
There are 100 key points in the design review of highway engineering construction drawings

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There are 100 key points in the design review of highway engineering construction drawings

What exactly is reviewed in the highway engineering construction drawing design review? What are the key points in this process that need special attention? The 100 articles summarized below are worth collecting and spare!

01Chapter 1 General Provisions

Article 1 In order to strengthen the supervision and management of the quality of highway engineering survey and design, protect the safety of the state and the people's lives and property, and safeguard the public interest, in accordance with the Regulations on the Quality Management of Construction Projects of the State Council, the Interim Measures for the Review of Construction Drawing Design Documents of the Ministry of Construction, the Measures for the Administration of the Highway Construction Market of the Ministry of Communications, and the current relevant laws, regulations, industry standards and norms, with reference to the Measures for the Review and Administration of Highway Engineering Survey and Design Documents of the Ministry of Communications (Draft for Solicitation of Comments), combined with the actual situation and industry characteristics, Formulate the key points of this construction drawing design review.

Article 2 The review of construction drawings is divided into policy review and technical review, and the policy review is the responsibility of the competent administrative department of transportation, and the main points of this review mainly involve two parts: technical review.

Article 3 Technical review mainly includes the following:

1. Whether the main technical standards and construction scale meet the preliminary design approval requirements;

2. Whether the depth and content of the design documents comply with the provisions of the preparation measures;

3. Whether the design documents implement the provisions of the Mandatory Provisions of the Engineering Construction Standards;

4. Whether the design scheme is in line with the principle of safety, and correctly handle the relationship between safety and durability, environmental protection, economy, practicality, beauty, resource conservation, etc.;

5. Whether the engineering geological survey report meets the requirements of the "Highway Engineering Geological Survey Code" and whether it can meet the design requirements;

6. Whether it harms the public interest;

7. Other contents required by the competent department of transportation for review.

Article 4 Submission of construction drawings for review must meet the following conditions:

1. Approval documents and attachments of relevant government departments for preliminary design;

2. Review the qualified engineering survey report;

3. A full set of construction drawings (including calculation books and indicating the name and version of the calculation software);

4. Review other materials that need to be provided (such as flood analysis report, general aviation demonstration, etc.).

Article 5 The review shall be based on a scientific, objective and impartial attitude, combined with the actual situation of the project to put forward a clear conclusion. The technical review should use software calculations different from the design, and the optimization suggestions should put forward clear schemes and quantitative indicators, which are conducive to design optimization and improvement under the premise of safety, reliability, economy and rationality.

Article 6 The consultation report and expert review opinions of the expressway project shall be prepared in chapters according to the content of the design document, including the project overview, overall evaluation, general specification, overall design, route, subgrade pavement and drainage, bridge culvert, tunnel, traffic engineering and facilities along the route, environmental protection, other projects, road construction materials, construction organization and basic information. Other grade highway projects are prepared by reference.

Article 7 The focus of the review of construction drawings is on the safety of structural design, compliance with regulations, operational implementation and economic rationality.

02Chapter 2 Overall Evaluation

Article 8 Evaluate whether the content of the design document is complete and whether it meets the format and depth requirements of the Preparation Measures and the Highway Design Chart Example.

Article 9 Evaluate whether the design documents have implemented the preliminary design documents, whether they meet the mandatory provisions of the "Engineering Construction Standards", and whether they meet the requirements of the current standards and specifications.

Article 10 Evaluate whether the basic information such as geology, hydrology and terrain used in the design documents is complete and reliable.

Article 11 Evaluate the safety and reliability, economic rationality, technological advancement and construction operability embodied in the design documents.

Article 12 identifies major problems in the design document.

03Chapter 3 General Instructions

Article 13 Examination of whether the description includes geographical map, description, flat profile thumbnail, table of main technical and economic indicators and annexes.

Article 14 Focus on whether the specification elaborates on the implementation of the Mandatory Provisions of the Engineering Construction Standards, and whether the implementation of the initial approval opinions is elaborated article by article.

04Chapter 4 Overall Design

Article 15 Focus on reviewing the overall plan of the plan, check whether the content in the drawing is complete and correct, and whether the settings of each structure meet the functional needs.

Article 16 Evaluate the overall coordination between the various disciplines and check the economic rationality of the structural settings.

Article 17 Evaluate the feasibility of the overall implementation steps and process articulation in the description.

