
Supplement cod liver oil, newborns also need, how to do bao mom to know

For a newborn, the delicacy and fragility of their bodies are worth every mother to guard their side at all times, especially pay attention to the lack of nutrition for them. Some people say I'm breastfeeding, what else do I need to do? All I need to eat more is that.

Supplement cod liver oil, newborns also need, how to do bao mom to know

But in fact, this is not the case, when children are born at home, they often lack a lot of nutrients to maintain growth and development, such as cod liver oil. Why do they need extra cod liver oil for even newborn children?

The World Health Organization proposed that when the baby is still a fetus, their storage of vitamin D is very low, and because of this, in every newborn child, there may be a lack of vitamin D, of course, want to supplement the child's vitamin D, more children in the sun is naturally the best choice, but when the child is born just in the winter, I believe that every mother can not take the child to the winter snow. However, children who lack vitamin D are prone to the corresponding diseases, such as breathing difficulties, such as rickets and so on.

Supplement cod liver oil, newborns also need, how to do bao mom to know

At this time, it is extremely important to supplement the child with some vitamin D and vitamin A in moderation, and cod liver oil has these two ingredients at the same time, and vitamin A is still very good for the eyes. However, even if you want to give your child cod liver oil, you also need parents to give your child an appropriate amount, which is less purposeful and more likely to cause a burden on the child's body.

How to choose cod liver oil for your child? We do not recommend buying it for children, the price is more expensive, because it may add a lot of other nutrients, and these substances may not have too much effect on the child's physical needs.

Supplement cod liver oil, newborns also need, how to do bao mom to know

Some people say that my baby is too small, he will not say cod liver oil, of course, does not mean that the child should be fed cod liver oil as soon as the child is born, the correct supply time should be after the 15th day after the baby is born. At this time, the mother's breast milk is still very sufficient, coupled with the balance of cod liver oil, the child's body nutrition will at least not be lacking.

In addition, families with twins should be provided with vitamin A and vitamin D in a timely manner, or directly to the child's cod liver oil. If the baby is born in the summer, then we can use the opportunity of sun exposure to increase the amount of vitamin D in the child.

For example, after we feed the baby, we can carry the child to the yard to bask in the sun, this kind of sun exposure is not to cure the child, the sun exposure, so noon and three o'clock in the afternoon before the time is not suitable for taking the child to bask in the sun, it may cause the child's ultraviolet allergy or sunburn, the child's skin.

Supplement cod liver oil, newborns also need, how to do bao mom to know

In the process of basking in the sun, the mother should pay attention to protecting the child's eyes, the child's eyes can not face the sun, which will be very harmful to the child's eyes.

On the road to parenting, we are all novices, how to take better care of children, you can pay attention to me, and discuss with me those things on the road to parenting.

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