
Overnight rescue of 2 less than 40-year-old heart attack patients, do not want to have a heart attack before the age of 40, these 8 do not occupy!

Last night, there were 2 patients with myocardial infarction, one 38 years old and one 36 years old.

Why are there more and more young people with myocardial infarction? What can we do to prevent myocardial infarction in young people?

Overnight rescue of 2 less than 40-year-old heart attack patients, do not want to have a heart attack before the age of 40, these 8 do not occupy!

Let's start with a brief look at these two cases:

Case 1:

A 38-year-old man, at 1 a.m., Mr. Zhou had just laid down (from outside to drink before coming home), felt chest tightness and held his breath, did not take it seriously at first, rolled over himself, opened the window to breathe. However, the symptoms of chest tightness and breath holding did not alleviate. I thought I had drunk too much, and then sat on the sofa for half an hour, but my chest tightness was getting heavier and heavier, and at the same time I felt that my brain was full of wet cold sweat, and my head was dizzy. Only then did he realize that he was "going to be bad" and quickly let his family hit 120.

Overnight rescue of 2 less than 40-year-old heart attack patients, do not want to have a heart attack before the age of 40, these 8 do not occupy!

After 120 arrived, the ECG prompted: acute anterior wall myocardial infarction, heart rate 110 beats / min. Blood pressure 160/100 mmHg is measured, and nitroglycerin is given immediately to reduce blood pressure and dilate blood vessels. At the same time, aspirin 300 mg and tigrelor 180 mg were given oral antiplatelet aggregation.

While carrying Mr. Zhou to the 120 car, he contacted the chest pain center at the same time and asked the hospital to prepare for rescue.

Admission to the hospital angiography found that the left rear blood vessel of Mr. Zhou's heart, that is, the gyratory branch blockage, the guide wire passed, the balloon was dilated, the stent was implanted, the blood flow was restored, the patient's symptoms gradually eased, and the patient was sent back to the intensive care unit.

Later, the blood test returned, Mr. Zhou's blood glucose was 14.5mmol/L, LDL cholesterol was 4.5mmol/L, and triglycerides were 5.5mmol/L.

Mr. Zhou usually likes to go out to drink a few drinks, naturally inseparable from smoke, weight is obese, never active, often after 12 o'clock to sleep.

Case 2:

Mr. Liu, 36 years old, at 5 a.m., woke up with chest pain in his sleep, sweating heavily, did not delay for a minute, and immediately called his family to dial 120.

Blood pressure was measured at 90/50 mmHg after 120 arrived, and an electrocardiogram showed acute inferior myocardial infarction, with a heart rate of 44 beats per minute. Immediate boost, rehydration, and oral aspirin 300 mg and tigrelor 180 mg are given.

Overnight rescue of 2 less than 40-year-old heart attack patients, do not want to have a heart attack before the age of 40, these 8 do not occupy!

The catheterization chamber is activated, and the patient is directly sent into the catheterization chamber for angiography, which finds that the blood vessel opening on the right side of the patient's heart is blocked, the guide wire passes through, the balloon is dilated, and the stent is implanted. Blood flow is restored, the patient's symptoms gradually ease, and the patient is sent back to the intensive care unit.

Later, the blood test returned, Mr. Liu's blood glucose was 11.5mmol/L, LDL cholesterol was 4.7mmol/L, and triglycerides were 5.0mmol/L.

Mr. Liu usually smokes 1 pack a day, is overweight, never exercises, and never controls his diet.

We found that without these two heart attack patients under the age of 40, there are many things in common:

Depressed cholesterol is high, triglycerides are high, blood sugar is high, all are fat, do not exercise, all smoke.

These are actually the main factors for myocardial infarction in young people, so the more these factors, the more likely people are to develop myocardial infarction:

1, smoking and drinking, 2, eating and drinking, 3, sedentary, 4, overweight and obesity, 5, staying up late under pressure, 6, high blood pressure, 7, diabetes, 8, hyperlipidemia.

We understand these 8 main factors, so to prevent myocardial infarction, or not want to have myocardial infarction before the age of 40, we must start from these 8 points:

1. Smoke and drink

Overnight rescue of 2 less than 40-year-old heart attack patients, do not want to have a heart attack before the age of 40, these 8 do not occupy!

Smoking in 25-44 years old is 16.7%, and smoking can increase the risk of coronary heart disease by 1 times, the risk of sudden heart disease death by 2 times, and shorten life expectancy by about 10 years.

Long-term smoking will aggravate atherosclerosis, increase vascular plaque, and a large amount of smoking will also induce plaque rupture, forming a blood clot, resulting in myocardial infarction.

The study found that quitting before age 40 reduced the risk of smoking-related death by 90%.