Article 18 For sections of particularly difficult roads or special structures, when necessary, it is requested to design supplementary panoramic perspective views or three-dimensional dynamic models to check the continuity, equilibrium and coordination between the structures of the three-dimensional linear shapes of space.

05 Chapter 5 Route

Article 19 Review whether the article includes descriptions, floor plans, profile drawings, straight curves and corner tables, wire point results tables, total mileage and broken chain pile number tables, pile-by-pile coordinate tables, highway maps and requisition and demolition quantity tables.

Article 20 Examine whether the route plane conforms to the direction of the preliminary design approval, conduct a comprehensive review of the flat and longitudinal design of the route, and evaluate whether the flat and longitudinal technical indicators meet the requirements of the current standards and specifications, whether the linear combination is safe and coordinated, and whether it is consistent with the terrain and geology.

Article 21 Focus on verifying the design of the longitudinal section, and verify whether the longitudinal section design meets the requirements of the control indicators such as the design flood level, the navigable clearance, and the clearance of the cross-structure, and whether it reflects economic rationality.

Article 22 Focus on verifying whether the technical indicators of tunnel openings, interconnection sections and special structure sections meet safety requirements.

Article 23 Under normal circumstances, the flat and longitudinal indicators should be larger than the "general value" requirements stipulated in the standard, so as to avoid a large number of long straight lines, large radius curves, long curves and long and steep longitudinal slopes; for mountain roads, river networks and areas with concentrated residential concentrations, it is advisable to take lower technical indicators, avoid large-scale filling and digging, reduce the amount of structures and demolition projects, but must meet the requirements of "limit values"; the comfort indicators such as the straight line length and the parameters of the relaxation curve between the curves should be flexibly used.

Article 24 Examine whether the average fill height, the balance of filling and excavation and the quantity of projects of the subgrade are reasonable, put forward specific modifications to unreasonable flat and longitudinal designs, and explain the reasons for optimization and changes in the amount of works, and provide charts and figures to clarify quantitative indicators if necessary.

06 Chapter 6 Subgrade, Pavement and Drainage

Article 25 First verify whether the content of the design document is complete, the article shall include the description, the side ditch design table, the subgrade standard cross-sectional drawing, the roadbed general design drawing, the ultra-high method drawing, the special subgrade design engineering quantity table and design drawing, the middle belt design drawing, the central separation belt opening design drawing, the quantity table of earth and stone per kilometer, the earth and stone transportation volume statistical table, the list of abandoned earth sites, the protective engineering design drawing and quantity table, the road surface engineering quantity table, the road surface structure diagram, the drainage system layout drawing and the quantity table.

Article 26 This article focuses on the economics of the special subgrade design, the safety of high slope protection and the rationality of the drainage system arrangement.

Article 27 Verify whether the cross-sectional drawing of the subgrade standard meets the standard requirements of the preliminary design approval, and whether it provides various forms such as filled subgrade, excavated subgrade, half-filled and half-dug subgrade, river (creek) subgrade, paddy field subgrade, etc., as well as integral subgrade, separated subgrade and transition section subgrade form in combination with the actual project.

Article 28 Evaluate whether the form, slope rate and type of reinforcement of the filled and excavated slopes are reasonable. The slope rate of the filled slope should not be less than 1:1.5, and the subgrade of the high-filled roadbed in the mountainous area should be cross-sectioned; the excavated slope should be reasonably determined according to the engineering geology combined with the type of slope protection, the bedrock slope of the deep excavation should not be slower than 1:0.5, and the conditional low-excavation soil slope should be greater than 1:1.5 to reduce the slope protection.

Article 29 Under normal circumstances, the height of the filled roadbed should be controlled within 20 meters, the excavated road graben should not be greater than 30 meters, and the height of the excavated slope should not be greater than 1.6 times the width of the roadbed. Safety evaluation of high-fill and deep-digging sections.

Article 30 Examine whether the slope protection is dynamically designed in combination with the terrain and engineering geology along the line, whether the high slope protection has stability and construction operability, evaluate whether the protection type segmentation and the high slope grading are suitable for the construction environment, and whether the slope greening fully considers the natural landscape along the line.

Article 31 Examine whether the foundation treatment scheme of the soft foundation road section is suitable for the geological type of the work site, whether it meets the requirements of stability and post-settlement, and whether the soft foundation treatment scheme used is economically feasible. For the higher sections of the embankment and the sections with obvious changes in the longitudinal and transverse terrain, check whether there is a targeted geological report and special design.

