
Companionship is the best education, seven good ways to teach you to accompany your children!

Companionship is the best education, seven good ways to teach you to accompany your children!

Children face intense learning every day,

Parents often overlook "grades" beyond

The most important thing – companionship.

For children, companionship is undoubtedly the best education.

First, the growth of children should be patient and acceptable

Children in the first and second grades are in the toddler stage of their learning careers. All the learning activities are new to him and need to be cultivated little by little, and many of the poor performances are caused by the difficulty of learning unfamiliar content. No child is born with writing and arithmetic, slow writing, incomplete exams, and even unable to remember what they have learned, which are the normal performance of many children.

In helping children successfully pass through this stage of initial enrollment, parents are both teachers and companions. The premise is that parents should help their children in a way that is accepted and loved.

First- and second-grade children can make some cards to make cards and let their children remember words by playing card games with their children.

For example, make traffic reading cards with your children and make up a story of "Daddy wants to go to work in the morning": What kind of transportation does Dad use to work? Car. So write down the "car" card with the child; what time is the father out? 7 o'clock. Then write down with the child when Dad is out; what does Dad have to say to the family when he goes out? Good bye. Learning English words and Chinese characters together will not only be interesting, but will also be learned inadvertently.

Second, use "sweetness" to help children quit bad habits

Some parents of primary school students complain that their children's homework is very grinding, and they always have to write homework until nearly 11 o'clock.

Once the habit of rubbing is formed, it will suffer endlessly. When a child enters junior high school and high school, the amount of homework will increase greatly, and it will take a lot of time for the child to complete the homework in the classroom. Rubbing makes the child's learning efficiency greatly reduced, and the child will be more resistant to writing homework.

So promise to give the child some "sweetness" after the homework is completed, such as writing homework every night, giving the child a period of "play time", the length of which is adjusted according to her completion of the homework, which can be one hour or half an hour, then the child's learning momentum will increase, and it is easier to write the homework as soon as possible. In this way, the bad habit of rubbing will naturally be changed.

Iii. Establish a "Family Day"

Today's children are mostly only children, there are no siblings to play with him, parents can only play the role of parents and peers at the same time.

In the process of growing up as my daughter, I agreed with my husband on one thing, that is, we must let our daughter grow up happily. Especially in elementary school, we rarely enroll our daughter in extracurricular classes on weekends, the purpose of which is to let her relax and do what she likes to do after five days of school. Therefore, the daughter usually finishes her homework on Saturday mornings, goes to dance classes in the afternoon, and basically free time on Sundays.

In order to make my daughter have fun, we set Sunday as my family's "family day", that is, this day, neither adults nor children can arrange other things, and everyone can do activities together. To this end, my husband and I try to finish the work as much as possible during working hours, and strive not to work overtime on weekends.

In the six years of my daughter's primary school, our "Family Day" activities have many footprints: the Yuanmingyuan in front of the home, the botanical garden with charming scenery in all four seasons, the dome cinema of the Science and Technology Museum, the monkey mountain side of the zoo, the exhibition window of the Natural History Museum, and the towering Phoenix Ridge... We are all left behind. In the days with our daughter, we not only harvested happiness, but also had a very harmonious parent-child relationship. My husband and I also duly infiltrated our education into my daughter's heart, so that my daughter understood a lot of knowledge that was not in the books.

Play is the nature of children, more play can make children show their personality, personality become sunny and cheerful.

Years of experience have made me find that many times it is not that children do not have time to play, but that parents are not willing to move with their children on weekends, because this requires parents to pay a certain amount of time and energy.

Since we are parents, we have the obligation and responsibility to help our children establish a sound personality. Raising children is like planting crops, and specific nutrients must be given at a specific stage of growth to ensure the healthy growth of children. Missed opportunities can never be remedied, because every sensitive period of a child's development is fleeting.

