
Di Zhimin, the "emperor" of a village in Henan, said that "after I die, my children and grandchildren will succeed me!" ”

author:Captain Gong's notes

In dongsi village, Xinghua Town, Luoyang, Henan, there is a village branch secretary who calls himself "Emperor".

This person is Di Zhimin.

On weekdays, Di Zhimin was full of people and did no evil.

Not to mention robbing property in broad daylight, even the village police, he installed "his own people".

In the more than 10 years that Di Zhimin oppressed the people, he also said that he would rule the village for a hundred years.

When he died, he left the throne to his son and grandson to succeed him.

Moreover, Di Zhimin also has multiple identities.

On the surface, he is the village party secretary who leads the villagers to get rid of poverty and get rich, but in fact, he is the big brother of the "Eighteen Brotherhoods" involved in the gang...

Di Zhimin, the "emperor" of a village in Henan, said that "after I die, my children and grandchildren will succeed me!" ”

Figure 1 Di Zhimin

So, why is Di Zhimin so arrogant? What happened to him?

The beginning of the nightmare

Dongsi Village, controlled by Di Zhimin, is located in Xinghua Town, Luoyang City, Henan Province, 13 km from Xinghua Town.

It was such a small village that became the "capital city" of Di Zhimin's country.

In fact, as early as 1997, Di Zhimin had already begun to move his heart.

From a young age, he did not do his job, advocated violence to solve all problems, not only did not learn no skills, but also went out to fight and fight every day.

In the hearts of the villagers, he is a street rat, and everyone shouts and beats.

But such a rat has oppressed them for 12 years.

In 1997, the "Eighteen Brotherhood" was officially founded by Di Zhimin, who continued to recruit relatives and friends to expand the scale of this so-called "Brotherhood".

Di Zhimin, the "emperor" of a village in Henan, said that "after I die, my children and grandchildren will succeed me!" ”

Figure 2

By 2000, the "Eighteen Brotherhoods" had become a full-fledged underworld.

They ran amok in the village and even charged protection fees.

At this time, Di Zhimin also began to be dissatisfied with a small organization and began to extend his claws to the village committee.

The village committee has always been a very obstructive existence for Di Zhimin.

However, the cadres of the village committee all understood what kind of person Di Zhimin was, and they were reluctant to let him enter the village committee no matter what.

Therefore, the village committee can be said to be the biggest stumbling block on the road to Di Zhimin's "ascension to the throne".

In 2005, Dongsi Village will hold a new election for the village committee.

This moment became a major event related to the people's livelihood of the whole village, and the villagers were very concerned about this incident.

But what made them creepy and bothered them until 12 years later happened——— Di Zhimin appeared on the list of candidates for the change.

Di Zhimin, the "emperor" of a village in Henan, said that "after I die, my children and grandchildren will succeed me!" ”

Figure 3

In order to be elected, Di Zhimin can be described as painstaking.

He sent "subordinates" to knock on doors to "visit" and threaten the villagers to vote for him, both overtly and covertly.

Looking at the villagers who showed the light of fear in their eyes after he knocked on the door, Di Zhimin was full of confidence and thought that his election as the chairman of the village committee must be stable.

But when the election came, a result that made Di Zhimin furious appeared.

The one who got the most votes was Di Zhimin's rival Yang Cheng, and Di Zhimin himself received the least number of votes.

It turned out that the villagers, fearing di zhimin's retaliation, only promised to promise when Di Zhimin came to the door.

But when it comes to elections, no one wants Di Zhimin to be the chairman of his village committee.

After losing the election, Di Zhimin did not reflect on why he was not elected like a "good official", and he did not even bother to pretend.

Di Zhimin, the "emperor" of a village in Henan, said that "after I die, my children and grandchildren will succeed me!" ”

Figure 4

Immediately with the "brothers" to make a big fuss about the election, his son also came to power and directly tore the election box to vent his anger.

This is the first step to becoming an emperor, "establishing prestige."

In this way, under the nonsense of Di Zhimin, he shamelessly proclaimed himself "chairman of the village committee."

But the villagers were miserable, and they could only watch their already barren property being taken away, and they dared not speak out.


Before Di Zhimin forced the village party secretary to leave, in fact, the villagers had a good life.

However, Di Zhimin, who won the village chief by making a big fuss, was soon dissatisfied with the position and wanted more power and more money.