Article 32 Verify whether there is a special design for the joint part of the subgrade with other structures, and evaluate whether the design used can avoid the phenomenon of bridge head jumping.

Article 33 Review whether the ultra-high section provides a segmented design and whether the length of the ultra-high transition section is consistent with the mitigation curve, which is conducive to driving safety.

Article 34 Examine whether the structural design of the pavement meets the requirements of strength and durability under traffic loads, evaluate whether the design parameters, mixture test indicators and structural stratification are reasonable, and verify whether the materials used are suitable for the construction conditions. Whether the design parameters and construction requirements of the leveling layer are clear for the excavated road section. Strengthen the design of the old road, verify whether the test data of the old road is complete and accurate, and put forward evaluation or modification suggestions.

Article 35 Examine whether the drainage design is connected with the stream system along the line, whether the section of the drainage structure meets the requirements for flood discharge, and whether the interception ditch is reasonably set up in combination with the terrain. Check the rationality and operability of the drainage design of the ultra-high road section, and whether the dug side ditch without road side guardrail is equipped with a grid cover.

Article 36 Whether the location, protection and greening design of the soil extraction and abandonment sites meet the requirements of the soil and water conservation plan.

07 Chapter 7 Bridges and Culverts

Article 37 The content of the review includes the bridge and culvert design description, the project quantity table, the bridge site plan, the bridge layout drawing, the structural design drawing, etc.

Article 38 Focus on reviewing whether the bridge and culvert design drawings meet the construction needs, whether the structural design meets the requirements of the specifications, and whether they reflect safety, economy and reasonableness.

Article 39 Verify whether the bridge plan conforms to the spirit of the initial approval and whether the bridge span meets the requirements of flood discharge, navigation and crossing.

Article 40 Verify whether the basic information required for the design is complete and accurate, including topography, geology, hydrology, navigation, planning and other relevant information.

Article 41 Evaluate whether the upper and lower structural forms of bridges and culverts are suitable for terrain, geology and landscape.

Article 42 According to the geological parameters provided by the engineering geology and the calculated bearing capacity of the pier foundation, the structural dimensions and reinforcement of the piers (piles, columns) are checked and calculated.

Article 43 Verification of the pertinence of the general design drawings and the evaluation of whether their construction and reinforcement meet the requirements of the current specifications.

Article 44 For special bridges with large spans and complex structures, different calculation software shall be used for verification, verification of their design reliability and construction feasibility, and ensuring safety and reasonableness.

Article 45 For the optimization of the design, it is advisable to put forward quantitative indicators or reference data. The structural tests made for the review shall be submitted to the calculation document.

08Chapter 8 Tunnels

Article 46 The content of the review includes the design description, the quantity table of works, the floor plan, the profile drawing, the clearance cross-sectional drawing, the general design drawing, the structural design drawing of each department and the design drawing of ancillary facilities.

Article 47 Focus on examining whether the form of tunnel openings, lining structures and the design of anti-drainage systems are suitable for terrain and geology.

Article 48 Verify whether the flat and longitudinal linear indicators in and near the tunnel mouth meet the requirements of the specification and are conducive to ventilation, drainage and operational safety.

Article 49 Verify whether the dimensions of each section of the clearance section meet the requirements of the standard and whether the requirements for the installation of protective structures and auxiliary facilities are met.

Article 50 Examine whether the initial support parameters of the tunnel and the dimensions of the secondary lining structure are reasonable.

Article 51 Verify whether the settings such as the cross-sectional opening of the vehicle, the pedestrian cross-sectional opening and the transverse contact line at the entrance of the cave comply with the requirements of the specification.

Article 52 Verify whether the layout of the tunnel construction site, the plan for dumping and the plan for measuring the construction are reasonable and feasible.

Article 53 For long tunnels and deep-buried tunnels, evaluate whether their construction organization plans and rock burst analysis are reasonable and feasible, and whether the corresponding technical measures are safe and reliable.

09 Chapter 9 Route Crossing

Article 54 The content of the route cross review includes the design description, the three-dimensional cross setting table, the quantity table, the flat longitudinal design drawing, the ramp connection design drawing and the elevation data drawing, as well as the design chart of the subgrade, pavement and drainage in the intersection area, the bridge layout drawing and the structural design drawing, the design drawing of the passage, culvert, pipeline and ancillary facilities.

