
The men's basketball roster has plummeted! Lin Wei +3 people were eliminated. 17 people rushed to Australia, and Gao Shiyan was still causing public anger

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After these two fierce battles, the men's basketball team decisively carried out further personnel reductions. This is not a small change, but a drastic reform! Judging from the latest developments, there are four people who have left the team, these four people are Lin Wei, Liu Lijia, Chen Guohao and Duan Angjun. They are all young blood, and they stepped into this arena with dreams and momentum, but at this moment they have to leave the arena gloomily.

Let's talk about Lin Wei first, this young man caused an uproar yesterday. In the previous game, he actually had a conflict with Guo Shiqiang, and even dared to talk back, which undoubtedly touched the coach's bottom line. Perhaps in private, Lin Wei failed to control his emotions well, causing Coach Guo Shiqiang to make the decision to abandon him. To be honest, in the short training camp and the previous warm-up games, Lin Wei's overall performance was actually quite good, and it was really regrettable and helpless that he was eliminated like this.

The men's basketball roster has plummeted! Lin Wei +3 people were eliminated. 17 people rushed to Australia, and Gao Shiyan was still causing public anger

Chen Guohao was not spared, and he was not seen at all in yesterday's game. You know, he is a player who can both attack and defend, but perhaps his height cannot meet the tactical needs of the team, so he can only say goodbye with regret.

As for Liu Lijia, his performance in the warm-up game was remarkable, and he maintained a fairly good hit rate. And after yesterday's training session, he was also interviewed, full of expectations for the future, but in the end he was not selected.

The men's basketball roster has plummeted! Lin Wei +3 people were eliminated. 17 people rushed to Australia, and Gao Shiyan was still causing public anger

Duan Angjun's elimination is understandable, his performance on the offensive end is too unstable, and it is reasonable for such a state to be abandoned.

Next, let's take a look at this controversial list. Take a look at the guard line first, the personnel are Cheng Shuaipeng, He Xining, Liao Sanning, Wang Lanyan, Gao Shiyan, Cui Xiaolong, and Zhao Weilun. Among them, Cheng Shuaipeng and He Xining's performance in the game was really unsatisfactory and could not bring substantial help to the team at all. Gao Shiyan once became the team's "cancer", and his performance made fans angry. But what is helpless is that the three of them were actually selected, which made many fans shout: It's better to bring Lin Wei!

The men's basketball roster has plummeted! Lin Wei +3 people were eliminated. 17 people rushed to Australia, and Gao Shiyan was still causing public anger

Look at the front line again, Du Runwang, Li Hongquan, Zhu Junlong, Zhu Mingzhen, Wang Haoran, Zou Yang, Zhao Jiayi. In this, Du Runwang and Zhu Mingzhen's shooting in the game was frequently ironed, and the state was so bad that people couldn't see hope. The two of them were still selected into the squad, which made fans question, how did Coach Guo Shiqiang choose him?

Finally, let's focus on the interior players of the men's basketball team. The inside players include Yu Jiahao, Yang Hansen and Jiao Boqiao, and in terms of their selection, it did not cause much controversy and questioning overall.

The men's basketball roster has plummeted! Lin Wei +3 people were eliminated. 17 people rushed to Australia, and Gao Shiyan was still causing public anger

Yu Jiahao, with his solid interior skills and excellent physical fitness, has a certain dominance under the basket; Yang Hansen, this young player contains great potential, his strength has been shown in the past games and training, whether it is the flexibility of the offensive end, or the active struggle of the defensive end, people can see his infinite possibilities in the future; Jiao Boqiao also has its own characteristics and advantages.

I personally have some special thoughts on how to use them and what to expect. I really hope that Hansen will get more playing time. He is like a rising star with great potential and a promising future. The kind of insight and adaptability he showed on the pitch allowed him to create opportunities and surprise the team when it mattered. His strength is by no means just on the surface, his skills are comprehensive, whether it is a strong inside attack, or a mid-range shot, or even a playful pass, he has a good performance.

The men's basketball roster has plummeted! Lin Wei +3 people were eliminated. 17 people rushed to Australia, and Gao Shiyan was still causing public anger

But on the other hand, Jiao Boqiao, although he also has a certain ability, in the comparison with Yang Hansen, perhaps the advantage is not so obvious. Therefore, I really don't want to always give Jiao Poqiao too many opportunities, but should give more stage to Yang Hansen, so that he can give full play to his talent and contribute more to the team.

Of course, this is just my personal expectation and opinion. Maybe the coach has his own tactical considerations and overall layout, or maybe in the eyes of the coach, Jiao Poqiao can play a unique role in some specific tactical systems. But from the fans' point of view, and from the long-term perspective of the team's future development, I still firmly believe that Yang Hansen deserves more training and performance opportunities. Nurturing and developing the potential of young players is essential for the sustainable development of the team.

The men's basketball roster has plummeted! Lin Wei +3 people were eliminated. 17 people rushed to Australia, and Gao Shiyan was still causing public anger

Dear friends, what do you think about the use of interior players Yang Hansen and Jiao Boqiao? Do you agree with me, or do you have a different opinion? Let's talk about it together!

Speaking of which, everyone must have their own thoughts and opinions in their hearts. One might think that there must be a good reason for a coach to make such a decision. Coaches need to consider a number of complex factors, including the technical characteristics of the players, tactical adaptability, team chemistry, the situation of the opponents, and even the physical and psychological state of the players. Coaches weigh the pros and cons from a holistic perspective, and often make choices that are aimed at achieving the overall goals and maximizing the benefits of the team.

The men's basketball roster has plummeted! Lin Wei +3 people were eliminated. 17 people rushed to Australia, and Gao Shiyan was still causing public anger

There are also quite a few people who hold the exact opposite view. In their opinion, such personnel selection and arrangement is simply a mess, and there is no clue about it. They may feel that the ruthless exclusion of some players with great performance and great potential from the squad, while the selection of some players who have performed poorly or even poorly on the field is simply a disregard for fairness and strength. They will question the coach's vision and judgment, believing that such decisions are full of injustice and mistakes, disrespectful of the player's efforts and talents, and may also have a negative impact on the future development of the team.

Dear friends, the problem is now before us. What do you think about the personnel adjustment of the men's basketball team and the determination of the squad? Is it a firm endorsement of the coach's decision, trusting his professional judgment and overall considerations? Or are you indignant that it's full of injustices and mistakes, and that the coach's decision-making is a mess?

The men's basketball roster has plummeted! Lin Wei +3 people were eliminated. 17 people rushed to Australia, and Gao Shiyan was still causing public anger

Or do you have something more unique and insightful? Come on, dear friends, let's talk freely and have a lively and in-depth discussion! Whether for or against, every point of view deserves to be respected, and every voice deserves to be heard. Let's discuss and make suggestions for the future of men's basketball!

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