
Constipated, what can you eat to empty the garbage in your stomach?

Constipated, what can you eat to empty the garbage in your stomach?

The "garbage" referred to by the subject should be stool. Constipation, eating dietary fiber-rich foods, probiotic yogurt, and water can empty your stomach of garbage.

There are many causes of constipation, of which diet accounts for a large part of the reason. Now people eat more fine, high fat, high protein intake is too much, and the amount of dietary fiber intake is too small, so constipation is very common, if you do not pay attention to water, even if there is a sufficient intake of dietary fiber, it is difficult to make the dietary fiber expand, the same will lead to constipation. At the same time, constipation should also pay attention to supplementing with probiotics, because probiotics are helpful in regulating the balance of intestinal microbiome.

We all know that dietary fiber is helpful in promoting peristalsis of the large intestine, which is the site of transporting feces, so people with constipation can usually eat more foods rich in dietary fiber. Among them, vegetables and fruits with more dietary fiber are dried dates (content of 3.1%), mung beans (content of 4.2%) and fungus (content of 7.0%)[1], in addition, the dietary fiber content of coarse grains is also relatively high. The Chinese Nutrition Society recommends that the content of dietary fiber we need to consume a day is about 20 grams to 30 grams, so in daily life, we must eat more vegetables and fruits, if long-term constipation, we should follow the doctor's instructions to take medicine.

Studies [2] have shown that both probiotics and dietary fiber can improve constipation to varying degrees, and if probiotics are used in combination with dietary fiber, constipation can be significantly improved. Previous experiments have also found that people with constipation are usually accompanied by changes in the intestinal microecological environment, mainly manifested as a significant decrease in the number of bifidobacteria beneficial to the human body, and at the same time there are potential pathogenic bacteria and foreign pathogenic bacteria overgrowth, through the intake of probiotics can regulate the intestinal flora, and promote gastrointestinal peristalsis, which is helpful in preventing constipation. So people with constipation can drink a bottle of yogurt containing probiotics every day.

Constipated, what can you eat to empty the garbage in your stomach?

Finally, we should pay attention to drinking water, because the stool should form a volume in our large intestine, in addition to the need for dietary fiber, there should also be water to help it expand, so as to increase the stimulation of the intestinal wall and promote defecation. That is to say, the simple intake of dietary fiber is not enough, but also need to drink water, water can make the dietary fiber expand, in layman's terms, it can increase the volume of dietary fiber, so that the defecation process is more smooth. In addition, the large intestine will absorb the water in the feces, if the body is dehydrated, then the feces will become dry and hard, it is difficult to excrete, that is, easy to lead to constipation. The average amount of water to be consumed by our human body in a day is about 2500 ml, in addition to the material metabolism in the body can produce 300 ml of water, the remaining 2200 ml must be obtained as much as possible through diet or drinking water, so as to achieve balance. Assuming that the water intake is obtained entirely by drinking water, if a cup is 300 ml, it is necessary to drink about 8 glasses of water.

In general, constipation should eat more foods containing more dietary fiber, such as mung beans, fungus, dried dates, etc., it is best to drink a bottle of yogurt containing probiotics every day, and drink more water.

This issue is written by Liao Yuying and Zhao Lichao

Editor: Peng Mingqian


Wang Zhenjun, Zheng Yi, Yang Xinqing. Dietary fiber and constipation[J]. Chinese Journal of Clinicians, 2007, 35(3):14-16.

Cong L M, Dong W W, Xie A, et al. Probiotics combined with dietary fiber to improve constipation[J]. Chinese Journal of Microecology, 2016, 27(6):862-865.

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