
What vendetta and what resentment? The man held up a shared bicycle and smashed his private car, emotionally hammering the window with his fist

author:Sunny review

"Impulse is the devil", this is a phrase that is often hung on people's lips, but many times, this sentence is not remembered by people.

Many times we will encounter things that make us angry, but different people will solve them in different ways.

What vendetta and what resentment? The man held up a shared bicycle and smashed his private car, emotionally hammering the window with his fist

The man was emotional and used a shared bicycle to smash a private car to vent his anger

Now the streets are always busy, and traffic jams have become the norm. This has forced some people into "angry road syndrome", and as soon as they see that the street is overcrowded, their emotions will become irritable. This situation has a lot to do with the road conditions, but does this also have a certain relationship with your own mentality?

Recently, a man in Changsha, Hunan Province, seemed to have a sudden "angry road disease" on the road. The man, dressed in a jacket and wearing a helmet, suddenly lifted a shared bicycle and smashed it into the private car opposite him, and the shared bicycle was right in the middle of the private car's windshield, but fortunately did not break the glass.

What vendetta and what resentment? The man held up a shared bicycle and smashed his private car, emotionally hammering the window with his fist

This behavior surprised the people around them, and passers-by looked at the man. But the man was extremely angry and could not pay attention to the surprised eyes of passers-by. After the man threw the car to the private car, he still felt that it was not enough, so he yelled at the private car, and from time to time he was yelling at the private car, and for a while, the man and the car became the focus of the road, and the pedestrians and vehicles had to avoid it.

The man was still angry and smashed the window of the car with his fist, and the owner did not get out of the car to respond

It can be seen that the man is in a very angry state, but the behavior of throwing the shared bicycle to the private car is still unacceptable. The original intention of the design of shared bicycles is to make it convenient for more people and belongs to public property, but men do not care about it. Even acts of sabotage are not worthy of sympathy.

What vendetta and what resentment? The man held up a shared bicycle and smashed his private car, emotionally hammering the window with his fist

The man's anger remained unmoved, although his actions had had a very serious impact on the surrounding road conditions. But men are still immersed in their own world. He scolded the private car for a while, still feeling angry, slammed into the private car, and slammed his fist against the window. While pounding the window, he said something loudly to the driver in the car.

But the driver was always in the car, did not get out of the car, and did not respond to the incident. At present, the cause of the incident is not clear in further investigation.

What vendetta and what resentment? The man held up a shared bicycle and smashed his private car, emotionally hammering the window with his fist

Controlling one's temper is both a skill and an ability

After netizens learned about this matter, they all expressed their views. Many people believe that men's behavior not only undermines public order, but also damages public property, which has caused a certain adverse impact on society and should be punished to a certain extent.

However, some netizens said that "I don't know the whole picture, I don't comment", the cause and effect of the incident have not been clearly investigated, at this time, we should not blindly express our views.

What vendetta and what resentment? The man held up a shared bicycle and smashed his private car, emotionally hammering the window with his fist

However, the author believes that no matter what the specific cause of the incident is, the man's act of destroying the shared bicycle is seen by everyone and should be punished. Emotional agitation is their own reason, and this is not an excuse for men's behavior. Being able to control one's temper is a skill and an ability. Nor should we disrupt public order for our own reasons. When we have friction with others, the best way to solve it is to communicate effectively so that we can solve the problem from the root.

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