
Hu Xiuying: Home-school work together to cultivate students' good habits of independence and self-reliance| family education

Hu Xiuying: Home-school work together to cultivate students' good habits of independence and self-reliance| family education

Chengdu Tao Xingzhi Research Association

There is thought, there is depth, life is education


Hu Xiuying: Home-school work together to cultivate students' good habits of independence and self-reliance| family education


Hu Xiuying

Chinese teacher and director of language teaching in the west branch of Chengdu Caotang Primary School, Qingyang Education Professional Model Award, Qingyang District Outstanding Teacher, Qingyang District Excellent Class Teacher, Qingyang District Excellent Guidance Teacher, Qingyang District Excellent Trade Union Activist.

Once habits are formed, they become a force that governs life and become the automation of behavior. Habit is the biggest guide in life, habit is extremely important to children, good habits are formed, used for a lifetime; bad habits are formed, a lifetime to eat its losses, it is not easy to change.

With a good book, help children develop the habit of independent reading at home

For children in the first and second grades of the lower primary school, we ask children to develop a good habit of reading. First of all, opening the book is beneficial, reading beneficial books can cultivate sentiments, expand vocabulary, broaden horizons, thereby improving children's writing ability and comprehension ability, the more books are read, the stronger the comprehension, the more knowledge accumulated, the richer the words and sentences accumulated, they will also appear in children's writing and communication, becoming the source of children's wisdom. Recently, more children in the class like to bring comic books to school, use spare time to read comic books, some children read comics fascinated, will be at home every day in the parent-child reading time with comic books instead of classic books to read, in response to this phenomenon, we use the class QQ group or WeChat group and parents to communicate, so that parents are clear: the benefits of comics are to adjust life, add fun, the disadvantage is not much use, enlightenment is not enough. In this regard, we should help parents to guide their children to read more children's literature works and classic books in the usual parent-child reading.

Regarding the parent-child reading of individual parents and children in the class, it is still stuck on the picture book reading, and the teacher should promptly inform the parents that they need to understand the parent-child reading stage of preschool children, that is, 0-6 years old, which is mainly based on picture book reading. Picture books are mainly based on pictures to narrate stories or to describe pictures and language together, the better picture books, the more pictures tell stories! Either the language is sparse, or the descriptions and narratives of the language are simple and incomplete. Picture book reading is visual symbol reading, which is the core of cultivating children's comprehension ability and expression ability, so picture book reading and children's language ability and homework ability are less improved. Primary and secondary school Chinese teaching is based on the "listening, speaking, reading and writing" of language and writing as the core, and the core is to cultivate students' understanding and expression ability of language and writing. Text reading ability is the basis for language literacy and language learning in primary and secondary schools, and even for learning in various scientific fields. Through communication, parents should realize that in the lower part of primary school, only paying attention to picture book reading and despising text reading will have an impact on children's language output ability, language writing in primary and secondary schools, and even a lifelong impact that is difficult to make up. Under the new college entrance examination policy, all subjects are read. The ability to read in writing has become at the heart of all scientific professions. Therefore, the children in the lower part of the primary school only read picture books and despise the text, which is not conducive to the improvement of comprehensive ability.

Through home-school communication, teachers should make parents clearly understand that cultivating children's lifelong reading habits starts from reading bridge books! Bridge books are a category of transition from picture books to independent reading. Children aged 6-8 in the lower part of primary school need to read bridge books and gradually transition to self-reading; to 8 years old, they should mainly read children's literature, and finally gradually realize the reading of pure text books.

In the selection of bridge books, we must follow the principle of emphasizing the interest of the lower grades, the plot of the middle grades, and the emotions of the senior grades, and the teachers must recommend the books to the children at the beginning of each semester and during the winter and summer vacations. For example, children's poems "Toward the Bright Side" and "Forever Yang Call"; popular science literature "Sidon Animal Story", "The Most Beautiful Fabre Insect", "Wow! Science is so simple"; fairy tales "The Adventures of the Bulldog King", "The Complete Story of Mumi Valley", "Grandma on the Apple Tree", "Mole's Moon River", "Crickets in Times Square", "The Wind in the Willow Forest". Through these books, we should ignite children's enthusiasm for reading and cultivate their reading habits. At the same time, let parents pay attention to their children's text reading, let children read more books with interesting and humanistic stories, let these books with educational guidance significance penetrate into children's hearts, on the one hand, help children establish a correct outlook on life, on the other hand, help children cross the barrier from picture reading to text reading, and gradually develop independent reading habits and obtain a sense of reading achievement.

Listening learning skills can be done in the family training

"Listening" is an important learning habit, the key to obtaining external information, and at the same time, it is also an important learning ability, even the basis of deep learning. In the usual teaching, we found that some students in the class looked at the sitting and listening to the lecture, but in fact, he did not follow the teacher's thinking and did not listen carefully. When the teacher asked him to get up and answer the question, he didn't understand what the teacher was talking about, and the children didn't develop the habit of listening carefully. Teachers should use the class QQ group or WeChat group to communicate with parents, telling parents that in each class, most of the knowledge and important information students gain is learned by listening carefully to the content of the teacher's speech or the content of the classmate's speech.

