
Can sudden smoking cessation cause illness? These 5 rumors about quitting smoking, you may wish to check it out!

In recent years, more and more people have realized the dangers of smoking, and more and more smokers have begun to put into action and join the team of smoking cessation.

But it is not easy to successfully quit smoking, the nicotine contained in tobacco can be addictive, many people quit smoking for a period of time and can not resist the temptation of cigarettes and choose relapse, what is more, some smoking-related rumors began to circulate among smokers, providing an excuse for smokers who are not determined to quit smoking.

For the following rumors about smoking, everyone should polish their eyes and must not be gullible:

Can sudden smoking cessation cause illness? These 5 rumors about quitting smoking, you may wish to check it out!

1. Smoking is not harmful to young people

Many young people blindly imitate the roles in film and television dramas, feel that smoking is a handsome behavior, can increase charm, and even think that young people are physically strong, smoking a few cigarettes will not cause harm to the body, and it is not too late to quit smoking when they are older.

In fact, young people smoking is only "looking" okay, because the smoking age is short, the damage to the body is not obvious, and other harmful substances accumulate to a certain extent, it will completely hurt the lungs, and then it will be too late to quit smoking.

Can sudden smoking cessation cause illness? These 5 rumors about quitting smoking, you may wish to check it out!

2. Smoking can prolong life

Many anecdotes on the Internet will record that some long-lived elderly people have the habit of smoking, these people have been smoking for decades, but there is no myocardial infarction, cancer and other diseases, it seems that smoking has no negative impact on them, and even some people think that smoking can prolong life.

In fact, such a case has no reference value, modern clinical investigation studies have shown that the average life expectancy of smokers is about ten years shorter than that of non-smokers, and the reason why these elderly people mentioned above live is more affected by genes, living habits, etc.

Can sudden smoking cessation cause illness? These 5 rumors about quitting smoking, you may wish to check it out!

3. Sudden smoking cessation can cause disease

Many smokers are convinced that long-term smokers who quit smoking suddenly can cause illness. Indeed, many people in the process of smoking cessation will appear nausea, chest tightness and other symptoms, this situation is called "withdrawal syndrome", is a normal phenomenon after quitting smoking, not a disease, as long as you insist on quitting smoking, these smoking cessation reactions can gradually disappear.

Can sudden smoking cessation cause illness? These 5 rumors about quitting smoking, you may wish to check it out!

4, low tar content, low nicotine content of cigarettes are less harmful

Many smokers believe that choosing cigarettes with low tar content and low nicotine content can reduce the harm to the body, but in fact, for smokers who smoke for a long time, such cigarettes are not irritating enough, but may increase the frequency of smoking, thereby causing greater harm to the body.

In addition, some people feel that e-cigarettes are not harmful, but in fact, e-cigarettes contain harmful ingredients such as nicotine, which will also endanger health.

Can sudden smoking cessation cause illness? These 5 rumors about quitting smoking, you may wish to check it out!

5. Smoking can prevent Alzheimer's disease

In the eyes of many smokers, smoking can be refreshing, and they take it for granted that smoking can prevent Alzheimer's disease.

On the contrary, smoking can damage blood vessels, make blood thick, cause cardiovascular and cerebrovascular lesions, and smoking can also damage the health of the nervous system, resulting in neurological lesions, which will affect brain health and increase the risk of Alzheimer's disease.

Can sudden smoking cessation cause illness? These 5 rumors about quitting smoking, you may wish to check it out!

These are just a few common rumors about smoking that seem plausible but don't stand up to scrutiny.

Therefore, smokers can not make excuses for their own smoking behavior, smoking to the body caused by the harm is particularly large, only make up their minds, timely quit smoking, can reduce the harm caused to the body, have a higher quality of life.

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