
The sugar tolerance is not up to standard, what should the "sugar mother" do?

In the routine pregnancy test, there is a test called glucose tolerance screening Many pregnant mothers have heard of this test, not only to drink sweet sugar water, but also to draw blood three times...

Glucose tolerance screening, mainly to screen pregnant mothers whether they have gestational diabetes Many pregnant mothers feel that diabetes is far away from themselves, and glucose tolerance screening during pregnancy cannot be ignored!

The sugar tolerance is not up to standard, what should the "sugar mother" do?

What is a "glucose tolerance" test?

The full name for glucose tolerance is glucose tolerance screening (OGTT for short), which is an important test for diagnosing diabetes and helps to understand blood glucose levels.

Under normal circumstances, it is necessary to measure blood glucose on an empty stomach, drink a certain concentration of sugar water, measure blood sugar again after 2 hours, and combine the results to determine whether it is diabetes. But glucose tolerance screening during pregnancy is slightly different from normal.

Glucose tolerance screening during pregnancy, usually performed in the second and third trimesters of pregnancy, is best between 24 and 28 weeks of pregnancy. The pregnant mother's condition during this period is relatively stable, and the development of the fetus is also stable, which is suitable for blood glucose testing.

Diabetic harm in pregnancy

First, the impact on pregnant women. Elevated blood glucose in early pregnancy is prone to spontaneous abortion, fetal malformations, fetal development stoppage, and eventually miscarriage; elevated blood glucose during pregnancy leads to a decrease in maternal resistance, prone to various infections, especially genitourinary infections are the most common; diabetes can also lead to excessive amniotic fluid and fetal macrosomia, too much amniotic fluid can lead to premature water rupture and premature birth, fetal giant leads to difficult delivery, prolonged delivery, and increased caesarean section rate.

Second, the effect on the fetus. The incidence of fetal malformations in pregnant women with diabetes mellitus is 2 to 3 times that of non-diabetics. Hyperglycemia causes the fetus to grow too large, and macrosomia is not a sign of fetal maturity, but rather predicts dystocia, intracranial hemorrhage in newborns, clavicle fractures, brachial plexus strains, death asphyxia, higher forceps midwifery and caesarean section rates.

Third, the impact on newborns. Hyperglycemia leads to delayed fetal lung maturation, and neonatal respiratory distress syndrome, that is, hypoxia asphyxia, occurs at birth; hyperinsulinemia still exists in the body after the newborn leaves the maternal hyperglycemic environment, and hypoglycemia is prone to occur after birth.

The sugar tolerance is not up to standard, what should the "sugar mother" do?

How to prevent diabetes?

◢ If you can give birth early, you should not be an elderly mother. (Age≥ 35 years old is pregnant at an advanced age)

◢ Prevent gestational diabetes, pay attention to controlling diet and weight from the beginning of pregnancy, do not overeat, eat less foods with high glycemic index, especially to control fruit intake. Shut your mouth and spread your legs.

The sugar tolerance is not up to standard, what should the "sugar mother" do?

◢ Pregnant women with a family history of hereditary diabetes, as well as people in immediate family members who have suffered from such diseases, should pay special attention to detecting blood sugar and controlling diet.

How to do a glucose tolerance test?

Be sure to have an empty stomach

When doing glucose tolerance screening, pregnant mothers should ensure fasting for 8 to 14 hours, so it is recommended that pregnant mothers do not eat after dinner the day before the examination.

1. Pregnant mothers first draw blood from the veins on an empty stomach, and then immediately send them for testing to detect fasting blood glucose. (If fasting blood glucose is already higher than normal, there is no need to drink sugar to make sugar tolerance)

2. Pregnant mothers take sugar Method 1: Dissolve 1 packet of 75 grams of powdered syrup with 200-300 ml of warm water and drink it, drink the first bite of sugar water, and drink it within 5 minutes. Sugar taking method two: pour 75 grams of glucose injection into a cup and add 200-300 ml of water to dilute. Drink the first sip of sugar water meter time, within 5 minutes to drink.

3. 1 hour after taking sugar water, immediately after taking blood test.

4. 2 hours after taking the sugar water, take the blood test again.

The sugar tolerance is not up to standard, what should the "sugar mother" do?

Warm tips: Because of the fasting blood collection three times, often make pregnant mothers feel afraid and worried, in fact, the total amount of blood drawn 3 times is only 6 to 8ml, which will not affect the human body. Responsible for themselves, responsible for the baby, pregnant mothers must actively cooperate to do the examination. Because you have to start fasting the night before, pregnant mothers can bring their own snacks, and they can eat a little immediately after the test to replenish physical strength and prevent hypoglycemia.

What should I do if my blood sugar is high?

If the test results are high, pregnant mothers should not panic, detect early, and treat as soon as possible. Your doctor will give you reasonable advice and guidance, such as:

1. The first measure is dietary adjustment, that is, reasonable allocation of three meals a day, limit the intake of sugar and lipid foods, and eat more fresh vegetables;

2. Balanced nutrition, eat less and eat more meals, and ensure the intake of protein, vitamins and fiber at each meal;

3. Adhere to the appropriate amount of exercise, you can choose to go out for a walk half an hour after meals, you can also do some light and moderate aerobic exercise at home to consume some calories in the body and improve the prevention and treatment effect of gestational diabetes;

4. If the situation is serious, drug treatment can be carried out under the guidance of a doctor.

The sugar tolerance is not up to standard, what should the "sugar mother" do?

A glucose tolerance test is a test during pregnancy

One of the more important checks

Pregnant mothers should not take a chance

I felt that I did not have diabetes before I became pregnant

There certainly isn't going to be during pregnancy

That would be a big mistake

During pregnancy, you must carefully do every obstetric examination


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The sugar tolerance is not up to standard, what should the "sugar mother" do?
The sugar tolerance is not up to standard, what should the "sugar mother" do?
The sugar tolerance is not up to standard, what should the "sugar mother" do?
The sugar tolerance is not up to standard, what should the "sugar mother" do?
The sugar tolerance is not up to standard, what should the "sugar mother" do?

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