
KPL Spring: Group A Fight Again! Changsha TES.A beat XYG to win its first win of the season

The 2022 KPL Spring Season Round 3rd Week 4 Matchday 2nd Game was played by Changsha TES.A against XYG, which was a Group S game, Changsha TES.A lost all four games to determine relegation to Group A, XYG 2 wins and 2 losses to determine staying in Group S. In the end, Changsha TES.A defeated XYG 3-1, Changsha TES.A won the first victory of the season, and XYG ended the first round of the regular season with two consecutive defeats.

KPL Spring: Group A Fight Again! Changsha TES.A beat XYG to win its first win of the season

In the first set, 2 minutes and a half, Eran Luna took down the tyrant, 5 minutes and 10 seconds, Yan Mengdong Emperor Taiyi bit Zhongxi and Taiyi Zhenren failed to bite to death, TES rear row was unprotected, Ku Kai Ma Chao poked Xiao Peng Mengli to take a blood, September Agudo glued to the Eastern Emperor Taiyi, 6 minutes and 15 seconds, Eastern Emperor Taiyi bit Agudo to complete the exchange, 7 minutes and 13 seconds, Agudo took the tyrant, 7 minutes and a half, Donghuang Taiyi once again bit Taiyi Zhenren, Taiyi Zhenren handed over the resurrection counterattack, Donghuang Taiyi was killed by the tower, Ma went beyond the two towers to poke the dead Mengduo again, 8 and a half minutes , the Eastern Emperor Taiyi flashed to bite the spirit dream Zhou Yu, Luna Under the Moon Infinite X10 to get three kills, Ma Chao poked the curtain color Jiang Ziya stop loss, 9 minutes and 50 seconds, Agudo won the Prophet Domination.

10 minutes and 40 seconds, Luna took down the Shadow Lord, 12 minutes and a half, Meng Li took down the Shadow Tyrant, 14 minutes and 45 seconds, Luna moved the dragon was found, Li Yuanfang a skill hung full of remnants of Luna, Taiyi Zhenren grabbed the Shadow Lord, Zhou Yu laid fire control three people, Luna fell off the resurrection armor and was killed by the corpse, 17 minutes, it was in the big flash scraping Li Yuanfang, Lü Bu flashed a knife to take it away, Ma Chao ate tons of damage into the field evaporation, 18 minutes, XYG Middle Road Highland was broken, Luna two skills sucked two people to open the show, The resurrected Li Yuanfang crossed the displacement and the big move to clear the line urgently, the line of soldiers was cleared at the same time Li Yuanfang lost the self-protection skill, Lü Bu broke the second consecutive blow, and the TES, which occupied the numerical advantage, continued to push away the enemy crystal in a wave and won the first game. This bureau is best given to Changsha TES.A. Yan Meng's Eastern Emperor Taiyi

KPL Spring: Group A Fight Again! Changsha TES.A beat XYG to win its first win of the season
KPL Spring: Group A Fight Again! Changsha TES.A beat XYG to win its first win of the season
KPL Spring: Group A Fight Again! Changsha TES.A beat XYG to win its first win of the season
KPL Spring: Group A Fight Again! Changsha TES.A beat XYG to win its first win of the season

In the second set, 2 minutes and a half, September Dawn teleportation was found guarding the corpse, handed over a blood, 3 minutes, Xiao Peng Gongsun left the berserk point remnants of The Bean Sun Shangxiang, Yan Mengsun Zhen a skill to blow up Sun Shangxiang, 3 minutes and 45 seconds, Ran Lan took down the tyrant, 4 and a half minutes, Xi and the Eastern Emperor Taiyi and Sun Bing exchanged, 5 minutes, Lingmeng Shen Mengxi big move to blow up three people, The second stage of the big move defeated Lan, cool Xiahou Huan jiaotong big move left people to be taken away by the curtain unknown fire dance, 6 minutes and a half, Xiahou Huan did not know the fire dance in a flash, and the sun and the damage took it away, 7 minutes and a half, Xiahou Huan was surrounded and killed by four people, 8 minutes, Gongsun left the big move to push two people, Lan entered the field to kill Huan, the Eastern Emperor Taiyi bit people too late to save his teammates and bury himself, 8 and a half minutes, did not know the fire dance to take down the tyrant.

10 minutes and a half, Lan took down the Shadow Lord, 11 minutes, Su Mo Pig Eight Commandments continued to control Xiahou Huan, Gongsun left the rear with the output to take it away, 11 minutes and 40 seconds, the Pig Eight Commandments card position forced the Eastern Emperor Taiyi to bite himself, the Pig Eight Commandments Tandu was successful enough to survive, Gongsun left the point to die the Eastern Emperor Taiyi, did not know the fire dance flashed to Sun Shangxiang a set of skills to kill it in an instant, Lan Yue entered the field and scraped Shen Mengxi, the Pig Eight Commandments slapped Xiahou Huan, Gongsun left the point to drop XYG down the road to the high ground, 12 minutes, Huan Wu had no chance to enter the field and was forced to go down the wall to be killed by five people, XYG is destroyed by the group, and TES pushes off the enemy crystal and comes to the match point game. This bureau is the best for Sun Bing to Changsha TES.A Dream