If smoking is harmful to health, there is a consensus (although most smokers know this truth, they still can't quit.) )。 However, drinking alcohol is currently considered harmless and even beneficial by many people. In fact, a large number of studies have confirmed that drinking alcohol, especially excessive diet, does not bring benefits to the body. Conversely, drinking alcohol will raise blood pressure, speed up heart rate, increase blood lipids, and aggravate atherosclerosis.

Both young men smoked, and one of them drank heavily.

2, eat the sea and drink

Overnight rescue of 2 less than 40-year-old heart attack patients, do not want to have a heart attack before the age of 40, these 8 do not occupy!

In fact, eating and drinking is not as simple as big fish and big meat all day.

Long-term unhealthy diet, oil, salt and sugar exceed the standard, like fat, fried food, too much fine grain; coupled with insufficient intake of vegetables and fruits, etc. These are unhealthy diets.

Healthy diet is to limit fried food, fatty food, offal food, obesity, pigs, beef and mutton and other red meat; control the salt, eat less of various desserts, carbonated drinks, etc.; at the same time reduce the steamed buns, rice and other fine grains, add some corn, millet, beans, potatoes and other coarse grains. Make sure that there are vegetables in the meal, fruits every day, and the meat is mainly fish, chicken, etc., and the dairy products and nuts are appropriately supplemented.

Such a diet is a healthy diet, which is conducive to the prevention of cardiovascular disease.

3. Sedentary

The simplest reason for sitting and inactive for a long time is that blood circulation slows down, and in the long run, it will increase the risk of three highs and cardiovascular disease.

Studies have found that sedentary inactivity is no less harmful than diabetes, so we have always encouraged exercise. These two patients usually never exercised, resulting in them both having three highs, both obese, and eventually both had myocardial infarction.

Overnight rescue of 2 less than 40-year-old heart attack patients, do not want to have a heart attack before the age of 40, these 8 do not occupy!

4. Overweight and obesity

The reason why both people are fat is actually very simple, that is, eating "well" and not exercising. If you think about eating it without exercising and not consuming it, then it will naturally turn into fat accumulation in the body.

We can see the fat, we can see the big belly, but we can't see inside the blood vessels. Fat meat is caused by eating too much too much oil, too fine, too sweet and too salty, coupled with no exercise. Then we can't see the blood vessels, in fact, will also produce "vascular garbage", that is, vascular plaques, to put it in layman's terms, this is the "fat meat" in the vasculars.

5, stay up late pressure is high

One of the main factors in sudden death or myocardial infarction in young and middle-aged people is staying up late or/and stressful.

Young people, active or passive, can't sleep or work in the middle of the night, resulting in a decrease in immunity, an increase in the three risks, and an increased risk of cardiovascular disease. At the same time, many people have heavy tasks, hard work, overtime, and various pressures, which will also lead to an increased risk of myocardial infarction.

Overnight rescue of 2 less than 40-year-old heart attack patients, do not want to have a heart attack before the age of 40, these 8 do not occupy!

6. Hypertension

Mr. Zhou has high blood pressure, this is clear; whether Mr. Liu has high blood pressure, we do not know, you will definitely say that it is not low blood pressure when he is admitted to the hospital? This is because Mr. Liu is an acute inferior myocardial infarction, which can lead to low blood pressure, so we cannot judge whether Mr. Liu usually has high blood pressure (the key is that he has never measured blood pressure himself).

Long-term hypertension can lead to worsening of atherosclerosis, eventually aggravating plaque, forming coronary heart disease, suddenly high blood pressure, and also inducing plaque rupture and myocardial infarction.

7. Diabetes

Both patients had high blood sugar, and in addition to the possibility of stress, there was still a high degree of suspicion that both had diabetes. Long-term diabetes can lead to inflammation of the lining of blood vessels, and the result of inflammation is the occurrence of plaques, which eventually cause narrowing of blood vessels, leading to coronary heart disease, and even myocardial infarction.

8, hyperlipidemia

Both people had excessive LDL cholesterol and triglycerides. Long-term hyperlipidemia will increase "vascular garbage", "vascular garbage" that is, lipid-like substances accumulated in the inner wall of blood vessels, will form plaque. Worsening plaques can lead to narrowing of blood vessels, rupture of plaques will form thrombuses, and thrombosis will cause myocardial infarction.

In short, there is no unprovoked myocardial infarction, and most myocardial infarction is caused by our own unhealthy habits and contempt for the three highs.

So we first check ourselves to see if there are the above 8 points, if there is, we must pay attention to it, otherwise the risk of myocardial infarction will increase significantly. If we want to avoid myocardial infarction before the age of 40, we must start from these 8 points!

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