
A clear picture of the character of the leaders of the former Soviet Union, ukraine's relations with Russia

author:History of Yaxin

#有哪些鲜为人知的历史事实 #

This number does not have the qualifications to publish news and politics, but reality and history are always inseparable, pay attention to the early series of articles in this number, and sort out the enmity and resentment between Ukraine and Russia from the beginning, this time talking about the Russian-Ukrainian relations during the Soviet period. If you think of the Soviet Union as a father, then Russia is the eldest in the family, Ukraine is the second oldest, and belarus and other brothers.

On December 30, 1922, the Soviet Union was formed, bringing these brothers together in a federation that included Russia, Ukraine, Belarus, and the Transcaucasian republics.

Under the jurisdiction of the Soviet father, the second brother Ukraine was almost on an equal footing with the eldest brother Russia. Moreover, for the sake of his own authority, Dad always attacked and sacrificed the rights and interests of the strongest and most capable eldest son.

A clear picture of the character of the leaders of the former Soviet Union, ukraine's relations with Russia

At that time, the Soviet father's own son Ukraine was today's Eastern Ukraine, and Western Ukraine was still in Poland.

In the 1930s, Soviet dads wanted to vigorously develop heavy industry and build weapons, fearing that sooner or later so many rich and powerful neighbors around them would bully them. But there was no money in the family, the father asked the sons to hand over all the private property, take out snacks, earn money to buy weapons materials, and dad also wanted others to think that he was a rich, responsible parent, and sent this to many distant relatives and neighbors.

But soon, the sons were too hungry to stand up straight.

The Great Famine of 1932-1933 in Ukraine starved millions of people, of whom about 3-3.5 million died in Ukraine and 4 million in Russia.

A clear picture of the character of the leaders of the former Soviet Union, ukraine's relations with Russia

The father of the family is too scary, the sons dare to be angry, starvation is slowly happening, and what is even more terrifying is that the original health is ended in the blink of an eye. Later, the eldest brother died, and the second brother counted the new hatred and old hatred on the head of the eldest brother. Without Dad's suppression, the brothers began to quarrel constantly.

After the collapse of the Soviet Union, Ukraine put these hatreds on Russia's head, because the largest piece of the Soviet Union was Russia, the Soviet Union's land area was 22 million square kilometers, Russia accounted for 17 million square kilometers, Ukraine accounted for 600,000 square kilometers, and Belarus only had 200,000 square kilometers.

Russia is the heir of the Soviet Union, the father's debt is repaid, and the inheritance should also be returned to the heir. Putin said in a conversation on February 21, 2022, that after the dissolution of the Soviet Union, Russia alone repaid the debts of the former Soviet Union, but Ukraine wanted to divide up the legacy of the former Soviet Union and claim compensation from Russia.

A clear picture of the character of the leaders of the former Soviet Union, ukraine's relations with Russia

This is the last word, and we will continue to talk about what happened after the Great Famine.

In 1939, it was an autumn when Germany launched an offensive against Poland, opening the curtain on World War II. Don't blame the Soviet Union for not saving Poland, the two of them have almost a blood feud for generations, the Russo-Polish War was fought year after year, after which I launched a series of Russo-Polish war articles.

Germany knew their contradictions and had long since made a secret agreement with the Soviet Union: Neither of us would fight anyone, I would fight from the west, you would fight from the east, and after the fight we would divide it equally.

A clear picture of the character of the leaders of the former Soviet Union, ukraine's relations with Russia

On September 1, 1939, the Germans quickly occupied western Poland, and the whole world was shocked and condemned. On 17 September, the Soviet Union solemnly announced to the world: The Western Ukrainians and Russians of Poland are my brothers, and we are going to free them from the Germans and march into eastern Poland.

In October 1939, Poland, which had been caught between the east and the west by two powerful neighbors, ceased to exist.

Germany took the western part of Poland, the Soviet Union took the east, and took western Ukraine in one fell swoop.

A clear picture of the character of the leaders of the former Soviet Union, ukraine's relations with Russia

Russians have always had a Slavic complex in their hearts, at least the East Slavic complex, Great Russia, Little Russia, Belarus, these are three East Slavic brothers, my brother can only cover me, only I can bully, others can't!

As you know, Hitler finally turned his face to Stalin, did not recognize the original contract, he wanted to fight the Soviet Union. And the Western Ukrainians, who were snatched up by the Soviet Union, they didn't think like the Russians, they felt that they were Westerners, at least they were pure-bred descendants of the ancient Kievan Rus', the Russian race was not pure, when the Mongols ruled them, they mixed with the blood of the Mongols, and they were cross-bred.

A clear picture of the character of the leaders of the former Soviet Union, ukraine's relations with Russia

The Western Ukrainians ostracized the Russians, and they helped the Germans fight the Red Army, which was one of the main reasons for the extraordinary difficulties in the early days of the Great Patriotic War in the Soviet Union. In 1941, the Germans occupied Kiev and the Red Army was forced to abandon almost all of Ukraine. On November 6, 1943, Soviet troops retake Kiev from the Germans. The fighting people have earned the respect of the whole world.

After the victory of World War II, the territory of Ukraine was expanded as never before, encompassing various traditional Ukrainian areas that originally belonged to Poland, Czechoslovakia and Romania, which is the territory of today's Ukraine.

Indeed, it was the Soviet Union that helped Ukraine achieve national unity. It also has to be admitted that war is the most important means of redrawing territories.

A clear picture of the character of the leaders of the former Soviet Union, ukraine's relations with Russia

Fast forward the back:

In 1953, Big Daddy Stalin died. After a reshuffle, Khrushchev became the second father, he had been a parent official in Ukraine before 1929, when he heard that the Ukrainians had suffered such a big loss in the great famine, he was very distressed, and gave Crimea to Ukraine as compensation, the largest population in Crimea is the Russian ethnic group, they are not close to Ukraine.

After the second father is in charge, take stock of the bottom of the family, there are so many powerful weapons in the family, if you fight with the sworn enemy of the United States, it is going to destroy the whole world, such a battle no one dares to fight, since no one dares to fight in mutual restraint, let's make peace, is it not good to be friends?

A clear picture of the character of the leaders of the former Soviet Union, ukraine's relations with Russia

The second father, Khrushchev, especially wanted to establish good relations with those rich countries in the West, and always ran to other people's homes, and as a result, the second father was tricked by them, and people did not regard him as a friend.

Later, after the third father Brezhnev came to power, he not only engaged in the Cold War, but also cleaned up the brothers who did not listen to his own words one by one, and one of them simply turned against him in the east, and first cleaned up the little minions he had planted under his feet.

The third father's brain can be rigid, and always love others to praise him, afraid that others will not be able to praise the idea, he hung dozens of cards on his chest to show his merits, he created a Guinness record, "the world's most medal-winning person."

A clear picture of the character of the leaders of the former Soviet Union, ukraine's relations with Russia

The third father is a Ukrainian, he has been working for 19 years, armed Ukraine, built many large factories in Ukraine. Ukraine was quite important in the Soviet Union.

At the end of 1982, the third father died, and the Soviet Union was about to fall apart. Contradictory, press the gourd to scoop up. After a few temporary butlers, Gorbachev came to power, he always said that his family was a mess, he always wanted to be friends with the rich countries in the West, and as a result, in his hands, the Soviet Union fell apart.

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