
Interview with Jiang Hao, a revolutionary predecessor of the Taiyuan Old District Construction Promotion Association for the 30th anniversary of the establishment of the Association

author:Taiyuan Old Area Construction Promotion Association

Author: Niu Aike Taiyuan Old District Construction Promotion Association

Jiang Hao, male, surname Chang, real name Chang Youqian, after participating in revolutionary work for the needs of family and work, pseudonym Jiang Hao, born on May 27, 1930, Taiyuan City, Xiaodian District Liujiapu Township Luoyang Village; the former Taiyuan County No. 3 (school site in Beige, referred to as Beige Sangao) high school graduates, primary school education. In 1944, he lived in the Qingkang School, and after graduating, he joined the revolutionary work; he joined the Communist Party of China during the Liberation War. He participated in the Battle of Taiyuan Liberation and the Battle of bandits in the Great Northwest, participated in the War to Resist US Aggression and Aid Korea after liberation, was wounded in battle, and was a second-class and first-class disabled soldier; fought and worked in Korea for 8 years, and returned to China in 1958. In 1963, he transferred to Taiyuan. In 1992, he retired from the Xiaodian District People's Congress and was treated at the department level.

14. After the Armistice of Korea

On July 27, 1952, the Dprk negotiations were signed at Panmunjom, and the armistice agreement came into effect, thus ending the War to Resist US Aggression and Aid Korea. Although there is a truce, it is not certain whether there will be another fight. The United States organized a 16-nation United Nations army, which was actually based on his Eighth Army. A battalion in that country, a brigade in that country, and a medical team (like India) are said to have lost more than 330,000 people in this war, and the number of steel and property losses is staggering. The United States, which was fishing for oil and water in World War II and making a windfall, suffered such heavy losses in the Korean battlefield, which was the highest record of war losses in the more than two hundred years since the founding of the United States, so the US Eighth Army and the commander-in-chief of the United Nations Army, headed by Clarke, had to sign at the Panmunjom negotiating table. The War to Resist US Aggression and Aid Korea has finally triumphed!

We retreated two kilometers from the 38th line, reconstructed the fortifications, and after leaving the tunnel, we were full of energy and raised our eyebrows. But most people have not enjoyed the sun for a long time, and the next day they see that the sun is soft like the patient, and after a few days, they gradually adapt. Life in the harsh environment of the war years is finally over. During this time, the domestic organization of condolence groups to the front of the condolences, in addition to accepting condolences is to watch the drama, indeed a good life. Eating and drinking are all domestically produced high-grade products, quite interesting, it can be said that we are the loveliest people, at this time is also the happiest people. Everywhere he was respected from the bottom of his heart. Especially when returning to Anton (Dandong), he is even higher than the people in society. I remember the first time I went home to visit my relatives, when I arrived at Taiyuan Station, the crowd gathered around to ask long questions and short questions, and gave us the greatest preferential treatment, and they regarded us as the most lovely people.

Recalling the combat life of the Korean battlefield is indeed thrilling. But at that time, I was in my twenties, and I was not afraid of death, and I was still afraid of something. People say that the civil war is cruel, but it cannot be compared with the Korean War. After five battles and a return to the 38th Parallel, it finally got better. But the supply still can't keep up, there is only one reason, we are backward, the means of transportation can not go up, the close distance is still using horse-drawn carriages, and a little closer is manpower. So each company had a front row, which was actually a human transport team. These comrades worked harder, going out every night, going in and out of the rain of guns and bullets, and in the event of weather changes, the danger of their activities was less. For example, if it is windy and rainy, the enemy is lazy to block, so the front row is more frequent and the payment is greater.