KPL Spring: Group A Fight Again! Changsha TES.A beat XYG to win its first win of the season
KPL Spring: Group A Fight Again! Changsha TES.A beat XYG to win its first win of the season
KPL Spring: Group A Fight Again! Changsha TES.A beat XYG to win its first win of the season
KPL Spring: Group A Fight Again! Changsha TES.A beat XYG to win its first win of the season

In the third set, 3 minutes, Su Momma surpassed the tower to kill Ku Kai Guan Yu to get a blood, Ma Chao ate the tower injury and fell to the ground, 5 minutes and 10 seconds, September Lan took down the tyrant, 7 minutes, Lan took down the prophet domination, 7 minutes and a half, Xiu dou Di Renjie alone took off the enemy on the road to the second tower, Ma Chao rushed to prepare to kill Di Renjie helpless to eat Di Renjie's yellow card was beaten to half blood, so that Pan Gu pasted his face to kill Di Renjie failed to fall in seconds, Guan Yu rushed to push four people to perfectly dismantle the fire, Lan entered the field and scratched, XYG exchanged five groups to destroy TES, 9 minutes and a half, Lan took down the tyrant, 10 and a half minutes, Lan took down the Shadow Lord, 11 minutes, Guan Yu killed Xiaopeng Marco Polo failed, Master Yan Mengluban pulled Guan Yu under the defensive tower, Guan Yu fell to the ground, and Di Renjie pointed out the enemy on the road to stop the loss.

13 minutes, Lan won the Shadow Tyrant, Lan entered the field to stay and was pulled by Master Luban, Lan was surrounded and killed, 14 minutes and a half, Lan won the Shadow Lord, 15 minutes and 15 seconds, Pangu Shou Pagoda failed to be roared by Xi and Zhang Fei, Pangu fell to the ground, 15 minutes and a half, TES Middle Road Highland was broken, 16 minutes and a half, Lan won the Shadow Tyrant, 17 minutes and a half, TES three-way highlands were all broken, Lingmeng Yixing flashed the frame to frame Marco Polo, Zhang Fei sprayed and stunned four people, TES double C was instantaneous, Ma Chao only poked Guan Yu to death, The TES, which lacked output, was destroyed, and the XYG four forcibly removed the blood crystal and pulled back a round. The best game for XYG. Lingmeng's star

KPL Spring: Group A Fight Again! Changsha TES.A beat XYG to win its first win of the season
KPL Spring: Group A Fight Again! Changsha TES.A beat XYG to win its first win of the season
KPL Spring: Group A Fight Again! Changsha TES.A beat XYG to win its first win of the season
KPL Spring: Group A Fight Again! Changsha TES.A beat XYG to win its first win of the season

In the fourth set, 1 minute and a half, TES three grabbed one catch of the necromancer Meng Xishi, Eran Xishi got a blood, 3 minutes, Xiudou Old Master flashed to bundle Xiaopeng Di Renjie, Xi and Big Qiao gathered four people to take turns to fight the tower, Su Molianpo and Di Renjie were killed by the tower, 4 minutes, Yan Meng Ghost Guzi pulled the old master, the curtain king Zhaojun took the head, 4 and a half minutes, the mirror won the tyrant, 4 minutes and 45 seconds, September Pei captured the tiger to take down the prophet lord, 6 minutes, Xi Shila Zhongwang Zhaojun, the old master took the big kill Wang Zhaojun, Pei Huhu invaded the enemy's wild area to switch human form was directly slapped to death by Lian Po, Di Renjie killed the old master, 9 minutes, the two sides exchanged dragons, Pei Huhu took down the tyrant, the mirror took down the prophet domination, 10 minutes, the ghost Valley Pulled the disjointed old master, Di Renjie took the yellow card to take it away, Ku Kai Meng Tian was left behind in the head chase, XYG continued to drop points.

10 and a half minutes, the mirror won the Shadow Lord, 12 minutes, XYG outer tower was all broken, 13 minutes, the mirror took down the Shadow Tyrant, 14 minutes, Meng Tian opened the great clear line was frozen by Wang Zhaojun's second skill, Meng Tian was killed. 14 minutes and a half, OniGuzi forced out Xi Shi flashed, 15 minutes and a half, the mirror took down the Shadow Lord, 16 minutes and a half, Di Renjie Tower outside the point tower to point off XYG on the road highland, 17 minutes and 15 seconds, XYG three high ground was all broken, 17 minutes 40 seconds, the mirror took down the Shadow Tyrant, 18 minutes 45 seconds, Lian Po made a big move to shoot Meng Tian, the mirror entered the field to take it away, 19 minutes and 20 seconds, the mirror cut to the enemy back row to take away Xi Shi, Di Renjie killed Big Joe, as the line of soldiers entered the crystal, TES Lian Po stood until the last moment A dropped the enemy crystal and defeated XYG. The best in this bureau was given to Di Renjie of Changsha TES.A. Xiaopeng

KPL Spring: Group A Fight Again! Changsha TES.A beat XYG to win its first win of the season
KPL Spring: Group A Fight Again! Changsha TES.A beat XYG to win its first win of the season
KPL Spring: Group A Fight Again! Changsha TES.A beat XYG to win its first win of the season

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