
Tarot Master Charm: Sagittarius Circumference, unscrupulous and irritable, will erase everything you do

Hello everyone, I'm a charmer. Our popular interpretation is Sagittarius' horoscope for the coming week.

Tarot Master Charm: Sagittarius Circumference, unscrupulous and irritable, will erase everything you do

I see that there should be some conflict between you and the other party, and the conflict is getting more and more intense. When you face real problems, you have not found a good solution and cannot reach an agreement. Now your feelings about the other person are very disappointed, and your attitude has become very indifferent. It may also be the other way around, the other person is disappointed in you, and he doesn't want to deal with you. Now it's time for you to see that each other has no patience and won't give each other a good look. It feels like the uncontrollable dark area of your or the other person's personality will be more prominent during this period.

You find it difficult to control your temper during this period, or it may be that the person next to you suddenly explodes. It was a small thing, but the two of you would argue when you talked about it. This state makes you all quite tired, and it is also very depressed, just hoping to be able to leave temporarily and find a breathing space. You don't want to go on like this. But if you do separate, I think there will be people coming back after a while. One party will want to make things clear and clear with the other party. If the person doesn't come back to you, it's probably that he doesn't want to hear what you say anymore, maybe he already has a more suitable option, he feels that the cut between you has been clean, and does not want to have any connection with you anymore.

Tarot Master Charm: Sagittarius Circumference, unscrupulous and irritable, will erase everything you do

If that's the case, then I think he should be extremely sad. Things could have been resolved through negotiation, but there is little patience between you, and on the one hand, when you are on the other side, your attitude is always uncontrollably bad, you or he will become very irritable, and the other party's endurance is not as good as once. When you see the problem, you may only kill him, and if you don't communicate with a sincere attitude, he can't be patient all the time. You will all feel that the other person is no longer the original appearance, and your own requirements cannot be met. To the point of looking at each other and getting tired of each other, both parties in the relationship are likely to lose their rational judgment and no longer restrain themselves. That leaving is something that could happen at any moment.

Tarot Master Charm: Sagittarius Circumference, unscrupulous and irritable, will erase everything you do

The lack of communication has caused you to suffer a lot, and you may feel that you have tried your best, but as soon as you communicate, you quarrel. Is it possible to think about the way you communicate with each other, maybe you have been treating each other in the wrong way, maybe you have not found the right time to communicate. If your heart still wants to save and really wants to improve the relationship, I hope you try to see the misunderstandings in your mode of getting along, use more brains, feel and observe more. After all, the problems that arise in this relationship have a lot to do with yourself, if you can control your emotions and give the other party more patience and tolerance, I believe you can understand the other party's situation. When you think about what he thinks, compromise is not a difficult thing to do.

Being unscrupulous will only obliterate everything you do, and the only thing he remembers is the hurt you did to him. Every time you erupt, it may be a nail in the coffin for him, and even if you pull it out at the end, the scar will remain there forever. It is also possible that the other party is still willing to listen to you and is willing to give you a chance to communicate. Then you really have to try to get it back and tell the other person that you will change. The tense atmosphere will only make him collapse, calm down, don't have a seizure when things happen, calm down for a while, freeze your emotions for a while, you will see more possibilities. If you really come to the end, then make it clear, say goodbye, and don't get into the worst situation.

Tarot Master Charm: Sagittarius Circumference, unscrupulous and irritable, will erase everything you do

Well, the public interpretation of Sagittarius ends here. You can also come and share your story with the teacher, or draw your own deck of cards to see how you are doing. Bless you, we'll see you next time, bye-bye.

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