We had something to eat at the front, not only with the support of the people in the rear, but also with the sweat and blood of the commanders and fighters in the front row. Before the battle began, it was they and the telephone soldiers and the communication soldiers who died. As soon as you go out, you are in danger of losing your head, and it is the greatest happiness to be able to come back. The credit of the volunteers, they have a very heavy share, they are unknown. Nightly activities are on the enemy's blockade line, and life is indeed in danger. But these ordinary and arduous tasks can only be directly and profoundly understood by those of us who are soldiers in the forward positions. A comrade-in-arms has not returned, sometimes even the body can not be found, sometimes can pick a few pieces of meat or ears, half amputated arms, etc., really miserable! Who but our commanders and fighters can withstand this pressure? Situations like this, for me, have been encountered more than thirty or fifty times. I sighed from the bottom of my heart, I finally came back, and they slept silently in a foreign land, who added soil and went to the grave? Although I suffered many unpleasant things after returning, and even got angry, the thought of these comrades made my anger half gone. Without their sacrifice and dedication, I would never have lived to be now, nor would I have been so healthy, nor would I have been a survivor. This kind of mood is a manifestation of my personal feelings.

The Volunteer Army has entered the annals of glorious history, and I am extremely proud to join this rank. He lived and fought in North Korea for nearly eight years. The volunteers were on the battlefield, and when the enemy shouted, they called us communists. In fact, this name cannot be wrong, and it is true that the War to Resist US Aggression and Aid Korea and defend the family and the country is indeed the case. In the fifties, enemies at home and abroad hated us and were eager to kill us all at once. Unlike now, the world is quieter and can coexist peacefully. At that time, there was no peace at home and abroad. This was the reason for the outbreak of the Korean War, which was to eliminate the forces of the Communist Party. This is the real reason why the US military launched the war.

The army under the leadership of the Communist Party has strong political and ideological work, has the spirit of bearing hardships and standing hard work, and is self-reliant in everything it does. The Chinese Army is the most bitter and powerful in the world. After the armistice, we retreated two kilometers, put down our guns and artillery and turned into engineers, built tunnels, fortifications, and built our own barracks. Except for the people's army, the armies of other countries in the world cannot be like ours. The barracks in North Korea were built by ourselves. It's not a tall building, but it's good enough. Toiling and enjoying themselves, feeling incomparably noble, glorious, and proud, especially in rebuilding their homes in the rubble and ruins, the volunteers exerted a great deal of strength. The high-rise buildings in Pyongyang City, the wide Stalin Road, Zhuqing Road, and the first-class Pyongyang Railway Station in Asia have the painstaking efforts and sweat of the volunteer army. What country's army can accomplish the task of both fighting and building?

We have fought with weapons from the 30s and 40s and 1950s mechanized troops for many years, and we can put down our guns and become engineers to engage in construction, which is a rare army in the world. The great achievements of the volunteer army have left traces in Korea that will never be extinguished. No one can wipe it out. Therefore, the rock-like unity of the Chinese and DPRK people is not excessive. After the ceasefire, I became the chief of the training section in the division artillery department, and then became a senior staff member (the section chief was abolished), when I didn't care about anything, the official addiction was not big, and I developed the habit of managing one person by oneself. It is good to be a chief, and it is good to be a staff officer, but in my mind it does not matter. But in the nearly one or two years since North Korea arrived home, I was very bored because the domestic military lives in big cities and lives much better than ours.

We live in a ravine in North Korea, our material and spiritual lives are much worse, we watch one or two movies a week, or we go to the mountains and go to the military service agency, and our lives are monotonous, so we miss returning to China. In life in North Korea, vegetables are not as good as at home. The same supply standard is not as good as the Platon's liberation army at home. Therefore, people's thoughts and emotions are somewhat disgusted with life in the mountains. But when will I be able to return to my country? Not even a shadow. Soldiers take obedience to orders as their duty, although their families can come and go, they can live, but the cost of travel, for a soldier, has become an additional burden. In particular, junior officers (platoon, company commanders) have the deepest experience. In North Korea, the staple food is southern rice, usually there are not many meat dishes, there are many northerners in the army, and northerners love to eat noodles, but eating white noodles has also become a problem, such as eating a meal of white noodles, and per capita can eat one pound and two or two. And eating rice, four or two is enough. The standards of food supply after the ceasefire, like those of domestic troops, have dropped considerably lower than they did before the ceasefire. Therefore, many people are uneasy about living in North Korea. In addition, after the implementation of military ranks, officers are allowed to find objects, and the time for returning to China to give leave is short and there are restrictions, so young people in particular are even more uneasy. The war-weariness of the year or two before I came back was more serious. In August 1958, instructions were finally given to return home.