
Feeling "stomach discomfort", not necessarily all stomach diseases, may be more serious problems

A friend told Huazi that his stomach was uncomfortable, what stomach medicine should he take? Huazi told her friend that it was best to go to the hospital immediately for examination, and the stomach discomfort he felt was not necessarily a stomach disease, it could be a more serious problem.

Friends think that Hanako is making a fuss and has an uncomfortable stomach, so there is no need to be so nervous. Huazi said that "stomach discomfort" actually refers to discomfort in the upper abdomen, which is a common symptom of many diseases. There are several serious diseases that are common and cause "stomach upset", each of which is life-threatening.

Feeling "stomach discomfort", not necessarily all stomach diseases, may be more serious problems

1. Myocardial infarction

The father of a friend of Huazi's family felt a bad stomach at home, thinking that eating something bad caused the stomach pain, thinking that it would be better to rest more. As a result, when the family found out, the old man was already in a coma. After being sent to the hospital, the diagnosis was inferior myocardial infarction. After rescue, he was freed from the danger of life, but symptoms of heart failure appeared.

The heart and stomach are adjacent, when myocardial infarction occurs, necrotic cardiomyocytes will rupture and release cell contents, which will irritate the stomach and cause nausea, vomiting, stomach pain and other symptoms. Therefore, older people, or people with high blood pressure, high blood lipids, diabetes, long-term smoking, etc., if there is a stomach upset, can not be careless.

Feeling "stomach discomfort", not necessarily all stomach diseases, may be more serious problems

Second, aortic dissection

There is a 50-year-old man who suddenly feels stomach pain while eating, and at that time he thought that he might be eating too quickly and "forked his breath", thinking that it would be good to take a rest. As a result, after resting, the stomach pain not only did not improve, but gradually worsened. When he went to the hospital to see the emergency department, he also told the doctor that he might have acute gastroenteritis.

The results of the examination showed that his disease was aortic dissection. A rupture appeared in his aorta, and blood rushed into the middle layer of the aortic wall, forming a dissection hematoma. The disease is extremely dangerous, with a mortality rate of about 50% in a week. People with high blood pressure and atherosclerosis, when there is a sudden "stomach pain", we must be vigilant and do not judge the condition by their own feelings.

Feeling "stomach discomfort", not necessarily all stomach diseases, may be more serious problems

3. Uremia

A 40-year-old man, who repeatedly has symptoms of epigastric discomfort, nausea and vomiting, thinks that it is a gastrointestinal cold, and thinks that it will be better to raise it at home. As a result, after half a month of raising, it did not get better, and it became more and more severe. Later, when he went to the hospital for blood testing, he found that the blood creatinine was more than 900, and he actually had kidney failure and was already uremia.

The cause of his illness was that long-term hypertension was uncontrolled, causing irreversible damage to the kidneys, resulting in imbalances in water, electrolytes and acid-base, and the accumulation of metabolic waste in the body, causing digestive symptoms. Eventually he had to rely on dialysis to survive and wait for the opportunity to get a kidney transplant.

Feeling "stomach discomfort", not necessarily all stomach diseases, may be more serious problems

4. Acute pancreatitis

A young man in his 20s suddenly felt a stomachache while attending a drinking party. Thinking that you are drinking alcohol and hurting your stomach, eating some pasta will be good. As a result, after eating a bowl of noodles, the pain did not relieve, but became heavier. After being taken to the hospital by a table drinker, he was diagnosed with acute pancreatitis.

Acute pancreatitis refers to digestive enzymes secreted by the pancreas that are activated in the pancreas and cause self-digestion of the pancreas. Factors such as alcohol consumption and gallstones are common triggers. Acute abdominal pain is the first symptom and is often accompanied by nausea and vomiting. Severe pancreatitis can be complicated by acute multi-organ dysfunction and failure, which is dangerous and life-threatening.

Feeling "stomach discomfort", not necessarily all stomach diseases, may be more serious problems

The above are all serious diseases that can cause "stomach discomfort", but they are not related to stomach diseases, and if treatment is delayed, it is likely to cause life-threatening. Therefore, if the body has symptoms of "stomach discomfort", we must be careful and vigilant, especially the elderly with underlying diseases, we must beware of cardiovascular and cerebrovascular-related diseases, and timely medical treatment is the right choice. I am a pharmacist Huazi, welcome to follow me and share more health knowledge.

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