
Tim Horoscope for the zodiac from February 28 to March 6, 2022

Tim Horoscope for the zodiac from February 28 to March 6, 2022

Note: All times and dates of the horoscope are based on the Pacific Time Zone, which takes +16 hours to convert to Beijing time. Readers are invited to convert for themselves.

Time to shake off the treasurer (don't start a new business, it's best to lie flat): Sunday 06:49 - 10:36, Monday 18:01 - Tuesday 12:53, Thursday 13:45 - 16:52, Saturday after 20:02.

[Aries] Translator: @c4ndy

Sheep, workplace events are still important – but this week. This week's focus is on rest, recuperation, advice, charity, spirituality, and dealing with governments and large institutions. The field is likely to expand rapidly now — perhaps leaving you scratching your tax returns or pushing you into management positions. Sunday afternoon (PST) to Tuesday afternoon will put your spirits at ease, bring friends, and accept. A small wish can come true. But Tuesday night to Thursday afternoon is doubly restful and quiet. Closed-door meetings, contacts with governments, management, large corporations, banks, etc. go well and are fruitful, ushering in new horizons, new projects – even a new life. Your energy and charisma soar on Thursday nights, but take advantage of the Events and "Open Doors" from Tuesday to Thursday on Saturdays to try to make a difference (Friday is best).

[Taurus] Translator: @ Lone Goose Gathering

Taurus, the perfect social opportunity, this week you may meet a scholar-like figure, or a certain traveler, he will bring you new horizons and ideas, let you expand your thinking, and even spark love. Sunday through Tuesday afternoons, you'll feel infused with ambition, but also stressed – remember to find a good balance, on which you may be able to create certain positions for yourself. From Tuesday evening to Thursday afternoon, your dreams come true, you'll be greeted with a special welcome, and social joy will keep you optimistic. You may make great new friends or develop friendly feelings. You will feel happy and happy! But Thursday night through Saturday slows down and looks for peace of mind – a time period that is relatively smooth and efficient, but works alone (or with pisces) to get the best results. Remember to combine work and leisure, walk away from the crowd, and let yourself take a break.

[Gemini] Translator: Some things @minki and some emotions

Gemini, focus on your career, your reputation relationships, and your worldly status. These may now have a "burst" of good luck, or somewhere before the beginning of May. It is possible to get promoted! (This may be related to publishing/media, travel, or degrees — or a "partnership.") From Sunday afternoon to Tuesday afternoon (PST), there is wisdom, gentleness, and perhaps gentle love. Think, to understand. From Tuesday evening to Thursday dinner time, your ambitions are getting clearer. Reflect your worth, meet your boss, make proposals, look for jobs, and more. Even if nothing happens right away, you'll be sowing the seeds for future growth, and bosses will remember that. From Thursday evening to Saturday there is hope, joy, social pleasure – flirting, but don't do it with a Capricorn or Scorpio.

【Cancer】Translator: @ Mean Leader

This week focuses on comprehension, academics, law, travel, off-site, gentle love. Cancer, especially From Tuesday to Thursday, there will be new openings (just the beginning, maybe not even catching your attention) that will become very important in the future (projects, positions, achievements, etc.). (Like you just bought a European ferry ticket, but ended up getting married in Romania) Dealing with secrets, inspiration, investigations, buried treasures, investments, debts, medical procedures, lifestyle changes from Sunday afternoon to Tuesday noon. Tuesday afternoon to Thursday dinner time is the theme of the first paragraph above - travel, law, academics, etc. Be ambitious from Thursday night to Saturday – related to the progress of work and employment relationships, away from creative play, gambling, and romantic love.

[Leo] Translator: @ Hidden Wind Pulling Branches

Lions' focus this week is on secrets, hidden business opportunities, research, investment, strong sexual appeal, and medical and lifestyle decisions. These interests peaked this week from Tuesday to Thursday. Then rush forward, create something, open something, invest, dig deeper, and so on. Be honest in love – don't chase after each other. Attention will also be paid this week to the work that needs to be done, as well as to the partnerships for work. (It should be advantageous!) Sunday afternoon to Tuesday afternoon, all sorts of relationships pop out, be diplomatic —some things (like friendship or love attraction or opportunity) may open and return in the coming months. Midweek as described above. Thursday evening through Saturday brought legal issues, society, moral behavior, long journeys, international affairs, philosophy of life and cultural ceremonies. Not as exciting as the early days of the week, but calm, mellow, loving and gentle. Find new sources of knowledge.

