
Want to achieve new limits of performance! Koenigsegg's new supercar trailer, V8 engine, released within the year

Recently, the famous supercar manufacturer Koenigsec released a trailer for a new supercar, which only shows the contour shape of the new car. It is reported that the new car will be equipped with a new V8 engine and has a very powerful performance performance, which is expected to be officially released within this year.

Want to achieve new limits of performance! Koenigsegg's new supercar trailer, V8 engine, released within the year
Want to achieve new limits of performance! Koenigsegg's new supercar trailer, V8 engine, released within the year

In terms of appearance, through the official release of the trailer map, this new supercar body line is very smooth, the overall shape is very low, the front of the new car will be equipped with a wrap-around windshield, and the cockpit presents a teardrop-like design, which are the classic design elements of Koenigsegg. The overall decline of the new car is very similar to the first CCX sports car of konisec with a self-developed V8 engine.

Want to achieve new limits of performance! Koenigsegg's new supercar trailer, V8 engine, released within the year
Want to achieve new limits of performance! Koenigsegg's new supercar trailer, V8 engine, released within the year
Want to achieve new limits of performance! Koenigsegg's new supercar trailer, V8 engine, released within the year

At present, we know very little about the specific information of this new car, but 2022 is the 20th anniversary of the delivery of Koenigsegg's first mass-produced supercar CC8S, and foreign media media speculate that the new car is likely to use design elements on the CC8S supercar, and pay tribute to The Classic Model of Koenigsec. In the power part, Koenigsegg officially said: We will achieve more extreme performance through more ingenious technology and optimized design. "The performance of the new car is likely to surpass the previously released Gemera supercar, the gemera's comprehensive power is as high as 1250kW, the peak torque is as high as 3500N·m, and it takes only 1.9 seconds to break the hundred, and the performance is terrifying."

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