Article 55 Focus on examining whether the location, form and scale and standard of the interconnection line meet the requirements of preliminary design approval.

Article 56 Verification of whether the form of interconnection is suitable for terrain and landform. Whether the linear indicators of the main line and ramp meet the requirements of the specification, and whether they reflect the principle of occupying less land and being economically reasonable.

Article 57 Verify whether the clearance between interchange ramps, split crossings and passages meets the corresponding building boundary requirements.

Article 58 Verify whether the distance between the interchange and other important facilities such as service areas and tunnels can meet the requirements of the specification.

Article 59 Evaluate whether the setting of the separated interchange and the passage is suitable for the terrain, landform, geology and the intersected road, and whether it is coordinated with the surrounding environment, and give priority to the main line downward penetration scheme. The separation and passage of the main line underneath, the part that exceeds the height of the human passage should be dug down, and equipped with the necessary automatic pumping pumping station to reduce the height of the subgrade filling.

Article 60 Interchanges, separation interchanges and passages are relatively independent, and it is verified whether the corresponding charts such as flat longitudinal surfaces, subgrade pavements, drainage protection, quantity of earth and stone, bridges and culverts, tunnels, etc. are specially provided in accordance with the requirements of the "Preparation Measures", and the review points of each professional design within the intersection range are referred to the above relevant professional requirements.

010 Chapter 10 Traffic Engineering and Facilities Along the Route

Article 61 The scope of review of traffic works and facilities along the route includes design descriptions, floor plans, cross-sectional layout drawings, diagrams of the composition of custodial institutions, engineering quantity tables, lists, material quantity tables, layout drawings and design drawings of various departments for safety, monitoring, communications, charges, services, power supply and lighting facilities, and charts related to housing construction projects, general plan arrangements, equipment layouts, station layouts and architectural designs.

Article 62 Focus on reviewing whether traffic safety facilities comply with current national standards, verify whether the scale of facilities along the route implements the initial approval opinions, and meets functional needs.

Article 63 Examine whether the traffic projects and facilities along the route have been considered as a whole and conformed to the provincial network agreement.

Article 64 Check whether the setting of the guardrail reflects the local conditions, and different types of rigid or flexible guardrails should be set up in different sections, and consider the smooth connection and stiffness gradient between different types of guardrails. When the dug road section and the filled road section with a height of less than 1.5 m are greater than 100 m, the roadside guardrail should be cancelled; the fill height is greater than 6m and the road section along the river or along the creek should be set up with a reinforced road side guardrail.

Article 65 To verify whether the installation of signs meets the needs of safety and guidance, in addition to special bridges and long tunnels, the name signs of bridges and tunnels may be cancelled, and signs of major scenic spots and towns may be added.

Article 66 Verify whether the selection of technical indicators or parameters of major equipment and materials is reasonable and appropriate, and whether the quantity is statistically accurate.

Article 67 Verify whether the cable pipes, equipment foundations, embedded parts, hand holes, manholes, etc. are fully designed and in place, and whether the dimensions and specifications are reasonable.

Article 68 Examine whether the manner and location of each piece of equipment and materials is reasonable and clear.

Article 69 Examine whether the power supply and distribution methods of the main equipment or systems are reasonable, whether the capacity is matched, whether the emergency power supply scheme is feasible, and whether the equipment load level is set reasonably.

Article 70 Examine whether the configuration of transmission channels or communication channels such as images, data, and voice is reasonable, whether the bandwidth is sufficient, whether the number of boards is sufficient, and whether the expected transmission quality and functional objectives can be achieved.

Article 71 Examine whether the detailed diagrams of various application software processes and modules are compatible and matched with the expected functional objectives.

Article 72 Examine whether various control plans, rescue plans, traffic guidance plans, etc. are feasible.

Article 73 Examine whether the arrangement of equipment cable trenches, cable racks (slots), junction boxes, fire hoses, etc. is reasonable, economical and beautiful.

Article 74 Review whether the systematic mine-grounding protection measures are perfect and reasonable.

Article 75 Examine whether the core number configuration, model specifications, and distribution of trunk cores of optical cables are reasonable.

Article 76 Examine whether the size and specifications of customized parts such as operator stations, consoles, cabinets, etc. are reasonable, and whether the structural form meets the requirements for use.

Article 77 Examine whether the design scheme for network operation is detailed and feasible, whether the reservation of channels or interfaces is sufficient, and whether the relevant equipment and communication rooms meet the provisions and technical requirements for network operation.

