
5-year-old boy kindergarten nap to death! Doctor: This is a fatal mistake that a lot of people make

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The 5-year-old boy died while napping in kindergarten because the child made a fatal mistake before taking a nap. And this mistake, many parents and teachers will ignore, resulting in tragedy! After learning the cause of the tragedy of this 5-year-old boy, the parents and teachers collapsed in an instant.

The doctor said: After the child is full, the horse sleeps in the morning, causing food reflux, blocking the trachea and suffocation to death!


Event review

Before a 5-year-old child, Xiao Wan, went to kindergarten in the morning, his caring mother bought a glutinous rice chicken and a glass of milk to make breakfast for Xiao Wan.

By lunchtime, Xiao Wan felt more full, but Teacher Lin did not allow them to waste food. Xiao Wan was a well-behaved and obedient child, and he braced himself to eat the rest of the meal.

5-year-old boy kindergarten nap to death! Doctor: This is a fatal mistake that a lot of people make

When it came to the lunch break, Xiao Wan could not sleep, and he told the teacher that he had just eaten too much, and he could not sleep on his stomach. But Teacher Lin said to XiaoWan: Children must take a nap. Kobayashi could only lie down and barely fall asleep.

At 14:30, the nap time had passed, and the other children woke up one after another to enter the classroom to prepare for class. But Xiao Wan never woke up, and the teacher thought that Xiao Wan was too late to sleep, so he let him sleep for a while. But after 20 minutes, Teacher Lin found that Xiao Wan had stopped breathing, and his lips were black and he had a foreign body. The teacher felt that something was wrong, and immediately picked up Xiaowan and sent him to the hospital for rescue.

5-year-old boy kindergarten nap to death! Doctor: This is a fatal mistake that a lot of people make

After the doctor's active rescue, it is a pity that Xiao Wan still lacks surgery. The doctor's words made Teacher Lin slump on the ground. Doctors said: Five-year-old Xiaowan slept because the food had not yet been digested, causing the food to flow backwards and blocking the trachea and suffocation to death.


This is not the first tragedy!

● In 2014, a 5-year-old boy in Guangdong took a nap in a kindergarten and never got up again despite the teacher's shouting. Parents find that their child has food in both his mouth and nose. The park said it was unaware of the scars and that the children could die from food flowing backwards and blocking their trachea.

● In 2012, Mr. Luo's 1-year-old and 7-month-old daughter An An of Lianyungang, Jiangsu Province, died mysteriously in a baby parent-child paradise, and the park said that the child got up and rolled his eyes after taking a lunch break, and died after being sent to the hospital. Afterwards, the parent-child garden people went to the empty building.

● In 2010, a 3-year-old boy in Guangdong died suddenly during a nap in a kindergarten, and the family found that the child had blood in the nasal cavity and a large area of bruises on the body, and the doctors involved in the rescue at the time of the incident gave three speculations: the boy had congenital heart disease; the boy took a nap after lunch, and the food entered the esophagus, causing suffocation and death; the boy suddenly had epilepsy and convulsed to death.

● In January 2018, at 6 p.m. that night, Ms. Fu cooked dumplings and tangyuan, and her daughter fell asleep after eating enough. At 9 p.m., Ms. Fu planned to wake her daughter up and let her wash and strip and cover the quilt to sleep well, but she did not expect her daughter to react. Difficulty breathing, confusion, and bruising of the face. Xin Qi was sent to the hospital for rescue in time to get out of the danger of life. According to the doctor, suspected food is caused by the backflow of the trachea.


Note: You can't go to bed right after eating

The doctor reminds that whether it is an adult or a child, do not sleep in the morning after eating. This can easily cause food reflux, from the stomach into the esophagus. If it is mild, it can cause discomfort in the esophagus; if it is serious, it can cause reflux esophagitis, which causes erosion and ulceration of the esophagus.

5-year-old boy kindergarten nap to death! Doctor: This is a fatal mistake that a lot of people make


Young children still need to take good care after falling asleep

Many mothers feel that their children are naughty and put him to sleep, so they can rest assured that they can do other things. After the child falls asleep, the guardian still needs to check back and forth to achieve "one listen", "two looks", "three touches", and "four dos":

"Listening" is to listen to whether the child's breathing is normal, and beware of the child's food reflux or vomit blocking the trachea;

"Two looks" is to see the demeanor of young children, closely watch whether there are abnormalities in children's behavior, find problems, and deal with them in time;

"Three touches" is to touch the temperature of a child's forehead;

The "four dos" mean that the children who kick the quilt individually must personally cover it.

Food is reversed, trachea is blocked, the official name should be inhalation asphyxia of stomach contents. Normal young children eat too much and lie down immediately, this may happen, if they have purulent tonsillitis and other diseases, it is more likely to cause throat blockage.


When a toddler has a food backflow

When the toddler is awake:

Place the toddler on the forearm with the face down and the fingers on the toddler's chin, keeping the head low.

After a heavy 3 to 5 strokes on the back between the shoulder blades of the child, a small amount of food can flow out on its own.

Immediately after patting the back, parents examine the toddler's mouth and use their hands to remove the milk or foreign body remaining in the mouth.

The above first aid method can relieve more than 90% of young children's suffocation, and the symptoms of hypoxia are quickly alleviated.

When young children are not awake or stop breathing:

Place the thumb of one hand on the lower gum bed, the other four fingers on the lower jaw to raise the chin to see if there is any foreign body blockage in the back of the child's throat, if a large foreign body is found, use the little finger of the other hand to reach the side of the child's cheeks, reach the base of the tongue, and remove the foreign body.

mouth-to-mouth resuscitation. Put the toddler's head back 30 degrees, open the mouth to cover the toddler's mouth and nose, and gently blow the air after inhaling evenly, and see the rise and fall of the chest. Raise your head and open your nose so that the gas is discharged as the chest retracts. Repeat this at a frequency of 12 to 20 times per minute. Pay attention to moderate force, not too strong, in order to prevent the chest pressure is too high to affect the success rate of treatment.

If the air cannot be blown into the lungs of young children, the child can lie on his back, and the middle and ring fingers are pressed down vertically for 4 to 5 times, so that the thoracic cage is deformed and oppressed by the lungs, and the gas is rushed out to discharge the foreign body. If it doesn't work, a back slap is possible. (Comprehensively compiled from those things in Tianjin, Yangcheng Evening News, Shunde Neighborhood, Dongguan Times, our Dongguan, etc.)

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