
How many weeks does sugar resistance do best? Sugar-resistant process and time? Sugar tolerance to pass, pregnant women remember 5 points


Friend Yu Yu is 20 weeks pregnant, to the time when she needs to do gestational diabetes, when she has a fetus, she makes a sugar sieve, and she passes the pass at one time, which is simply too easy.

When she had her second child, she thought that she was still doing sugar sieves, but the nurse said that she would do sugar directly, so she had to endure the nausea on an empty stomach and drink the cup of sweet sugar water that was difficult to swallow.

However, the nurse told her that she needed to draw blood 3 more times, and she was almost crying, and the sugar tolerance was really torturous.

There are two main means of screening gestational diabetes, one is glucose tolerance, and the other is sugar screening.

How many weeks does sugar resistance do best? Sugar-resistant process and time? Sugar tolerance to pass, pregnant women remember 5 points

What is the difference between sugar sieve and sugar resistance?

1. Sugar tolerance is higher than sugar sieve accuracy

Glucose tolerance is higher than the accuracy of sugar sieves, and pregnant women do it best at 24-28 weeks of pregnancy.

If the sugar sieve does not pass, continue to do sugar resistance, if you directly do sugar tolerance, then the sugar sieve does not have to be made.

2. The number of checks is different

Sugar sieve only needs to be tested once, glucose tolerance is 3-4 times blood draw, pregnant women do which one, need to be determined according to the requirements of the local hospital.

Sugar sieve: 50 grams of glucose powder dissolved in 200 ml of water, pregnant women need to drink within 3-5 minutes, an hour later, pregnant women should draw blood to test blood sugar.

If the results of the pregnant woman's sugar sieve are abnormal, further glucose tolerance testing is required. If the pregnant woman's sugar sieve results are normal, there is no need to do it again.

Glucose tolerance: draw blood once on an empty stomach, dissolve 75 grams of glucose powder in 300 ml of water, and drink within 5 minutes.

Pregnant women are required to draw blood once an hour, two hours and three hours each.

If two items are met or are greater than the standard value, or if the fasting blood glucose exceeds the standard twice, the possibility of gestational diabetes is relatively large. If only one item is greater than the standard value, the pregnant woman can recheck her glucose tolerance another day.

What should pregnant women do to successfully pass the glucose tolerance test?

Pregnant women need to start adjusting their diet two weeks in advance, and throughout pregnancy, pregnant women should also pay proper attention to diet, reduce blood sugar, and at the same time achieve the effect of weight loss and avoid excessive weight gain.

After all, a diet with high sugar content is easy to cause fetal and pregnant women to be obese, and macrosomia is extremely unfavorable to vaginal birth.

1. Pregnant women should eat less fruits with high sugar content, especially lychees, sugar cane, and watermelon.

Pregnant women can eat fruits that are low in sugar, such as kiwifruit, cucumbers, guavas, tomatoes, cherry tomatoes and so on.

How many weeks does sugar resistance do best? Sugar-resistant process and time? Sugar tolerance to pass, pregnant women remember 5 points

2. Pregnant women should eat less high-starch foods, especially pasta and porridge, and eat less high-fat products, such as chocolate and cola.

3. Pregnant women insist on walking for 1 hour a day, which can consume excess sugar in the body.

4. Pregnant women need to increase the intake of vegetables, 300-500 grams of vegetables, which can supplement vitamins and fiber.

How many weeks does sugar resistance do best? Sugar-resistant process and time? Sugar tolerance to pass, pregnant women remember 5 points

5. The day before the examination, pregnant women need to fast after 8 pm

When doing sugar screening, pregnant women should avoid sitting for a long time after drinking sugar water, and should get up and move around, exercise can accelerate the decomposition of sugar in pregnant women's bodies and reduce blood sugar concentration.

What should I do if my blood sugar is high in pregnant women?

Pregnant women prefer sweets, lack of effective exercise, in the long run, the more sugar in the body will accumulate more and more, not only pregnant women will be excessively obese, and blood sugar will be high, more likely to suffer from gestational diabetes.

When Xiaoya was pregnant for the first time, she also ate a lot of high-sugar fruits, but because she exercised every day, her blood sugar was normal.

Gestational diabetes is not terrible, as long as pregnant women need to regularly check blood sugar, adhere to exercise, blood sugar will slowly return to normal, mainly depending on the pregnant woman's own situation.

Pregnant women usually control the intake of sugar and control the diet, which will not affect the development of the fetus.

How many weeks does sugar resistance do best? Sugar-resistant process and time? Sugar tolerance to pass, pregnant women remember 5 points


Sugar sieves or glucose tolerance can be screened for gestational diabetes.

If pregnant women want to easily pass sugar tolerance, as long as they remember a word, it is to control their mouths, open their legs, and combine diet and exercise.

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