The content presented in classroom teaching is a direct way to feedback the effect of students' listening, and children who can listen to lectures and children with good listening habits will follow the teacher to think and solve problems. This requires parents to pay attention to and cooperate at home, and cultivate children to develop a good habit of listening carefully. After home-school communication, parents can start to cultivate children's listening habits from the following aspects, and the experiment proves that the effect is obvious: when talking to children, let children hear pronunciation clearly and understand the content of speech; let children listen to some popular fairy tales every day, and let children properly repeat, cultivate children's habit of listening carefully; let children listen carefully to each other's speech, understand the content of others' speeches, do not interrupt other people's conversations at will, do not rush to express their own ideas, wait patiently to listen, After understanding each other's words, give praise and encouragement; use "act according to instructions" to cultivate children's listening ability, such as requiring children to listen to instructions to do corresponding actions, giving children some tasks in daily life, and letting them complete, so as to exercise children's ability to understand language; using the "hearing error" method to develop children's listening ability, purposefully let children judge the right and wrong of language in daily life, attract children to pay attention to listening, and correct it; create a good family education environment, be good at listening to children's voices, Listening to your child's voice is not only an effective way to understand your child's heart, but also an important way to train your child to listen to others.

The cultivation of the ability to work begins with the family

Soviet educator Sukhomlinsky said: "Through labor, people have the ability to understand the world around them with their minds." "Housework is conducive to children to develop a diligent style and cultivate their own labor skills, is conducive to cultivating children's sense of responsibility, exercise children's ability to live independently, and at the same time regulate brain fatigue in learning." More importantly, the child's hands-on ability and ability to solve practical problems are improved in practice, helping to develop a child's independent personality and independent personality, so that the child can obtain happiness and happiness through it.

Children from an early age to do the housework within their ability, they will gradually realize in continuous practice that they are a member of the family, should and must complete a housework for the family collective to assume a responsibility, so as to gradually have a sense of family responsibility. This sense of family responsibility is the basis for future social responsibility. Teachers have to use a variety of home-school communication to convey this information to parents, parents here include grandparents and grandparents who like to do everything, and completely change the misconception that "as long as the child learns well, there is no need to do any housework at home".

Only when children are allowed to participate in a moderate amount of housework in a timely manner, such as sweeping the floor, mopping the floor, washing dishes, cleaning and tidying up their own rooms, washing their own red scarves, small underwear, planting flowers and plants, and learning to buy vegetables with their families, only by making these become the norm of children's lives after completing their studies, children's sense of responsibility will be enhanced. The pampered "little emperor" and "little princess" in the class will disappear; there will be fewer children who will not sweep the floor, mop the floor, tidy up the bag cabinet, and smoke books when the class is cleaned. Through these practical labors, parents deeply understand that "experiential" education is more effective than "didactic" education. Only when children are allowed to experience it personally, children will experience the difficulty of parents when doing housework, and they will understand and cherish their parents' efforts more, and they will also be grateful to their parents and respect and filial piety to their parents.

Let movement become the driving force for life growth

In the school's big recess and physical education class, some children are afraid of hardship and tiredness, running and doing exercises lazily, chasing and playing more and more, not paying attention when exercising, and not being serious... This is the case in every class. Regarding the movement, parents and schools urgently need to form a synergy. When communicating with parents, teachers should explain to parents the importance of exercise for the healthy growth of children's physical and mental health. Elementary school students are the critical period of physical development, exercise helps brain development, children who love sports, brain development will be much better than children who do not love sports, when children are in motion, the brain will secrete a special protein to help the brain nerves establish connections. If the child can adhere to the exercise for a long time, the closer the connection will be, the easier it will be for the child to learn independently, obtain beneficial information, facilitate reading, and contribute to the flexibility of thinking. Exercise can let children learn many important skills outside of books, sports and fitness should not only stay at the level of consciousness and concepts, but also have real actions!

Coubertin, the father of the Olympic Games, once said: "Sport is courage and joy, he can make people's hearts full of joy, his thinking is broader and clearer, he can make the sad people relax and relieve their boredom, and he can make the happy people's lives sweeter." Studies have found that after exercise, people's positive emotions will increase, negative emotions will decrease, and one-time physical activities lasting about thirty minutes can improve the state of mind, alleviate anxiety and tension, produce some good emotional experience, and have a therapeutic effect on negative emotions such as anxiety and depression. In view of the necessity of children developing lifelong exercise habits, teachers should continue to communicate with parents, and together with physical education teachers, sort out the sports projects that students can do at home, and then teach parents efficient methods of supervision and participation.

Hu Xiuying: Home-school work together to cultivate students' good habits of independence and self-reliance| family education

Domestic issue CN51-1677/G4

IsSN 1672-8181

Excerpt from | "Times Education, Xingzhi Vertical and Horizontal" (Academic Guidance of Chengdu Tao Xingzhi Research Association) November 2021 Issue/Column: Life Education

Edit | Zhang Jingzhi


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