
Study Notes (71) 丨 Most mortals are nothing more than one lazy, two procrastinating, and three unwilling to read

In order to increase the readability of the account, study notes are released on Saturdays, Sundays, and holidays. (Notes are excerpts and do not represent personal views)

1. What exactly do babies need to learn?

It is the love, care and learning opportunities given to them by their parents.

This does not require special videos, toys, DVDs and computer programs, does not require certain pre-set time slots, especially at the age of 3, such an arbitrary so-called "critical age", and must master any special ability.

Despite attempts to accelerate learning, there is no evidence that these programs, which try to do their best in one battle, have enabled children to acquire knowledge earlier or faster than those of 5, 10 or even 30 years ago.

- "Cognitive Awakening"

Study Notes (71) 丨 Most mortals are nothing more than one lazy, two procrastinating, and three unwilling to read

2. Take a long-term view of your child's learning

In order for children to meet the so-called "critical period" indicators set by experts, parents may try to teach their children various concepts before their brains can properly process various information.

Some moms say to me, "All brain studies have proven that it's important to get your child to the right information at the right time, what if I miss the right time or use the wrong stimulus?" ”

My answer is that there is no need to take control of your child's learning in great detail during a series of critical periods with short windows and specific "expiration times", because the brain doesn't develop that way.

Intuitive parents will look at their children's learning with a long-term perspective, and the effect is much better.

They focus on what the child is ready to learn and what is not suitable for learning, and think strategically: What knowledge and skills do children need to have by the age of 18?

It's a great thing if a child spends more time than normal to master important skills like reading, because in the long run it's much better than forcing your child to read before the time is right.

Coercion can inadvertently induce learning disabilities, and worse, may cause a child to hate learning for a lifetime.

There is absolutely no need for children to learn the pronunciation of the alphabet before the age of 3, but what is really important is that they can read fluently in adulthood, and if they can form an intimate relationship with words and love learning for life, it is even better.

Study Notes (71) 丨 Most mortals are nothing more than one lazy, two procrastinating, and three unwilling to read

3, how to get rid of control

Everyone may encounter control over relationships.

But remember, as an independent adult, you have the right to decide whether or not to get involved in this pattern of control and dependence.

Even people with a strong sense of control can be helpless against those who are independent and responsible for themselves.

And the more people who like to control, what they expect and look for is actually the object that is easiest to control.

4. Work that really has long-term value

Engaging in repetitive, rather than creative, physical or mental work for a long time is a crime against oneself.

There is only one kind of work that really has long-term value:

It is to indirectly or directly improve the efficiency of human beings' acquisition, processing, and storage of energy and information.

Many other things are a waste of life, no different from zombies.

In other words, once you find that there is something that others are doing better and more efficiently than you, you should stop your current process, strive to take advantage of other people's results, and build on it to do better.

Playing in the rules of the game built by others for a long time is easy to zombify, and the brain's mental model becomes everything to adapt to the rules of the game.

Without realizing it, the ability to influence and change the rules of the game is far more important than how to play the game.

Zombies don't mean stupid, on the contrary, in the environment in which they exist, zombie behavior patterns seem to be very efficient.

But once the environment and scene change, zombies do not have the consciousness to improve and adapt to the new environment and new scenes.

Study Notes (71) 丨 Most mortals are nothing more than one lazy, two procrastinating, and three unwilling to read

5. Mortal problems

The vast majority of us mortals, lamenting alone that we are not talented, not creating enough, or something, are actually illusions.

The problem boils down to nothing more than one lazy, two procrastinating, three unwilling to read, and so on.

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