Fourth, use the "family mailbox" to establish interaction with children

Many things that my daughter grew up with were reluctant to throw away and kept them for her. Once, when I was sorting things out, I saw a very interesting little piece of paper. It was a picture my daughter had drawn when she was a child, and it showed a little girl crying very sadly, and the narration in the frame was: "Why did you ignore me after Grandma came?" The lower right corner of the piece of paper reads: "Please reply to Dad quickly!" ”

Since then, when the daughter has any thoughts and has no opportunity to talk to her parents in person, she uses this way of passing notes, and almost every time she will indicate: "Reply quickly!" "We also write back carefully every time.

Later, sir proposed: We might as well set up a "post office" at home, set up three "postboxes", everyone can write letters to each other, and whoever writes a letter to be sent to whomever is in the "postbox". So I hung a hanging bag with three pockets on the door, and on the outside of these three pockets was my daughter who drew her head and wrote the names of each of us.

In the parent-child relationship, no matter what kind of way parents and children communicate, what is important is not the form, but the final effect. The text communication in my family is also used when face-to-face communication is not smooth. However, in terms of family harmony, this approach does avoid many positive conflicts and improves her daughter's writing ability.

As the child continues to grow, his inner needs will also change, which requires parents to grow up and change the way they interact with their children, otherwise it will lead to new conflicts.

Fifth, establish rules and establish a sense of rules for children

Parents should set some rules for their children's behavior, so that children can establish a sense of rules from an early age, so that children can better adapt to future school and social life.

There are many ways to make rules. First of all, parents should be a good example, parents are people with rules, children learn from the same, naturally will become people with rules. Secondly, the oral education of parents can not be less, anytime, anywhere, parents must teach their children the rules of doing things.

In life, parents always unconsciously use the habits they have developed for a long time to do things, and with the contract signed with their children, parents will consciously make some changes, which is also a very beneficial thing for adults themselves. Because children have relatively little life experience, they belong to a relatively simple state of acceptance, and it is easier to develop good living habits under the constraints of rules.

For example:

1, after entering the door, the shoes taken off are placed neatly, not neatly placed, and a fine of 5 yuan is imposed at a time.

2. After eating, put the respective dishes and chopsticks into the kitchen, and wash the dishes twice.

3, have opinions about others, to speak well, can not shout loudly, violators, clean the house once.

4, the daughter goes home to write homework first, and then go to play. Once violated, staying at home on weekends and not allowing to go out.

Write a diary with your child

Keeping a diary is not only a great way to spend time with your child, but it also exercises your child's interest in writing.

But when the child is young, there are many words that cannot be written, and the ability to express words is not strong enough. At this time, parents should act as assistants, fully mobilize children's imagination and creativity, and help children "write" real compositions that are completely their own.

My daughter is in the second grade and has very limited written language skills, so when she wants to record the experience of playing on a certain day in her diary, she has a good time to write but has more than enough energy. Whenever my daughter couldn't write, I volunteered to help her complete the diary. Sometimes, she couldn't write half of her diary so hard that I helped her complete it; sometimes I wrote it myself, let her read my diary for inspiration, and then organize her own words.

Children can see how the scene they want to express is presented freely in the mother's pen, which is a good learning process. Nowadays, it seems that this is somewhat similar to the game of text solitaire, which is very helpful for maintaining children's interest in writing.

7. Play games with your children

Elementary school students are still "naughty children", should let children have the opportunity to play, play games is actually another way of growing and learning.

For example, playing poker can exercise children's ability to resolve conflicts and cooperate with others. My husband often "plays tricks" when playing cards, and my daughter will argue with reason and eventually solve the problem.

When "fighting the landlord", two people will become friends in each round of the game, so how to observe who is your "enemy" and who is your "friend"? Or how do you team up with your "friends" against the "enemy"? All of this seems to be a relaxing game, but in fact, it is the child's ability to exercise.

"Failure is the mother of success", "afford to lose" is a good quality. Children who can afford to lose in games can also afford to lose in other aspects of the competition.

Children will experience large and small exams, it is impossible to get good results every time, if you can afford to lose, then you will not value the gains and losses of a time, you will be happy if you take the test, and if you don't take the test well, you will regroup and work hard to prepare for the next exam.

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