So he repeated the same trick, leading his own organizational brothers to the door of the village party secretary's office every day, at the door of the house, threatening and coercing.

Only to let the village party secretary resign and elect himself as the new village party secretary.

Di Zhimin, the "emperor" of a village in Henan, said that "after I die, my children and grandchildren will succeed me!" ”

Figure 5

Finally, under this heavy pressure, the village branch secretary who could not stand the threat and was older, as Di Zhimin wished, submitted a resignation report.

Di Zhimin, on the other hand, went with the flow and accepted the assignment of his superiors and became the new village party secretary.

And Di Zhimin not only expanded his evil forces in the village, his "Eighteen Brotherhood" was still growing.

On the one hand, he recruited personnel to join his own triad organization, and on the other hand, he promoted his "subordinates" to become village cadres.

His family, relatives, and cronies all became party members who "have real power, have real office, have real wealth, and have no real things" under his shadow, and have "three haves and one nothing", and wantonly solicit money.

There are a total of 33 party members in the village, of which Di Zhimin's cronies account for the vast majority.

In this way, the people really "smell the discoloration".

Di Zhimin, the "emperor" of a village in Henan, said that "after I die, my children and grandchildren will succeed me!" ”

Figure 6 Di Zhimin's house

Dongsi Village is a poor village at the national level, and the state often appoints some cadres to come down and issue subsidies.

At the same time as the visit, it will bring some eggs, rice, noodles, oil, and subsidize the livelihood of the villagers.

Di Zhimin would always pretend to be a "virtuous and good official" to the cadres sent from above.

He even followed the cadres to visit poor households door to door, personally delivered subsidies and food, and asked the poor households to pretend to love and respect him.

However, after the cadres left, Di Zhimin would go to the homes of poor households and loot the only grain he had, leaving only a little behind, which was simply not enough to feed the family.

It is not that no one resists, but after the resistance, only a light sentence can be obtained:

"What do you want all this for?" It's no use, enough to eat! Don't be too greedy! ”

Most of the poor households are women and children, and they cannot be enemies of Di Zhimin at all.

Di Zhimin, the "emperor" of a village in Henan, said that "after I die, my children and grandchildren will succeed me!" ”

Figure 7

If you resist too much, you can only suffer more serious retaliation, you can only knock out your teeth and swallow into your stomach, and you can't say anything bitter.

Not only withholding supplies, Di Zhimin will even occupy the playground of the motherland's newborn flowers.

Di Zhimin's home is very close to the village, and Di Zhimin often occupies the playground privately, which brings great trouble to the children.

Both classes and life have been greatly affected.

At first, there were elementary school students who went to look for Di Zhimin's theory.

Ke Di Zhimin was a bully, not only did he not have the spirit of respecting the elderly, but even a seven- or eight-year-old child showed no mercy and reached out and beat him.

The parents of the children are distressed about their children, and they dare not provoke Di Zhimin, so they can only warn their children to stay away from Di Zhimin, and the farther away the better.

Since then, no student has been willing to do justice.

Di Zhimin, the "emperor" of a village in Henan, said that "after I die, my children and grandchildren will succeed me!" ”

Figure 8 Villagers

The 12 years of Di Zhimin's "rule" have left a childhood shadow on countless children.

Their childhood was black, and above them stood a giant named Di Zhimin.

The principal of the village primary school could not see it and wanted to find Di Zhimin to protect the rights and interests of the children.

But before he could say anything, he was surrounded by the gang of "brothers" brought by Di Zhimin.

They pushed the headmaster to the ground:

"Do you deserve to talk to me?"

It is hard to imagine that this is the words spoken by a village party secretary who will deliver relief from house to house.

The villagers did not think of a way, wanted to find the village police to protect them, and no one wanted to be so oppressed.

However, after Di Zhimin took office, the village police were quickly replaced by Di Zhimin's son.

And his son's place of work is in his home, the bully and the bully's son, double insurance, cut off the back road of the village fathers and villagers.

Di Zhimin, the "emperor" of a village in Henan, said that "after I die, my children and grandchildren will succeed me!" ”

Figure 9

Di Zhimin's son, who has the support of someone behind him, intensified his bullying of the villagers after successfully taking charge of the village's police work.

In the fields, I often saw old uncles who were squeezed by him and then beaten.

Di Zhimin's son can be said to be more than him.

He often went to the villagers' homes to rob their belongings, smashing the cabinets, chairs, and tables in the house without giving them to them.