[Virgo] Translator: @Zakia Zakia

The focus of life is on the other side – relocation, relationships, opportunities. Be flexible, but show your desire when you see/encounter what you want. Some Virgos will meet their life partner or true love this week, especially from Tuesday afternoon to late Thursday afternoon (PST), when all these relationships and other possibilities will be like a pool of brewing, ready to form connections, create new alliances, new projects, and so on. May result in cohabitation. This week, Mars and Venus will help move all romantic relationships forward. Sunday afternoon through early Tuesday (PST) brings work, health considerations, and activities to help families. This time is also a good time to do housework and find a job. The situation during the week is as described above. Thursday eve to Saturday brings deep, secret, hidden knowledge – if you dig deeper and see where the benefits lie, you'll have valuable knowledge. It may open up a rustic romance in chai rice chai rice oil salt sauce vinegar tea - if one of you already has a partner, then be careful.

[Libra] Translator: @ Guan A turtle

Even though you're in a work-oriented week, Sunday/Monday blows a romantic breeze. There are no results, but it can lift the mood, even if it is only the beauty of nature. Between now and May, this work may bring good luck, even this week – promotion, overtime, or you just impressed your boss, etc. Pursue these aspects from Tuesday noon (PST) to Thursday afternoon —opening things, planning actions, activities —and your efforts can be rewarding! Emotional relationships fill Thursday night through Saturday—with few obstacles, there's one main possibility: the door to promotion, new jobs, whatever. Good week - hard work!

[Scorpio] Translator: @ meat bun delicious w

Ah, sweet love! Scorpio, if you're single, go after someone! If not, go after something else – between now and early May, great good fortune will come to romance, gambling, risk-reward, creativity, gaming, and raising children. Tuesday noon (PST) to Thursday afternoon – morning or night will show you "created" something quite important! Communication will be simple and effective. The sunday/Monday theme is family, home, and now the discussions are about projects or invitations that last until April. From Tuesday to Thursday, romance may bloom like a rose, as it says above. From Thursday night to Saturday, immerse yourself in your daily routine – you'll make progress until you solve the last hurdle (which could be a communication issue).

[Sagittarius] Translator: @ Orange Sheep Princess

This week's focus is on homes, homes, safety, property and paving the way for the construction of a feat in the future. These areas will be in good luck until the beginning of May, so before you begin (especially from Tuesday afternoon to late Thursday afternoon), build a swimming pool, replace the roof, buy a new home, find a house with a suitable rent, and so on. Your money map is still favorable, but only during this week (so go for loans, mortgages in the middle of the week). On Sundays/Mondays there will be paperwork, travel, phone calls and text messages. Contact your favorite friends. Midweek has already been described above. Romantic or romantic thoughts start on Thursday and continue until Saturday. There won't be too much planning, but it will happen "naturally" (for example, if you're looking for a house). The beauty presented captivates you.

[Capricorn] Translator: @Beish's post-it notes

Focus on communication, daily work, travel, media, contracts and curiosity. This will last until early May. You can sow seeds this week – Tuesday afternoon to Thursday afternoon – or start some projects/relationships and will have a good future later on, very good. For example, you might find something wonderful in the album – you'll be channeling it here in the next year or two. Stay curious, in a way, because this (your constant digging) will open up your future. Your charisma over the past 4 months will last an extra week – this week. Enjoy! Monday/Sunday brings money – probably new payments. Frugal consumption, just a few daily items. The situation in the middle of the week is as described above. From Thursday to Saturday, return to family, children, and lovers. Although not much, the road is flat (be careful on Saturday nights, don't be too arrogant).

[Aquarius] Translator: @ Time and short and long

Dear Aquarius, money, wealth, possessions, buying/selling, hugging (casual sex) and reciting or attending classes – these are the focus until the end of March. And by the end of May, they are all lucky and even progressing rapidly. This week, especially from Tuesday afternoon to Friday afternoon, highlights these aspects (money and so on) – immersed in it, asking for a raise, opening an invoice, shopping, etc. – you can lay the groundwork or plant the seeds for a new project that is open and will then blossom and be rewarded. You start to express yourself more, you travel —sometimes you get favored by love or sex. Sunday/Monday at noon, your energy climbs. Start projects, make allies, open horizons, and shine. Tuesday afternoon to Thursday afternoon as described above. Thursday dinner time to Saturday, chores, visits, phone calls, liaison, paperwork. If there is a dispute between the above aspects, you will win except for the last one. Had a great week!

[Pisces] Translator: @ Mountain Master 1019

Pisces, the next step is up to you. After all, this is your home field! Thanks to Jupiter's great luck, your charm and energy are at the peak of the year. This good fortune will continue until early May, but it is also very strong now: from Tuesday afternoon to Thursday dinner time, you are in the spotlight, full of energy, charm, and the ability to persuade others. It's an important time to start or create, and something small that you start in these few days is likely to grow in the coming weeks or years. Think about your ambitions, prestige, and social status. Staying optimistic is the right one. Sundays/Mondays are used for rest and recuperation. Think, examine your life so far, and your undetermined future. Start planning from here, correct future courses, plan new directions, paths, and actions. Midweek content is described above. Thursday night through Saturday, focus on the issues of money — income, expenses, property values, and possibly sloppy behavior. It's even better if you don't confuse money with friends/social groups.

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