
In the new college entrance examination model, the "materialization" combination is bound, but this combination sits on the cold bench

author:Mary Mommy

For individuals, education is to broaden their horizons, improve their lives, and have more rights to choose their way of life; for society, education is to cultivate more talents and promote the prosperity of the nation.

Nowadays, the times provide more adolescents with diversified opportunities to develop, and reading for the sake of "score" has deviated from the essence of education.

In the new college entrance examination model, the "materialization" combination is bound, but this combination sits on the cold bench
Returning education to its essence not only conforms to the trend of social development, but also fits the future path of children. Therefore, the cause of education has been striving to develop towards a healthier and more balanced situation, and a series of educational reforms have landed in response.

The "3+1+2" combination model gives students a great deal of freedom

In the student era, the college entrance examination, known as the "watershed of life", has always attracted the attention of countless experts, students and parents. Although it is a bit too heavy to equate the college entrance examination with life, countless "cold disciples" have indeed started the leap in life from the college entrance examination.

Therefore, the college entrance examination is regarded as the end of the student era, as long as you are admitted to the university, everything is "all right", and it is precisely because of the role of this idea that learning is particularly important in the high school era.

In the new college entrance examination model, the "materialization" combination is bound, but this combination sits on the cold bench

However, this view is one-sided and narrow from the perspective of the development of education, and high school learning is the consolidation and deepening of knowledge, and it is also the cultivation stage of learning habits, not simply for the purpose of sprinting college entrance examination scores.

Therefore, in order to enable students to get more comprehensive training and weaken the solidified idea of "only fraction theory", the learning at the high school level has ushered in a very big change, that is, the new college entrance examination reform of the "3+1+2" model.

I believe that students are no strangers to the 3+ 1 + 2 " model, the new model has been used for more than a year, after the reform landed, students can freely choose the subjects they want to learn, so that the traditional liberal arts and sciences two types of subjects are "scattered", students' freedom to choose subjects has been greatly enhanced. But is the reality really as ideal as everyone thinks?

In the new college entrance examination model, the "materialization" combination is bound, but this combination sits on the cold bench

The "materialized" combination under the new college entrance examination model is gradually bound

When the new college entrance examination model was first introduced, students and parents were in a state of "blindfolding", but in addition to excitement, everyone found that even if they could freely choose subjects, it was actually not so simple.

In addition to the three required subjects, the remaining 3 freely selected subjects are actually very exquisite, and cannot be selected by the interest of students, nor can they be completely easy to evacuate, but depend on the future professional requirements and institutional requirements.

Therefore, after a year of exploration and development, the students gradually figured out the eyebrows of the selected subjects and realized that the combination of "super cost performance" is the combination of physics + chemistry.

In the new college entrance examination model, the "materialization" combination is bound, but this combination sits on the cold bench

In the past, students chose physics and did not choose chemistry, because the physics subject itself is more difficult to learn, if you add chemistry, it is a very partial combination of science subjects, it is not easy to get high scores, over time, chemistry subjects gradually "cold".

However, with the adjustment of college majors for subjects, many high-quality majors require students to choose a combination of physics + chemistry, in this case, the two good brothers of materialization and chemistry are gradually "locked" together, but on the contrary, the combination of "material land" has been disliked and sat on the cold bench.

The "Material-To-Earth" combination sat on the cold bench, from 150,000 people to no one

There are popular subjects, there are "upset" subjects, and "material land" is one of the representatives.

In the new college entrance examination model, the "materialization" combination is bound, but this combination sits on the cold bench

In the 2021 Jiangsu Provincial College Entrance Examination that just passed, "Wushengdi" ushered in more than 150,000 applications, which shows that this combination is deeply recognized by students.

This combination of subjects not only avoids the "double difficulty" of physics + chemistry, but also occupies the attributes of "liberal arts and sciences compatibility" of biology and geography, which can be described as the best choice.

However, with the change of professional requirements of colleges and universities, the status of chemistry has been raised, and the combination of "material and biological land" no longer has an advantage. Coupled with the obscurity of biology and geography subjects, the enthusiasm of students for the examination is even less high, even to the point of being ignored for a while.

In the new college entrance examination model, the "materialization" combination is bound, but this combination sits on the cold bench

It can be seen that the change of subject combination is relatively frequent, therefore, some parents are full of deep concern about the new college entrance examination model: the vast majority of students in high school are only 15 or 16 years old, and they do not have the relevant reserves of career planning.

And after locking in the subjects, when the child continues to read his studies, he finds that the selected subjects are not suitable for him, and he has no choice but to change it back at this time. So, what is the best choice? How can children avoid choosing the wrong subject?

In the new college entrance examination model, the "materialization" combination is bound, but this combination sits on the cold bench

Determining the "combination of subjects" is a dynamic game, and students have to consider many aspects

In fact, no one can answer exactly which combination of subjects is most suitable for the development of students, after all, each student's learning situation and future planning are different, and there are many factors to consider when choosing subjects.

Therefore, students should combine their own actual situation, suitable for others is not necessarily suitable for themselves, even after the selection of subjects, you can also develop other strengths and interests, do not be "boxed" to die in the major.

In the new college entrance examination model, the "materialization" combination is bound, but this combination sits on the cold bench

In the "dynamic game" of subject selection and combination, all students have to do is to constantly adjust and adapt, and the choice of subjects can better help personal development.

Today's topic: Which subject combination do you think is better?