
Analysis of Koenig Gemera, can sit 4 people in the supercar, 1.9 seconds to break the hundred, how strong is it?

As a representative of the top supercar, Konisek has always been a dream car that many male friends can not reach, of course, as a small editor, I am no exception, at best, in the current more popular horizon four racing game, use the keyboard to experience the unique charm of Koenigsegg. Now Koenigsegg has launched a new energy four-seat supercar, named Koenigsegg Gemera, although it is difficult for us ordinary people to contact Koenigsegg, but for rich friends with strong enough financial resources, it undoubtedly provides a new choice.

Analysis of Koenig Gemera, can sit 4 people in the supercar, 1.9 seconds to break the hundred, how strong is it?

From the current 2021 2.0T basic type, the official guidance price is as high as 19.8 million yuan, and the price of more than 10 million is doomed to be out of touch with our ordinary consumers. But while you can't afford it, it doesn't hurt to learn more about Koenigsecker Gemera, at least when you talk to friends around you about supercars. The following personally take the 2021 2.0T basic model as an example to talk to you about this "supercar that can only be owned in dreams".

Analysis of Koenig Gemera, can sit 4 people in the supercar, 1.9 seconds to break the hundred, how strong is it?

According to the official statement, the styling design of this Koenigseke Gemera was created by sasha Selipanov, a world-class car design master, of which Lamborghini Huracan, Bugatti Vision GT, etc. are his classic representative works. First of all, from the front face of Koenigseke Gemera, it can be seen through the real shooting that there are many classic design elements of Konisek, which also makes it have a high family recognition overall. The front windshield of the wrap-around style, coupled with the sharp and aggressive air intakes, and the hidden style of the A-pillar design, can be described as a strong visual impact.

Analysis of Koenig Gemera, can sit 4 people in the supercar, 1.9 seconds to break the hundred, how strong is it?

Looking at the side of the body, in addition to the overall shape of the line sense in line with the positioning of the supercar, the rotor-type door design also better ensures its coolness and pulling wind, of course, from the practical point of view, there is also a remarkable performance, because this Koenigseke Gemera positioning four-door sports car, with this rotor-type door design, whether it is sitting in the front or rear row is very convenient. Maybe careful friends will observe that Koenigseke Gemera does not have a B-pillar, will this affect the strength of the body or will the safety be reduced? In fact, as a tens of millions of supercars, this problem has been taken into account by car companies, after all, the one-piece carbon fiber body has super high strength, which is enough to meet the safety of the body.

Analysis of Koenig Gemera, can sit 4 people in the supercar, 1.9 seconds to break the hundred, how strong is it?

The length, width and height are 4975*1988*1295mm, and the wheelbase reaches 3000mm. As for the rear, many design elements echo the front face, and the sharp taillight combination, exaggerated spoiler, carbon fiber sports surround and exhaust layout on both sides of the rear window are a good indication that it is a powerful supercar.

Analysis of Koenig Gemera, can sit 4 people in the supercar, 1.9 seconds to break the hundred, how strong is it?

In terms of interior, this Koenigsec Gemera presents a fully avant-garde technology atmosphere. Among them, the LCD display screen placed on both sides of the main passenger seat is used to display the image of the outer part of the car, instead of the exterior mirror, the reason for the use of such a design, in addition to better highlighting the sense of technology, more in order to reduce the wind resistance in order to maximize the performance. In addition, the flat style carbon fiber steering wheel, with a suspension design inside, can be described as full of sci-fi atmosphere. It is worth mentioning that, unlike our conventional functional design, controls such as lighting and wipers are placed on both sides of the steering wheel. In the contrast of the above designs, the LCD screen in front of them is not worth mentioning.

Analysis of Koenig Gemera, can sit 4 people in the supercar, 1.9 seconds to break the hundred, how strong is it?
Analysis of Koenig Gemera, can sit 4 people in the supercar, 1.9 seconds to break the hundred, how strong is it?

For a performance-focused supercar, a comfortable and practical configuration doesn't seem to matter that much. However, this Koenigsecker Gemera, as a four-seat supercar, also takes into account the family from the perspective of configuration performance. For example, panoramic images, L2 level driver assistance systems, and even lcd displays are added to the rear to meet the entertainment requirements of rear passengers. Because the Koenigsecker Gemera is a mid-engine layout, it has two trunks at the front and rear, so the practicality has also become a true portrayal of itself. I have to say that nowadays even supercars have begun to pay attention to the driving experience, and Konigseke Gemera, which takes into account practicality and comfort, can be described as a clear stream of the supercar camp.

Analysis of Koenig Gemera, can sit 4 people in the supercar, 1.9 seconds to break the hundred, how strong is it?
Analysis of Koenig Gemera, can sit 4 people in the supercar, 1.9 seconds to break the hundred, how strong is it?

In terms of hardware, this Konesec Gemera adopts a plug-in hybrid system composed of a 2.0T three-cylinder engine and a three-motor, with a comprehensive maximum power of 1268kW and a comprehensive maximum torque of 3500N·m. As a supercar, the acceleration of 100 kilometers is only 1.9 seconds, even if it reaches a speed of 400km/h, it can be completed within 20 seconds, with such a strong and grumpy performance performance, we ordinary people really can't control it.

Analysis of Koenig Gemera, can sit 4 people in the supercar, 1.9 seconds to break the hundred, how strong is it?

Both the front and rear suspensions are double-wishbone independent suspensions. In addition, this Koenigseke Gemera as a plug-in hybrid supercar, pure electric mode, the mileage can reach 50km, but this is not important for Konigseke Gemera, really have the ability to buy its rich friends, who cares?

Analysis of Koenig Gemera, can sit 4 people in the supercar, 1.9 seconds to break the hundred, how strong is it?

Summary: Saying that Koenigseke Gemera is the ceiling of the current supercar world, I believe that everyone will not contradict me. After all, in addition to the performance of a supercar and the price of tens of millions, it is a four-seater model in the true sense, at least from this stage, Konigsecker Gemera is also the only supercar suitable for family use.

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