
Immerse yourself in the charm of traditional culture

Immerse yourself in the charm of traditional culture

On March 2nd, visitors dressed in ancient costumes experienced intangible cultural heritage skills at the Non-Genetic Heritage Center in Luoyi Ancient City, participated in traditional cultural experience projects such as the production of ancient style hair ornaments, and immersed themselves in the charm of traditional culture.

Immerse yourself in the charm of traditional culture

The center is a comprehensive public service institution integrating intangible cultural heritage display, skill research, cultural inheritance and social service, providing the public with an interactive space for approaching intangible cultural heritage, touching intangible cultural heritage, understanding intangible cultural heritage, and studying intangible cultural heritage, and promoting the innovative development and "living" inheritance of intangible cultural heritage. The immersive interactive experience has attracted the attention of many young people.

Immerse yourself in the charm of traditional culture

At present, Luoyang City is relying on high-quality cultural tourism IP to accelerate the construction of a number of immersive cultural tourism projects, providing more impetus for the accelerated development of the cultural tourism cultural and creative industry.

Immerse yourself in the charm of traditional culture
Immerse yourself in the charm of traditional culture
Immerse yourself in the charm of traditional culture
Immerse yourself in the charm of traditional culture
Immerse yourself in the charm of traditional culture
Immerse yourself in the charm of traditional culture
Immerse yourself in the charm of traditional culture

(Photo by Zhang Guanghui, reporter of Luoyang News, correspondent Liu Yuzhen, and Zhang Jingfang)

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