
Bad heart really can't play! A brutal "werewolf killing" at sea

Because it is more suitable for live broadcasting and interaction, today's werewolf killing games are very popular in the market, so manufacturers have launched the same type of games and made various adjustments to try to produce their own features. The "Dread Hunger" to be introduced this time is an online battle asymmetric werewolf killing game launched by Digital Confectioners.

Bad heart really can't play! A brutal "werewolf killing" at sea

So you must be wondering what kind of features of "Dread Hunger" have that distinguishes it from other werewolf kills? First of all, the construction of werewolf killing is to let a group have a goal that can be achieved cooperatively, but when the players cooperate, there are actually 1 or 2 "internal traitors" in the group, and the purpose of the internal rape is to prevent the group from achieving the goal, and even try to kill other people under the premise of hiding the identity. And experiencing this atmosphere of deception and suspicion is the greatest pleasure of werewolf killing.

The first feature of "Dread Hunger" is the background, usually this type of game is built in a haunted house and other eerie environments, but this game is centered on the Age of Discovery, narrating the accident encountered by a ship exploring the Arctic on the way. The game is mainly based on 8 players, 6 normal people, 2 ghosts, and each can choose their own class, such as the captain is responsible for driving the ship to the right route, the royal soldier has a gun to protect his companions from beasts or monsters, and so on.

Bad heart really can't play! A brutal "werewolf killing" at sea

Whether it is a normal person or an inner ghost, they must use their professional characteristics to achieve their goals. The game is played in the first person and supports voice dialogue (basically the means of verbal conversation between players are limited, and the use of voice dialogue is quite encouraged), and groups of course give each other instructions while playing the game; while keeping an eye on suspicious actions and discussing who is the inner ghost. Of course, how the 2 inner ghosts should communicate secretly and play their acting skills so that others will not notice is also a test of the player's "skill".

Another feature is based on the background, players have to go to the natural environment is quite harsh Arctic, in the extremely cold and lack of food environment, whether enemies or enemies, we must maintain "food", "body temperature", regularly make food or make fire to maintain their survival, in order to complete the goal. Therefore, when playing the game, in the case of not knowing who the inner ghost is, everyone must find a way to cooperate to maintain the living conditions in any case, so it is more difficult to judge the inner ghost, of course, it is not easy for the inner ghost to "act".

Bad heart really can't play! A brutal "werewolf killing" at sea

The fun of this game is based on the fusion of the variability of the class and the atmosphere unique to werewolf killing. Conceptually, it is no different from many werewolf kills, but because of the poor class, a round progresses to about the middle of the game, and each player must work hard to play the strength of their profession in order to successfully achieve the goal. At the same time, the inner ghosts also have their own characteristics, one of which is various cruel killing methods based on "black magic".

In terms of game setting, the inner ghost can use "black magic" to kill people, of course, you need to prepare specific props. One of the most distinctive means of killing is to summon "ogres" to attack people, how to use the requirement of cooperative survival to kill people secretly, which can also be said to be the challenge and fun of being a ghost. It should be noted that there are ogres and ferocious beasts in the game, that is, there will be a lot of human body damage, and even cruel depictions of cannibalism, which should be avoided by players of lower ages.

Bad heart really can't play! A brutal "werewolf killing" at sea

The so-called people have their own good, "Dread Hunger" more or less some of the elements of opinion, the first is because it is the combination of wild survival and werewolf killing, so a game time is actually quite long, many times it takes more than half an hour, compared with the traditional werewolf killing time; secondly, the demand for voice calls is very high, so play with its online random pairing, and the players who may know each other can make an appointment to start together to avoid conflict.

Another obvious disadvantage is that the completion of the teaching mode is not very high, for example, the player will be taught to make a fire to eat at the beginning of the game, but there is no clear instruction on how to collect wood and flint after setting the fire point; the meat part will not force the player to eat raw meat, so it will become if the player eats raw meat before the fire, the current is the card level.

Bad heart really can't play! A brutal "werewolf killing" at sea

There is also a small place to note that when the player makes props in the game, after completion, the finished product is still "placed on the tool table", and the player must also manually "take" the things on the tool table into their own baggage in order to take them away smoothly. Because most of the game concept is to directly give the finished product to the player after the production is completed, this place will be easy for new players to miss in the early stage, resulting in more time.

Bad heart really can't play! A brutal "werewolf killing" at sea

Speaking of which, the most basic pleasure of "Dread Hunger" is no different from that of werewolf killing, and the atmosphere in the enjoyment process is originally used as an emphasis on the existence of black magic, and the shadows are not only designed to be particularly dark, but also sometimes you will hear whispers like chanting incantations, which makes people immersed in the tense breath. Again, no matter what the position, everyone still has to cooperate to find a way to survive, the betrayal of the partner occurs in the process of survival, or the unexpected partner finally knows that it is an internal ghost, etc., and the survival element makes the game process more dramatic. For players who like werewolf killing, this game should be a game that can be fully enjoyed.

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