In such a poor village, all the villagers gave their money to Di Zhimin's son.

From top to bottom, layer by layer of exploitation, what fell into the hands of the villagers was only a grain of rice and a bunch of noodles.

It is really regrettable that the backbone of a gang of criminal syndicates and evil forces has become a police officer in the village.

The village committee was replaced every five years, and in 2010, the villagers who had survived the change of term thought that the hard days were over.

Di Zhimin, the "emperor" of a village in Henan, said that "after I die, my children and grandchildren will succeed me!" ”

Figure 10

Unexpectedly, Di Zhimin had already made all the preparations for "covering the sky with one hand".

In this way, Di Zhimin was re-elected, re-elected, and re-elected, and this re-election was 12 years.

The villagers' hard days are also 12 years.

Di Zhimin was not only unaware of his mistakes, but even proud of it, living like an "emperor" who sat firmly on a dragon chair.

He even said unashamedly:

"I'm dead and my son, my son is dead and my grandson is!"

In Di Zhimin's view, the Di family can "rule" the village for 100 years, 200 years, 500 years.

And even in this case, the wicked are still not punished, but do more and more, more and more.

In the seventh year of becoming the village secretary, Di Zhimin was elected as a deputy to the People's Congress of Luoning County.

Its influence spread throughout almost the entire dongsi village.

Di Zhimin, the "emperor" of a village in Henan, said that "after I die, my children and grandchildren will succeed me!" ”

Figure 11

Skynet recovered

Di Zhimin, who became more and more unscrupulous, not only used his power to withhold the villagers' relief goods, but also constantly squeezed the villagers' low security deposits.

A large amount of stolen money continued to flow into Di Zhimin's pocket, but this could not satisfy him.

Di Zhimin's family has a tobacco field.

He often forced the villagers to work for him in the tobacco fields, but he did not have a penny.

If some villagers wanted to refuse, Di Zhimin would call many brothers and surround them and beat them up, so that he would not have the strength to fight back before he stopped.

The bad things that Di Zhimin did were simply too numerous to read.

But "the sky net is restored, neglect is not leaked", where there is oppression, there is resistance.

Several oppressed villagers finally couldn't stand it, collected evidence, and posted Di Zhimin's crimes on the Internet.

However, this has unprovokedly affected the honest villagers——— Lei Haisheng.

Di Zhimin, the "emperor" of a village in Henan, said that "after I die, my children and grandchildren will succeed me!" ”

Figure 13

The news that someone sent the evidence to the Internet quickly reached Di Zhimin's ears, which made Di Zhimin very uneasy.

So he vented all his resentment on his neighbor Lei Haisheng.

One day, when Lei Haisheng returned home, he was blocked by Di Zhimin and others.

Those people pressed Lei Haisheng to the ground and refused to stop until they were beaten to the ground.

In the end, the villagers sent Lei Haisheng to the hospital and stayed in the intensive care unit for a long time.

Such an encounter was not only experienced by Lei Haisheng alone.

Everyone tolerated Di Zhimin for too long and too long, and finally they were willing to resist after this incident, unwilling to let such a bully step on their heads as a blessing.

Therefore, under the collective report of the villagers, Di Zhimin was finally arrested and arrested in 2017.

In August 2018, the Intermediate People's Court of Luoyang City, Henan Province, publicly tried the case of the Di Zhimin gang in accordance with the law.

Di Zhimin, the "emperor" of a village in Henan, said that "after I die, my children and grandchildren will succeed me!" ”

Figure 14

Di Zhimin was also sentenced to 22 years' imprisonment in accordance with the law.

The others in the gang also have their own corresponding punishments, and the ending is satisfactory and everything is good.

And Di Zhimin also showed a look of trepidation and uneasiness in the courtroom, and finally bowed his head and confessed.

New life

Soon, the new village chief Cheng Xiangtao took up his post in Dongsi Village.

He was humble, sincere and friendly, and as soon as he took office, he visited the villagers and listened carefully to their needs.

Practically improve the work of the village committee and provide a better life for the villagers.

Lei Haisheng, who was beaten by Di Zhimin, was also responsible for the police work in the village.

The shadow that weighed on everyone's head finally dissipated, replaced by infinite sunshine and new life.

Di Zhimin, the "emperor" of a village in Henan, said that "after I die, my children and grandchildren will succeed me!" ”

Figure 15