
Guide to self-help for the cervical spine of workers: Try writing the word "rice" with a pen on the head and neck

Text/Yangcheng Evening News all-media reporter Liu Xinyu Correspondent Xu Yongyi

Photo/Visual China

The moment when you work for a long time, brush your mobile phone and look up, the moment when you suddenly get up on the sofa for two hours... Are your shoulders and neck heavy and stiff? Maybe your body is telling you that something is wrong with your cervical spine.

Xiaomei (pseudonym), 23 years old this year, works in e-commerce, sitting in front of the computer for more than 10 hours at work, and also keeping her mobile phone in her hands when she is free. Recently, she has been feeling pain in the back of her neck and around her shoulders, which can be relieved by a little massage at first, but gradually affects her normal work as the pain intensifies. After Receiving Xiaomei, Deputy Chief Physician of the Pain Department of the Second Affiliated Hospital of Guangzhou Medical University (hereinafter referred to as the Second Affiliated Hospital of Guangzhou Medical University), Zhang Jianbo, deputy chief physician, found that the pain of suboccupital compressions on both sides of Xiaomei was obvious, and the tenderness of the shoulder muscles was significant, which was a typical symptom of cervical spondylosis.

Guide to self-help for the cervical spine of workers: Try writing the word "rice" with a pen on the head and neck

How can I tell if I have cervical spondylosis?

If you have symptoms such as shoulder and neck pain, neck movement, and even numbness of your fingers, you must consider whether there is a problem with your cervical spine. First of all, I recommend two simple self-examination methods for cervical spondylosis, which require the cooperation of family members:

The first method (brachial plexus stretching experiment): the family supports my neck with one hand and my wrist with the other, pulling in the opposite direction. If I feel pain, numbness and other discomfort, it indicates that I may have cervical spondylosis; the second method (head pressure test): I sit upright on a chair, keep my head and neck upright, and my family will cover the top of the person's head with the palm of my left hand, hold a fist with my right hand, press or hit the back of my left hand, and the force of the blow should be moderate. If you have symptoms of pain and numbness, you may have cervical spondylosis. Both methods are relatively safe and reliable, and generally do not occur dangerously.

In addition, if there is soreness in the muscles at the back of the neck, especially behind the ears, if the muscles under the skull are obviously painful after touch pressure, indicating a problem with the neck muscles, cervical spondylosis may also be suffered. Experts remind that the above methods are only suitable for simple self-examination at home, if the pain is serious, you must go to a regular medical institution in time, through the doctor's professional judgment, is the most authoritative method.

Teach you 5 ways to prevent cervical spondylosis

Experts said that in addition to bringing pain and discomfort to people and affecting daily work and learning, cervical spondylosis may also induce a variety of diseases throughout the body: such as visual impairment, bloating and constipation, chest pain, cataplexy, Alzheimer's disease, hypertension, and the most serious case is that once cervical dislocation occurs, cervical spine bleeding forms a hematoma, and may even compress the spine to cause paralysis. Try these five ways to prevent cervical spondylosis:

1. Avoid maintaining a posture in the neck for a long time, when maintaining a posture for about 1 hour, take a proper rest and move, and then continue to work after the neck is eliminated.

2. Scientific choice of pillow, 8cm-14cm is more appropriate, avoid too high or too low, the pillow is equivalent to the height of my fist when lying on the back, and the height of the pillow is roughly the same as the length of the shoulder width when lying on the side. It is best to choose a pillow with a low middle and a high pillow on both sides, and the pillow core is also the most suitable for soft and breathable fillings such as buckwheat skin, duck down, mung bean shell, etc. The sleeping position is mainly flat, and the posture should be paid attention to when lying on the side.

3. Pay attention to keeping the neck warm. In summer, pay attention to avoid air conditioning, fans, etc. blowing directly on the neck, and pay attention to adding scarves and other things to keep warm in winter. When the neck temperature is too low and the blood flow is not smooth, it is easy to cause cervical spondylosis.

4. Strengthen neck muscle exercise, swimming, playing badminton, table tennis, etc. are good ways to exercise neck muscles. You can use your head and neck to write "rice" for the pen every day, 10 times at a time, several times a day, which can effectively prevent cervical spondylosis.

5. Prevent acute injuries to the head and neck, avoid sleeping in the car, and if you sleep, find a good fulcrum to rely on to prevent neck injuries caused by sharp braking. Pay attention to prevent neck contusions caused by too long working hours or excessive loads during labor.

Guide to self-help for the cervical spine of workers: Try writing the word "rice" with a pen on the head and neck

How to treat cervical spondylosis?

Most of the clinical use of non-steroidal analgesic and anti-inflammatory drugs such as aspirin, fenbide, compound clozosaczem, etc., topical drugs such as buttaline cream, etc., can play analgesic and anti-inflammatory effect. In addition, topical physiotherapy can improve blood circulation in the neck and shoulders, relieve muscle spasms, eliminate swelling and thus reduce the symptoms of cervical spondylosis. For some more stubborn cervical spondylosis, acupuncture therapy, silver needle therapy, and local injection under ultrasound can be used to relieve the neck muscles and relieve nerve compression.

However, when some patients find serious conditions such as obvious cervical disc herniation compressing nerve roots or spinal cord through magnetic resonance imaging examinations, the non-surgical treatment effect is not good, and when no surgical contraindications are excluded, minimally invasive surgical methods such as cervical plasma ablation in pain department can also be used. (For more news, please pay attention to Yangcheng Pie

Source | Yangcheng Evening News Yangcheng Pie

Editor-in-charge | Wang Moyi

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