Article 78 Examine whether the image display mode, compression mode, storage mode, and switching mode are feasible.

Article 79 Review whether the security design for the operation of the system or equipment is reliable, including the implementation of functions such as cable protection, virus protection, interface redundancy, alarm display, self-test, and self-healing.

Article 80 It shall be examined whether the engineering interface division between mechanical and electrical engineering and housing construction, civil engineering and other projects is clear and reasonable.

Article 81 Examine whether design charts for housing construction, communications, power supply, monitoring, etc. comply with the standards and specifications of relevant professions.

Article 82 Examine whether to consider adding a climbing lane to the uphill section of a one-way two-lane highway when the continuous longitudinal slope is greater than 3% and more than 5 km, and whether to set up a risk avoidance lane on the downhill section, a section with a low flat and longitudinal index, and appropriately increase safety facilities such as a harbor-type parking area according to local conditions. Other grades of highways are appropriately equipped with safety facilities in combination with the terrain to ensure operational safety.

011 Chapter 11 Other Projects

Article 83 Other projects include environmental protection, greening, relocation works, construction roads, road construction materials and construction organization plans. Verify whether the design content meets the requirements of the Preparation Measures.

Article 84 Verify whether the environmental protection plan proposed in the approved environmental report has been included in the construction drawing design documents and whether the environmental protection measures are reasonable and feasible.

Article 85: Check whether the greening design is integrated with the natural landscape along the route, and check whether the greening design of key scenic spots such as interchanges and service areas is economically reasonable according to local conditions.

Article 86 Verify whether the sewage treatment design in the service area, management area, maintenance area and other areas is complete, reasonable and feasible, and whether the treatment results meet the requirements for water quality.

Article 87: Focus on examining whether the contents of the relocation projects such as road changes, rivers, streams, and auxiliary roads are complete and reasonable, and in principle they are not lower than the original standards, and when necessary, they are designed in conjunction with the approved plan.

Article 88 To verify whether the construction roads and leased sites meet the construction requirements, it is advisable to avoid areas such as basic farmland, land for major cash crops, military bases, schools and hospitals.

Article 89 Verify whether the contents in the schematic diagram of the distribution of road construction materials are complete and clear, and verify whether the quality, reserves, procurement and transportation conditions and test results of each material are reasonable and credible.

Article 90 Verify whether a rough construction organization plan has been prepared in accordance with the requirements of the "Preparation Measures" and whether the construction proposals for key projects are reasonable and feasible.

012 Chapter 12 Basic Information

Article 91 Basic information includes engineering survey, hydrological analysis, topographic mapping, environmental assessment, soil and water conservation assessment, geological disaster assessment, agreements signed with governments and relevant departments along the route, meeting minutes and other information related to design, and verification of the completeness and authenticity of their contents.

Article 92 Focus on examining whether the scope and depth of the engineering survey meet the needs of design and construction, and whether the geological parameters provided are complete and accurate.

Article 93 Examine whether the classification of bad engineering geological types and the evaluation of the scope of impact are accurate, and whether the proposed measures are targeted and reasonable.

Article 94 Verify whether there is a special engineering survey and analysis of the roadbed of the soft soil foundation, whether there is a horizontal engineering survey and analysis of the soft foundation section along the mountain, whether the necessary special engineering survey and stability analysis is carried out on the slope of the high excavation, whether the engineering survey data and analysis conclusions are accurate, and whether the stability and safety design needs of the roadbed can be met.

Article 95 Verify whether the analysis of the impact of hydrogeological conditions on the project is reasonable, and whether the conclusions and recommended measures proposed are feasible.

Article 96 Verify whether the hydrological investigation and calculation data are complete and credible, verify whether the data on the clearance requirements such as navigation and crossing proposed by relevant departments are complete and reasonable, and evaluate the rationality and credibility of the results of the special reports of foreign commissions, such as navigation demonstration, flood analysis, and wind and wave tests.

Article 97 Verify whether the results of topographic mapping are complete and reliable and whether they can meet the needs of construction.

Article 98 Verification of the implementation of prevention and control plans and recommendations for environmental protection, soil and water conservation and geological disaster assessment.

Article 99 Evaluate whether the agreements signed with the governments and relevant departments along the Belt and Road are reasonable and feasible.

Article 100 Verification of the completeness and reliability of the basic information required for other designs and the satisfaction of design requirements.