
Highly recommend selling Uzi! BLG continued to consume Uzi, the coaching staff ignored Uzi, and netizen fans were angry

author:Wind Man Nursery

Last year's transfer period, as the world's first ADC player Uzi is also in the silence of two years after a comeback, the heat is full, the row is full, BLG is also rubbed to a lot of traffic and benefits, I thought Uzi will show its skills since then, but the 2022 LPL spring season is more than halfway through, Uzi also only played two games, for this operation, netizen fans are also intolerable, shouting BPG summer game to quickly transfer Uzi out, what's going on, let's take a look at it!

Highly recommend selling Uzi! BLG continued to consume Uzi, the coaching staff ignored Uzi, and netizen fans were angry

As we all know, Uzi's influence in the LPL is absolutely top-notch, and his influence comes from his personal strength. At the peak of UZI, there are only a few professional players who can compete with him head-on, although for various reasons, he has to choose to retire to rest, even so, he still maintains a good competitive state, insists on high-end round Rank at home, does not let his strength withdraw, and strives to be able to come back one day, and it turns out that his strength has not been greatly affected by retirement, but it is continuously consumed, which makes people angry!

Highly recommend selling Uzi! BLG continued to consume Uzi, the coaching staff ignored Uzi, and netizen fans were angry

Now halfway through the spring, Uzi has only played in two games against IG, although the game was lost, but Uzi did not lose, his AD performance has been full, playing a nearly perfect performance. The BRG seems to turn a blind eye, the coaching staff directly ignores Uzi's performance, and the later game Uzi never appears on the field again, it seems that against the IG game, BLG is also forced by public pressure. Such an operation makes netizens very dissatisfied, some netizens directly said that the summer game sold Uzi, hurry up and go out! Either the coaching staff will be replaced, or the Uzi will be replaced!

Highly recommend selling Uzi! BLG continued to consume Uzi, the coaching staff ignored Uzi, and netizen fans were angry

Personally, I think that from the BRG and IG matches, Uzi does not seem to be welcomed by teammates, no one cares about Uzi's death and death in every team battle, whether it is the coaching team BP or the operation decision of teammates, it is the same, it seems to deliberately let Uzi play and then lose the game, which is difficult to accept, and then Uzi is directly pressed on the bench, a battle-hardened top ADC is so crazy pulled to earn traffic, it is really unbearable, the anger of netizens is also reasonable, I really hope that BRG can directly sell Uzi, and it is estimated that Uzi has not been so angry.