
The most low-key organ of the human body, there is an Achilles heel

author:Dongxiang County Rong Media Center

The heart, liver, spleen, lungs and kidneys are important organs of the human body. Compared with the other four, "Spleen" is much more low-key, it is silent and honest, and rarely has a sense of existence.

What the hell does the spleen do? What problems is it prone to?

The most low-key organ of the human body, there is an Achilles heel

"Life Times" (search "LT0385" in WeChat to follow) invites experts to answer one by one and teach you to protect your spleen.

Experts interviewed

Cai Changchun, chief physician of the Department of Hepatobiliary and Pancreatic Surgery, Wuhan Central Hospital, and Sun Jiangyang, deputy chief physician

Jia Dacheng, senior first aid expert of Beijing Emergency Center

Spleen, what is the use of it?

First of all, it needs to be made clear that the "spleen" in Chinese medicine is not the same thing as the spleen in Western medicine. In traditional Chinese medicine, the spleen refers to the function of absorbing and transporting food; In Western medicine, the spleen refers to only one organ.

The spleen is located in the left upper abdomen, behind the ribs, and is close to the stomach and pancreas.

The adult spleen is 10~12 cm long, 6~8 cm wide, and 3~4 cm thick. Your clenched fist is about the size of your spleen.

The most low-key organ of the human body, there is an Achilles heel

In general, there are three main categories of physiological functions of the spleen.


The largest lymphatic organ in the human body

The spleen is the largest lymphoid organ in the human body, accounting for about 1/4 of the lymphoid tissue, and plays an important immune function, which can be said to be the body's "immune factory".

It can produce lymphocytes, immunoglobulins, complement and other immune substances to build an immune "wall" and enhance resistance.

The most low-key organ of the human body, there is an Achilles heel


Stores and dispenses blood

When the body is resting and quiet, it is busy storing blood. When the body is in a state of stress, such as exercise, blood loss, and hypoxia, the spleen sends the stored blood into the blood circulation to help the body function.


"Blood Cleaner"

The spleen is also known as the "blood cleaner" and the powerful "filter":

  • Healthy blood cells pass through the spleen unimpeded, but damaged or dead cells are intercepted and broken down;
  • If germs appear in the blood, macrophages and lymphocytes under the spleen will "eat" them all. Many times, you don't know it, but it has cleaned you up of invading microbes.

Another interesting function is that the spleen can make blood at the time of embryonic birth, but this function gradually degenerates after birth and basically disappears.

The spleen has an "Achilles' heel"

The spleen is usually honest and responsible, but it is not without a "temper", it has two weaknesses.

Achilles' heel - fear of external forces

The spleen is tender and brittle, and it is one of the most vulnerable organs in the abdominal cavity, and the incidence of spleen injury accounts for 40%~50% of abdominal trauma.

High-intensity external blows, car accidents, and even falls, cycling collisions, etc., may cause the spleen to "crack". In severe cases, the spleen will be like broken blood tofu that cannot be sutured and can only be removed. Therefore, the spleen is ridiculed as "the tofu scum project of the human body".

When the upper abdomen is hit, even if the waist accidentally hits the corner of the table in a small fight, if there are symptoms of abdominal pain, dizziness, thirst, and chest tightness in the next few days, you must pay attention to it and seek medical attention in time.

The most low-key organ of the human body, there is an Achilles heel

The second weakness is the fear of getting bigger

Once the spleen becomes larger, it destroys large numbers of normal red blood cells, platelets, and white blood cells, leading to anemia, infection, and bleeding.

Various acute and chronic infections, liver cirrhosis, blood diseases, lupus erythematosus, splenic cysts, hemangiomas, lymphangiomas and other diseases may make the spleen enlarged.

If you have recent abdominal distention, fatigue, loss of appetite, bleeding from tooth brushing, skin bruising, and increased menstruation, it may be a problem with the spleen, and you can go to the general surgery department first.

What happens to the human body if you lose your spleen?

According to the cause of splenic injury, it can be divided into three categories: traumatic, iatrogenic and spontaneous, of which trauma accounts for more than 85%, and splenic rupture caused by traffic accidents ranks first, accounting for about 50%~60%.

The most low-key organ of the human body, there is an Achilles heel
  • Acute splenic rupture

When the upper abdomen is impinged, it can cause acute spleen rupture, with symptoms such as sweating, thirst, abdominal pain, palpitation, shortness of breath, clammy limbs, and heavy bleeding in a short time, causing hemorrhagic shock, and the situation is dangerous.

  • Delayed splenic rupture

Initially, the symptoms are subtle and may be mild pain in the left upper quadrant, but after a few days, some people suddenly rupture their spleen and bleed profusely. If left untreated, it can lead to shock and even death.

The loss of the spleen means the loss of the body's largest lymphatic organ and peripheral immune organ. However, in the face of an emergency, saving lives is the first place, protecting the spleen is the second, and don't miss the rescue time because of hesitation.

Zhang Zhongtao, vice president of Beijing Friendship Hospital, said that for adults, total splenectomy has little impact on immune function and will not affect life expectancy; However, in infants and young children, splenectomy has a greater impact on immune function, and dangerous infections may occur.

How to take care of our spleen?

To protect the spleen, we should start with its weaknesses and focus on the following things.


Try to avoid trauma

The spleen is the most susceptible internal organ to injury, and try to avoid bumps and falls in life, especially for people who have an enlarged spleen.

If you have a blow to your left upper abdomen, even if you hit the corner of the table and you have pain a few days later, you must see a doctor.


Control related diseases

Active treatment of diseases that cause splenomegaly, such as liver cirrhosis, leukemia, and malignant lymphoma, can increase the spleen volume by more than 10 times, and the probability of spleen rupture after trauma is greatly increased, so it is necessary to be highly vigilant.


Maintain immune balance

The spleen is an immune organ, and any bad habits may affect the function of the spleen. For example, not paying attention to hygiene and being exposed to too many pathogenic microorganisms can lead to infection.

Staying up late often and being stressed for a long time may affect the work of the spleen through the neuroendocrine system.

Pay attention to keeping warm in life, ventilate more, and avoid cold in the abdomen. The daily diet should be light, eat more vegetables and fruits, do not eat too greasy food, and eat less cold food. ▲

Editor of this issue: Zheng Ronghua

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The most low-key organ of the human body, there is an Achilles heel

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