
"If a man is atmospheric, he will be blessed", and a person who is atmospheric has 4 characteristics, and one of them is also remarkable

Ghost Valley Zi, formerly known as Wang Xue, is one of the most famous figures in the Spring and Autumn Period, is the founding ancestor of the fortune telling world, the biggest feature of Ghost Valley Is: through the heavens, brilliant, ordinary people can not reach.

Oniguzi once said: If people have atmosphere, they will have great blessings

Majestic, a unique personality charm.

"If a man is atmospheric, he will be blessed", and a person who is atmospheric has 4 characteristics, and one of them is also remarkable

This is the demeanor of a person to do things, but also the embodiment of a person's comprehensive quality.

Atmospheric people, calm and generous, mature and generous, convincing.

"Atmospheric people" have the following characteristics, if you have one or two, you have to congratulate you

1. The person of the atmosphere is detached from things

There are many things that happen in life.

Sudden blows, unexpected setbacks, benefits from the sky, anytime, anywhere.

Things don't matter how big or small, whether they're good or bad, don't care too much.

Don't be happy and elated when you see a good thing, frown when you encounter a bad thing, and frost and eggplant, and have a head and head.

Su Shi escaped the trickery of fate with his unique detachment.

A sharp and arrogant teenager, he grew into a generation of literary heroes.

"If a man is atmospheric, he will be blessed", and a person who is atmospheric has 4 characteristics, and one of them is also remarkable

He was demoted to Huangzhou, left the temple, and his career was almost cut off, saving the dead and returning to evil.

Relegated to the remote state of Huizhou, he improved farm tools and did practical things for the people in the countryside.

Degrading Hainan, the cultural desert, he copied books to educate people, and opened up a cultural context for Hainan.

The atmosphere, that is, the natural harmony between heaven and earth, will not be impatient, will not slacken off, will not sink, when the advance is retreat, when the quiet is quiet, because of the situation, can break the kettle and sink the boat;

Think enough about everything, put it into action immediately, be cautious, calm, decisive and pragmatic.

Zeng Guofan said that those who seek great things focus on the pattern.

Big things are difficult to do, not because of insufficient talent and opportunities, but because the pattern in the heart is too small and not grand enough.

"If a man is atmospheric, he will be blessed", and a person who is atmospheric has 4 characteristics, and one of them is also remarkable

2, the atmosphere of the people, treat people and temperament

To be open-minded and magnanimous is an outward manifestation of a person's good cultivation.

There is a saying in ancient times: "A gentleman will endure the intolerance of others, tolerate what others cannot tolerate, and treat people who cannot be treated." ”

Guan Zhong said: Good qi welcomes others, and is like brothers; evil spirits welcome people and harm Ge Bing.

A person's "face" is often his feng shui.

The "good" and "evil" of the face determine the auspiciousness of life.

The Northern Song Dynasty minister Lü Mengzheng, who was generous and generous, had just been promoted to vice chancellor, and when he entered the court, someone pointed at his curtain and smiled: "This boy can also come to participate in politics?" ”

Lu Meng was pretending not to hear, smiling, still talking and laughing.

The man who was traveling with him was grumpy and tried to find out the man, but was stopped by Lu Mengzheng.

Lu Mengzheng said: "If you know that person's name, you will never forget it.

People with an atmosphere have a broad mind, can tolerate people, and can understand people.

Do not care about things, do not entangle bad people, not only avoid conflict, but also considerate people;

Forgive others and forgive yourself!

"If a man is atmospheric, he will be blessed", and a person who is atmospheric has 4 characteristics, and one of them is also remarkable

On the surface, it seems to be forbearance, but in fact, it is adding happiness and good luck to your life.

3, the atmosphere of the people, light but not shining

Seeing but not knowing, doing it yourself but not knowing, doing it yourself without knowing, keeping it without knowing it.

Because he has not seen the manifestation, he thinks that he has gained more than he loses, he boasts that he cannot make meritorious achievements, and he boasts that he cannot be the leader of the people.

The more majestic a person is, the more he understands this truth.

It is said that a new student from Peking University came to the school to report that because the luggage was too heavy, he asked an old gentleman who looked like a school worker to help take care of it.

