. This work, which embodies all his hard work, has finally been recognized by the world.

The success of "Farewell My Concubine" is not accidental. Chen Kaige has skillfully integrated his deep understanding of traditional Chinese culture into every detail of the film. From costumes and props to character dialogues, it all shows his persistent pursuit of art.

The joys and sorrows of Cheng Dieyi in the film not only touched the heartstrings of the audience, but also reflected Chen Kaige's deep insight into human nature.

The success of this film made Chen Kaige a leading figure in the Chinese film industry. Invitations from major film festivals followed, and the media spotlight never stopped.

Chen Kaige revealed himself: The truth about breaking up with Ni Ping, and the reason why he chose Chen Hong later is embarrassing

Each of Chen Kaige's new works has attracted much attention and its influence has spread all over the world. During this period, he was enthusiastic about creation, constantly trying new themes and expressions, injecting new vitality into the development of Chinese films.

However, behind the success lies also stress and confusion. How to meet the growing expectations of the audience while maintaining the pursuit of art? How do you find a balance between business and art? These questions often linger in Chen Kaige's mind.

He began to think about his own creative direction, hoping to continue to innovate and break new ground while sticking to his personal style.

After "Farewell My Concubine", Chen Kaige continued to launch a series of works with different styles. Although not every work can receive the same praise as "Farewell My Concubine", he has always maintained his love and dedication to the art of film.

Chen Kaige revealed himself: The truth about breaking up with Ni Ping, and the reason why he chose Chen Hong later is embarrassing

Every attempt is an exploration on his film path.

During this period, Chen Kaige not only made great achievements in art, but also won more attention and respect for Chinese films on the international stage. His success has inspired more young directors to devote themselves to the film industry and promoted the overall development of Chinese films.

Standing at the pinnacle of his career, Chen Kaige knows that the real challenge has just begun. How to maintain the enthusiasm and quality of creation, and how to insist on self-determination in the rapidly changing film and television market, these are all issues he must face.

But in any case, the success of "Farewell My Concubine" has written a strong stroke in the history of Chinese film, and has also established Chen Kaige's important position in the film industry.

Chen Kaige revealed himself: The truth about breaking up with Ni Ping, and the reason why he chose Chen Hong later is embarrassing

In 1996, somewhere in the sunny United States, Chen Kaige took Chen Hong's hand and stepped on the red carpet. Although the wedding was far from its homeland, it attracted the attention of countless Chinese media.

Chen Kaige, a leader in the Chinese film industry, has finally found his life partner. Chen Hong is not only an outstanding actor, but also an important partner in Chen Kaige's career and life.

Soon after their marriage, the two welcomed a new member of the family. Chen Kaige was happy with his sons, including Chen Feiyu, who later stepped into the showbiz. The joy of becoming a first-time father is beyond words, and Chen Kaige has high hopes for his son, hoping to pass on his artistic ideals.

However, the responsibilities of parenthood are far more daunting than you think. When Chen Feiyu chose to enter the showbiz when he grew up, Chen Kaige was both relieved and worried. He is well aware of the complexity of this circle, and wants his son to succeed, but he does not want to see him under too much pressure.

Chen Kaige revealed himself: The truth about breaking up with Ni Ping, and the reason why he chose Chen Hong later is embarrassing

During Chen Feiyu's growth, Chen Kaige tried his best to play the role of a mentor and friend, not only giving guidance, but also maintaining a moderate distance, so that his son had room for independent development.

Although there are many speculations and doubts about this marriage from the outside world, Chen Kaige and Chen Hong have proved the strength of their relationship with practical actions. In the ups and downs of their careers, the two support each other and face the challenges of life together.

Chen Hong is not only Chen Kaige's wife, but also an important source of inspiration and supporter on his creative path.

Family life has brought Chen Kaige an unprecedented sense of stability. In addition to his busy shooting schedule, he began to focus more on family life and enjoy family fun. This balance not only makes his life more fulfilling, but also breathes new life into his creations.

Chen Kaige revealed himself: The truth about breaking up with Ni Ping, and the reason why he chose Chen Hong later is embarrassing

However, life is not always smooth sailing. When Chen Kaige's works were questioned, Chen Hong always stood firmly by his side, giving support and encouragement. This kind of mutually supportive relationship has made their marriage more and more stable in the ups and downs of the entertainment industry.

Now, Chen Kaige and Chen Hong's marriage has gone through more than 20 years. Their story is not only a good story, but also a rare model couple in the entertainment industry.

In this circle full of temptations and challenges, they used sincere feelings and mutual respect to compose a moving love concerto.

With the passage of time, Chen Kaige's creative path has not been smooth. The once acclaimed director is now facing the dilemma that the audience response is not as good as before. Some of his works began to be questioned and criticized, which forced Chen Kaige to re-examine his creative philosophy.

Chen Kaige revealed himself: The truth about breaking up with Ni Ping, and the reason why he chose Chen Hong later is embarrassing

In the face of such a trough, Chen Kaige did not choose to give up. He began to think deeply about his artistic pursuits and the value of life. In the gap between business and art, he strives to find a new balance.

Chen Kaige realized that true success is not only fame and fortune, but more importantly, sticking to the sincerity of his heart and his love for art.

At the same time, Chen Kaige also pinned his hopes on his son Chen Feiyu. Watching his son crawl in the entertainment industry, he was both relieved and worried. Although Chen Feiyu has received mixed reviews from the outside world, Chen Kaige has always supported and encouraged him as a father, hoping to continue his artistic dream through the next generation.

This experience made Chen Kaige cherish his current family life even more. He began to rethink his original intention, hoping to create works that would not only move the audience, but also lose his artistic pursuit.

Chen Kaige revealed himself: The truth about breaking up with Ni Ping, and the reason why he chose Chen Hong later is embarrassing

Despite the arduous road, he still has a love for film and continues to explore and move forward on the road of art.

In this process, Chen Kaige gradually realized that true artistic creation should come from life and return to the original. He began to experiment with new themes and forms of expression, hoping to rediscover the resonance with the audience.

Facing the future, Chen Kaige's eyes are still flashing with love and expectation for movies. He believes that as long as he sticks to his original intention, he will eventually create works that can move people's hearts.

This reflection is not only a summary of his artistic career, but also the starting point of a new creative journey.

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