
Men are always urinating frequently and urinating urgently? Doctor: Most of them are related to these 3 diseases, which must not be ignored!

Urine is a metabolite produced by the kidneys, and its main source is diet. After people eat food, the kidneys will filter and absorb the water ingested by the body, and the remaining part will flow into the bladder.

When a certain amount of urine is gathered in the bladder, it will send a signal to the brain to urinate. Under normal circumstances, a person urinates 4-6 times a day and the amount of urine excreted is 1000ml-2000ml.

Men are always urinating frequently and urinating urgently? Doctor: Most of them are related to these 3 diseases, which must not be ignored!

Due to the different diets and living habits of each person, there are large individual differences in the body, so the situation of urination is also different. For men, they usually pay little attention to urination, even if there is frequent urination and urgency, they will not care too much.

In fact, this is not right, because once urinary frequency and urgency occur, it is likely that the body is sending a signal for help. Men are best treated in the hospital to check for the following three diseases.

Men are always urinating frequently and urinating urgently? Doctor: Most of them are related to these 3 diseases, which must not be ignored!

1. Inflammation of the reproductive system

If men do not pay attention to personal hygiene in normal times, they may infect their reproductive organs with bacteria and viruses. When this happens, the most obvious manifestation of the reproductive organs is inflammation, if you suffer from urethritis, cystitis, prostatitis and other diseases, men will have frequent urination, urgency.

If you do not go to the hospital in time to receive relevant treatment and control the development of the disease, men may also have painful urination, blood in the urine, incomplete urine, urinary retention and other situations.

Men are always urinating frequently and urinating urgently? Doctor: Most of them are related to these 3 diseases, which must not be ignored!

Infection of the reproductive system will lead to a great impact on men's lives, such as sex with sexual partners may also lead to the other party is also invaded by inflammatory bacteria or viruses, causing vaginitis, cervicitis, endometritis and other gynecological inflammation; it may also make the kidneys infected, causing nephritis, kidney failure and other conditions.

Men are always urinating frequently and urinating urgently? Doctor: Most of them are related to these 3 diseases, which must not be ignored!

2. Prostatic hyperplasia

The prostate gland is the "life gland" of men, if the male usually does not maintain the prostate, often sedentary, smoking, drinking, eating irritating food, it may lead to prostate tissue stimulated by adverse factors and hyperplasia.

Prostatic hyperplasia can cause the prostate tissue to become enlarged and the nearby urethra to be compressed, so it will cause abnormalities in male urination.

Men are always urinating frequently and urinating urgently? Doctor: Most of them are related to these 3 diseases, which must not be ignored!

3. Prostate cancer

If a male prostate has cancer cells, it will cause patients to have frequent urination, urgency, and thinning of urine in the early stage. Because the prostate tissue is stimulated by cancer cells, it becomes red, swollen, and swollen, it will compress the surrounding tissues and affect the urethra and bladder.

If the disease further develops, it may also cause symptoms such as blood in the urine, incomplete urine, urinary retention, body wasting, pain, etc., which will seriously reduce the quality of life of patients. Patients need to go to the hospital in time to avoid life threats after further deterioration of the condition.

Men are always urinating frequently and urinating urgently? Doctor: Most of them are related to these 3 diseases, which must not be ignored!

Men always have frequent urination and urgency, which is likely to be caused by the above three diseases. Men are advised to first think about whether they have drunk too much water or eaten a lot of diuretic food after developing this uncomfortable symptom.

If these factors are ruled out and the body is accompanied by other uncomfortable symptoms, it is necessary to be alert that the disease has already occurred. In this case, men should go to the urology department of the hospital, inform the doctor of their situation, cooperate with the doctor to receive relevant examinations, and treat the symptoms after diagnosing the condition, so that the urination situation can improve as soon as possible.

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