
Lintang Township, Longnan City: Love for children in need, love to help grow

author:Drunken Ganzhou

On March 2, 2022, "Nutrition Inclusion, Care for Beizhi - Bellamy's Guardianship of China's Infant and Young Child Health Public Welfare Activities to Help The Happy Home Project (Jiangxi Longnan Lintang Station)" was officially launched.

Distribution ceremony

Lintang Township, Longnan City: Love for children in need, love to help grow

A total of 140 cans of Bellamy's milk powder were distributed, benefiting 33 infants and young children from needy families in 6 administrative villages in the township.

Lintang Township, Longnan City: Love for children in need, love to help grow

In order to distribute milk powder to the homes of children in most need, so that the masses can really get the benefits and feel the warmth and care of the party and the government, at the distribution site, the township civil affairs department strictly follows the distribution procedures and implementation regulations, distributes the milk powder to the parents of the registered children truthfully, establishes a milk powder distribution account, and distributes it according to the nutritional needs of different children's ages, explains the instructions and precautions for the consumption of milk powder on the spot, and reminds everyone to eat and store milk powder correctly.

Lintang Township, Longnan City: Love for children in need, love to help grow

The masses signed and confirmed

At the scene of the event, the recipients received a can of love milk powder and expressed their gratitude, a parent of infants and young children said: "For our family, the monthly milk powder money is a big expense, thanks to the party and the government, thanks to the charity association and the love enterprise for our care and help, our hearts are particularly warm." ”

Lintang Township, Longnan City: Love for children in need, love to help grow
Lintang Township, Longnan City: Love for children in need, love to help grow

The masses receive milk powder on the spot

In recent years, Lintang Township has continuously improved the work system for the life guarantee of families in difficulty, helped infants and young children grow up healthily, and formed a good atmosphere of caring for families in difficulty in the whole township. This activity effectively improved the nutritional status of infants and young children aged 0-3 in our township and helped rural revitalization.

Love gathers strength hope to achieve the future

Editors: Chen Fang, Ye Shuijing

Proofreader: Liao Ting

Review: She Deng, Ma Fei