The old gentleman happily agreed, and he stood in the scorching sun to keep the luggage for the offspring for more than two hours.

During the opening ceremony speech, the latecomer suddenly found that the vice principal who was speaking on the podium was the "school worker" who helped him take care of his luggage that day.

This principal is Mr. Ji Xianlin.

"If a man is atmospheric, he will be blessed", and a person who is atmospheric has 4 characteristics, and one of them is also remarkable

During his teaching at Peking University, Mr. Ji was often used as a school worker due to his simple clothing.

But he was never angry, much less defended, he was always smiling and squinting to help others, and he was very low-key.

He once wrote in the book that although he has three titles: "Master of Chinese Studies", "Scholarly Hero" and "National Treasure":

As soon as the Triple Crown was taken off, I had a free body again. The foam on the body was washed away, revealing its true face."

The so-called grandeur is not the swaying arrogance of half a bottle of water, but the threesome must have my teacher;

Getting along with people is not arrogant and exaggerated, but solemn and gentle.

Mighty and radiant, this is the real maturity.

"If a man is atmospheric, he will be blessed", and a person who is atmospheric has 4 characteristics, and one of them is also remarkable

4, the atmosphere of the people, dignified and thick

Zeng Guofan's grandfather, Zeng Yuping, never became an official in his lifetime, let alone the power to be an official.

But in Zeng Yuping's hometown, when there is a dispute between neighbors, they are willing to find Zeng Yuping for mediation, and Zeng Yuping often says one thing or the other, and people are convinced.

Where does this power come from?

The reason why Zeng Guofan said this is because his grandfather has always been solemn in doing things, and his usual personality and demeanor have also given him the impression of trustworthiness.

He understood this kind of personality of grandpa, and he was steady and organized.

He was in the palace, always distinguishing priorities and priorities, treating people and things solemnly and decently, and leading soldiers to fight in war.

Lu Kun, a thinker, said: "Deep and thick is the first class qualification, Lei Luo HaoXiong is the second class qualification, and wisdom debate is the third class qualification." ”

"If a man is atmospheric, he will be blessed", and a person who is atmospheric has 4 characteristics, and one of them is also remarkable

So some people say that you have to find reliable people to do things, and smart people will only chat.

The Tao Te Ching says: The great husband treats his thickness not with his thinness. Atmospheric people, calm and steady, calm and self-assured, anytime and anywhere to maintain a cool head, a calm attitude.

Atmospheric people are not without principles and integrity, but they are not concerned about small things, and there are no major things in the world.

Be confident, hide only the truth and accept the good, and refuse hypocrisy.

Life in the world, grass and trees in autumn, fine water and long flow, being a person is an atmosphere, is the realm that everyone should pursue.

This article is just the tip of the iceberg that shows the strategic wisdom of Oniguzi.

If you want to improve your patterns and vision, you can read the Oniguzi series of books and write down your life wisdom and strategies in the book Oniguzi.

"If a man is atmospheric, he will be blessed", and a person who is atmospheric has 4 characteristics, and one of them is also remarkable

The original work is written in chinese, which is a bit obscure and difficult to understand. The new version of Oniguzi has accurately and fluently annotated and translated the original work, selected representative cases from ancient and modern China and abroad, covering management, shopping malls, workplaces, life and other fields, and presented the wisdom and strategy of Oniguzi with wonderful stories.

A set of books on wisdom and strategy, including Oniguzi.

Reading "Ghost Valley" knows that if you meet a pig, you don't have to talk to him about thoughts, because he cares about feed.

Reading "The Wolf Way" knows, don't tell the secret to a good friend, because a good friend also has a good friend.

Reading "Parchment Scrolls" knows that people who love to laugh will not have bad luck, because people with bad luck can't laugh at all.

Reading "The Weakness of Human Nature" knows that the mood should be left to those who understand you, and the feelings should be left to those who love you.

Reading Murphy's Law knows that the person who teaches you not to trust anyone will always be the person you trust most.

As the saying goes, "One can only make money within one's own cognitive range." ”。 Reading a good book is to learn a little inspiration from the experience of successful people and make you do more with less!

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