
Ji Ruxue's back is really white, Zhang Zifan left only for a secret mission! Luo Xiaobei is the new bad handsome?

author:The Age of Rambling

The pirate did not know Wang Luffy, so he called the hero in vain! Hello everyone, I'm Oolong Jun and double-clicking here again~

Ji Ruxue's back is really white, Zhang Zifan left only for a secret mission! Luo Xiaobei is the new bad handsome?

NO.1 【Ji Ruxue's back is really white】

After Old Li and Ji Ruxue met, they found Ji Ruxue's injuries, so they began to heal their injuries, but what had to be admired was that Old Li's recent boldness was getting bigger and bigger, obviously he couldn't heal the injuries without taking off his clothes, but Old Li said that the effect of wearing clothes and needles was not good, and he had to let Ji Ruxue take off his clothes, you said that this heartbreak was crazy

Ji Ruxue's back is really white, Zhang Zifan left only for a secret mission! Luo Xiaobei is the new bad handsome?

This is put before, Ji Ruxue has already slapped and greeted, but this time he obediently withdrew his clothes, so that Li Xingyun could fully appreciate his beautiful back, and had to say, it was really fragrant

Sure enough, Ji Ruxue is really falling now, maybe he can really see the monkeys of the two people!

NO.2 【Zhang Zifan's Secret Mission】

Then after the two of them got intimate, they talked about what they had done in the past few days, and it was also a coincidence that both of them were invariably saving bad people everywhere, but the record was a bit miserable, so many cities, there were not even ten bad people saved by Old Li and Ji Ruxue...

Ji Ruxue's back is really white, Zhang Zifan left only for a secret mission! Luo Xiaobei is the new bad handsome?

And Ji Ruxue originally thought that Xiao Shimei and Zhang Zifan had also gone to save the bad guys, but when he asked him, he knew that the two had actually parted ways on the grounds that "the Tao is different and do not conspire", but looking at Li Xingyun's expression, he should have explained something, but he was stopped by Ji Ruxue.

Ji Ruxue's back is really white, Zhang Zifan left only for a secret mission! Luo Xiaobei is the new bad handsome?

The question is precisely here, what does Old Li want to explain? Wu Longjun thought that Lao Li and Zhang Zifan could not really fall out, of course, he would not talk to Ji Ruxue and hide it, so the only possibility was that the two did not think the same way.

Ji Ruxue's back is really white, Zhang Zifan left only for a secret mission! Luo Xiaobei is the new bad handsome?

Most of Old Li's thoughts were to save the bad people in the world and kill Li Siyuan together, and then set up a bad handsome man to retire, Zhang Zifan naturally did not have any idea of retiring from the merits, his purpose was also very simple, that is, to kill Li Siyuan, the enemy who killed his father, but his combat strength was honestly even Old Li was not an opponent, and the Tianshifu did not recover its vitality, so he mostly wanted to re-cultivate and then reorganize the Tianshifu to kill Li Siyuan.

Ji Ruxue's back is really white, Zhang Zifan left only for a secret mission! Luo Xiaobei is the new bad handsome?

To put it simply, old Li is now bent on the so-called world, so he who leaves Maolu is no longer him. Zhang Zifan only has a family vendetta, so the two of them are different and do not conspire, even if the purpose is the same, but the process will most likely not meet.

NO.3 【Luo Xiaobeicheng new bad handsome】

In addition to Lao Li and Zhang Zifan, there is also a male protagonist this season, he is Luo Xiaobei, although it seems that Luo Xiaobei is still very good, but it should be known that he is the only bad person who escaped from Luoyang, and he is also a person who holds a bad flag, that is to say, Luo Xiaobei is more qualified to compete for bad coaches.

Ji Ruxue's back is really white, Zhang Zifan left only for a secret mission! Luo Xiaobei is the new bad handsome?

Many people think that Li Xingyun should be a new bad coach, but in fact, the possibility of this situation is still very low, people are heavenly sons, no matter what bad people think of him, it is impossible to make him a new bad coach, and from the scene of this season, it is Luo Xiaobei, but I don't know when he can have this ability to carry it.

Ji Ruxue's back is really white, Zhang Zifan left only for a secret mission! Luo Xiaobei is the new bad handsome?

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