
Tarot Master Charm: Leo March Horoscope, the fate between you, there is a special connection

Hello everyone, I'm a charmer. Our popular interpretation is Leo's emotional horoscope for March 2022.

Tarot Master Charm: Leo March Horoscope, the fate between you, there is a special connection

Feeling that now some of leo friends, you may have to make a choice, now you have come to the crossroads of feelings, it may be that there is another energy on your side, it may be that your partner has contacted a new person, I think now you may be facing a breakup, if there is a marriage relationship, then there may be some friends who are already talking about divorce. It's a more complicated relationship, and it feels like you're in a polyamorous state and there's been no way to balance. Before you still had hope for this person, you always felt that he would come back to you.

Tarot Master Charm: Leo March Horoscope, the fate between you, there is a special connection

Now I feel that he is more determined to leave, and the temptation of that energy in the outside world is great. That other energy becomes a secret hidden between you and the other, and you deceive each other as if you were walking in endless shadows. You feel sad, feel particularly unlucky, and can't figure out why the person who suffered these things would be yourself. I want to say that these things are actually inevitable, you can't get around this person, this is the fate between you, you can also see that you and him have the cause and effect of the past life, there may be love debts between each other, and you have to repay them clearly in this life.

Tarot Master Charm: Leo March Horoscope, the fate between you, there is a special connection

You give your heart like this, do everything for each other, in fact, your heart is very painful, very entangled, you also know that you are not happy, but there is no way to let go. Looking back now, I talk about happy times, and I feel that every minute and every second is suffering. Misunderstandings are constant, quarrels are constant, and the energy conflicts between you and each other are getting more and more serious. I see that there may be a situation where your relationship together is a secret in itself, and you are hiding this from the outside world, and maybe you or the other party are hiding and deceiving your other half.

Tarot Master Charm: Leo March Horoscope, the fate between you, there is a special connection

You've thought about being with each other at all costs, and you may be getting divorced for this person, but I think that even if you choose this person in the end, you may not be able to have a good outcome with him, and you may still struggle in pain when you are together, and the relationship is not clear and happy. There are indeed more negative energies, and I can deeply feel your inner uneasiness, you feel that you can't hold on, and the negative energies gradually envelop you. It's a very difficult time, but you can't come out, you just don't want to get the feeling of redemption, you feel like you just let yourself stay in this swamp of pain, gradually engulfed, not annihilated.

Tarot Master Charm: Leo March Horoscope, the fate between you, there is a special connection

The sun is shining overhead, but you close your eyes and don't want to see, you give up the light yourself, that is, to indulge in the darkness. I feel that this is really worrying, do you still have to look up? Life does not have to be filled with dark colors, you have the ability to see the light again. I know you can't get rid of it right now, this guy is really attractive, he's having too much of an impact on you, but you may not only be hurt by you or him alone, there may be a small number of friends you will also implicate the child. If you don't choose to change, if you really fall too deeply, the power in your own heart will completely disappear.

When it is still too late, I hope you will try to pull yourself along, and when pain turns into strength, you will look down on all experiences. When you open your eyes, you will actually see bright sunshine. Well, the popular interpretation of Leo ends here. You can also come and share your story with the teacher, or draw your own deck of cards to see how you are doing. Bless you, we'll see you next time, bye-bye.

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