
All male! Be wary of China's fastest-growing male tumors!

Beijing, April 23 (Zhang Yilin) For many middle-aged and elderly men, prostate cancer is one of the malignant tumors that need to be vigilant. In recent years, with the aging process, the incidence of prostate cancer in mainland China has risen rapidly. Who needs extra caution for prostate cancer? What are the public's misconceptions about prostate cancer?

China News Network "Medical Line Observation" "early action scientific cancer prevention" series of video interviews, invited Zhang Qian, chief physician of the Department of Urology of Peking University First Hospital and president of Peking University Binhai Hospital, to conduct a popular interpretation of prostate cancer prevention and treatment.

All male! Be wary of China's fastest-growing male tumors!

Zhang Qian, chief physician of the Department of Urology of Peking University First Hospital, made a video interview with China News Network. On the right is Zhang Qian. Photo by Cao Miaoxin.

These men should be especially careful!

In recent years, prostate cancer has become the fastest growing malignant tumor in China, seriously threatening the health of Chinese men.

At present, the cause of prostate cancer is not clear, but from the regional observation, the incidence of prostate is related to living habits.

Zhang Qian introduced that the incidence of prostate cancer in European and American countries is higher, in Asian countries, the incidence of prostate cancer in Japan is not too high, and the lifestyle of high-fat diet may increase the incidence of prostate cancer, "For example, the incidence of prostate cancer in coastal cities in our country is relatively high, on the one hand, this is related to the diet structure, on the other hand, people in these areas have a strong sense of health and a high penetration rate of physical examination." ”

"There are almost no symptoms in the early stages of prostate cancer, and the onset is very insidious." Zhang Qian said that the occult nature of prostate cancer makes screening particularly important, and if you want to grasp prostate cancer at an early stage, you can start with the demographic characteristics of prostate cancer.

Zhang Qian said that age is an important risk factor for the development of prostate cancer, and at the same time, prostate cancer is closely related to genetic factors.

"If the father has prostate cancer, generally speaking, after the age of 45, you must start to do regular prostate cancer screening, especially simple is to check a blood PSA (prostate-specific antigen), if there is no family history, after the age of 50, you must also do regular PSA screening."

Zhang Qian said that the vast majority of patients with prostate cancer are over 50 years old, "If you find that there is a tumor in the prostate in your 20s, it is often not prostate cancer, it is a prostate sarcoma, the malignancy is very high, but it is very rare in the clinic." ”

In addition, Zhang Qian also reminded that some symptoms related to prostate diseases, such as frequent urination, urgency, and poor urination often occur in middle-aged and elderly men, cannot be simply equated with prostate tumors, and the diagnosis of prostate cancer requires strict screening.

Physical examination found that tumor markers are elevated, don't be afraid!

In recent years, many physical examination items have added tumor marker examination, among which the male physical examination often contains prostate-specific antigen, that is, PSA screening. So, if the physical examination report shows that the PSA indicator is elevated, does it mean that you have prostate cancer?

"This tumor marker of prostate cancer is very sensitive, the normal value is below 4, if it exceeds 4, further screening is needed, then, is the elevated PSA a prostate cancer?" The answer is no. ”

Zhang Qian said that elevated PSA may also be prostatitis, acute prostate inflammation PSA will also be elevated, at this time can be distinguished by observing whether there is fever, whether there is acute urination, whether there is urinary retention and other symptoms.

Experts said that if there is a high suspicion of prostate cancer, it can be further judged by pelvic MRI, and if it is still difficult to diagnose, the final diagnosis can be made by prostate puncture.

"There are no pain nerves in the prostate, there is no very strong pain during the puncture process, and at present, there is no evidence that the puncture causes the tumor to spread." Zhang Qian said.

In addition, experts remind that although the malignancy of urinary tumors is relatively low, and the fatality rate of prostate cancer has continued to decline in recent years, we still cannot take it lightly. "Prostate cancer is found through puncture examination, and different treatment methods can be used to make each patient receive individualized treatment in order to get the best treatment effect."

Don't take it lightly! This tumor can also be fatal

Zhang Qian said that some people believe that the low fatality rate of prostate cancer does not require active treatment, believing that prostate cancer "will not be treated or dead." In fact, prostate cancer is also fatal.

For example, some patients with bone metastases, lymph node metastasis, etc., it is necessary to control the lesions of the whole body through comprehensive treatments such as surgical removal of tumors, drug therapy, radiation therapy, and endocrine therapy. "If there is no surgical means or comprehensive treatment, the three- or five-year survival rate of such patients is very low."

Experts say surgery is the gold standard for treatment for early-stage prostate cancer. At the same time, there are other healing treatments, such as non-surgical methods such as radiotherapy to cure the disease.

"If you have prostate cancer, you must consult a urology doctor and actively choose the next treatment plan." Urologists make individualized prostate cancer treatment options based on each patient's cancer stage, age, and presence of other health problems, and the patient's perception of various treatment options. ”

In addition, for many patients worried about the problem of urinary incontinence after surgery, experts said that short-term urinary incontinence may occur within 3 to 6 months after surgery, but more than 95% or even more than 98% of patients can achieve relatively satisfactory social urination control (0 or 1 urine pad per day) in the long term.

"With the advancement of medical technology and the improvement of treatment methods, surgical methods are becoming more and more precise, and the incidence of permanent urinary incontinence is very low, so we don't need to talk about cancer discoloration." (End)

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