
Xena: Consistent routine, why is it not good to make?

Once upon a time, Toyota's price increase was even used by many Toyota owners as a show off capital. Not to say whether Toyota knows about the price increase, but when it comes to the price increase, I believe that most consumers will think of Toyota for the first time. Of course, in that era, Toyota's product strength was indeed outstanding, and the price increase was actually understandable, after all, the production capacity was limited. But in this day and age, if a car wants to increase the price and also have sales, it is really not an ordinary role. And Toyota Sai na, obviously want to be this fierce role, but unfortunately Cheng also Xiao He lost xiao He.

Xena: Consistent routine, why is it not good to make?

Remember that there was a paragraph before, saying that some consumers went to the 4S store to buy Xena, asking if the sale of this car can be sold at a price increase of 10,000? Sales said we didn't have such a big deal. Regardless of whether this paragraph has a large amount of moisture, it can be seen what the market situation was at that time. However, judging from the recent market performance, it seems that the price of Xena in many places has no longer increased, and the sales of Xena seem to have rebounded. However, some people may wonder why the consistent routine is not good for Xena. You should know that in the past, some models even if the price increase, there are many people to buy, after all, the production capacity is limited.

Xena: Consistent routine, why is it not good to make?

To tell the truth, Xena's product strength is beyond doubt, if there is no so-called mark-up storm before, this MPV can be said to be the benchmark in the same price point products. In fact, without a price increase, this Toyota MPV fully complies with the law of true incense. However, even the best products must also consider market demand. Next, let's talk about why the past routines are not good.

Xena: Consistent routine, why is it not good to make?

The first point: this is an MPV model

We should know that the Toyota SUV at this price point is very competitive, if the race is an SUV model, even in the face of various doubts, its sales will not be very bad, and even continue the previous tradition, the routine is obviously still good. However, let's not forget that this is an MPV model, many consumers are hesitant between SUVs and MPVs, and the price increase may only allow consumers to choose SUVs.

Xena: Consistent routine, why is it not good to make?

The second point: the MPV market is highly competitive

Don't look at the consumer group of MPV on the market is not so large, there are not many MPV models on the market that can casually say their names, but they can't stand the huge fan base of many MPV. Although Xena also has a large number of loyal fans, but buick GL8, Honda Odyssey, Honda Alissen, GAC Trumpchi M8 fans are not inferior, coupled with price and other factors, consumers give up Xena is also reasonable.

Xena: Consistent routine, why is it not good to make?

Third point: the online controversy is too big

If a car is very controversial on the Internet, and there are many similar products on the market, at this time, will you still choose this controversial model? To be honest, Xena doesn't raise prices now, in large part because of the controversy. For many consumers, if there is no such a big controversy, the fare increase may also be considered, but now they are afraid of being ridiculed by the people around them because of the price increase, so they will also look at other products.

Xena: Consistent routine, why is it not good to make?

Overall, the Toyota Race is a good model, but if you need to increase the price of the car, I will not consider it anyway. At least from my personal concept of car purchase, any model with a markup is not worth considering, not that the car is not good, but this attitude problem. Or that sentence, the same price is not that there are no other cars to choose from, why must you choose the one with the increased price? Seeing this, do you understand why the routine that was once effective is now difficult to make?

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