
Notice on the launch of patent funding in Yangpu District in 2021

author:Intellectual Property Rights in Ji language
Notice on the launch of patent funding in Yangpu District in 2021

In order to guarantee the construction of Yangpu National "Double Creation" Demonstration Base with intellectual property support, encourage independent innovation activities of enterprises and institutions in Yangpu District, cultivate the competitive advantages of "double creation" enterprises, and create a good business environment, according to the Yangpu District People's Government of Shanghai Municipality," the State Intellectual Property Office's "Annual Work Guidelines for Promoting the High-quality Development of Intellectual Property Rights (2020)" Task List, the Notice of the State Intellectual Property Office on Further Strictly Regulating Patent Application Behavior, and the "Adjustment" In the spirit of the notice of authorizing invention patent subsidies in the Yangpu District Intellectual Property (Patent) Funding Measures, the 2021 Yangpu District Patent Funding Application Matters are hereby notified as follows:

1. Recipients of funding

Enterprises and institutions with place of registration and tax account management in Yangpu District (if they jointly apply for a patent, they are the first patentee), and there is no bad intellectual property credit record. Patents for funding must be applied for without assignment. The projects targeted for funding must conform to the industrial development direction of the construction of the national double-creation demonstration base in our region, and have good market prospects and economic benefits.

II. Funded Projects (6 in total)

Intellectual property creation (domestic invention patent, foreign invention patent)

(1) For enterprises and institutions in the zone to obtain domestic authorization for each invention patent, the patent fee subsidy of not more than 50% of the fee shall be given, and the maximum shall not exceed 1500 yuan.

【Scope of Funding: Obtain the National Patent Authorization Certificate from January 1, 2021 to December 31, 2021 (subject to the date of the authorization announcement on the certificate)】

(2) For enterprises and institutions in the region to obtain foreign (the United States, Japan, European Patent Office) authorized by each invention patent to give no more than 50% of the patent fee subsidy, up to a maximum of 4500 yuan.

【Scope of Funding: Obtain the corresponding patent authorization certificate from January 1, 2021 to December 31, 2021 (subject to the date of the authorization announcement on the certificate)】

Intellectual property protection (patent insurance, intellectual property dispute mediation)

(3) Patent insurance

Science and technology enterprises registered and established in the zone for more than one year, with independent legal personality, will insure the owned patents and sign a formal patent insurance contract with the insurance company, and after paying the premium, they can apply for 50% of the actual amount of premiums, the insurance period is not more than 1 year, and the maximum annual subsidy of the same enterprise is not more than 50,000 yuan.

【Scope of Subsidy: Premium payment between 1 January 2021 and 31 December 2021 (subject to invoice date)】

(4) Mediation of intellectual property disputes

For the intellectual property dispute mediation institutions established in accordance with the law, entrusted by the district people's court, the district judicial bureau, the district intellectual property office, the park workstation, etc., to carry out pre-litigation mediation work, and the intellectual property dispute cases involving enterprises, public institutions, social groups or individuals in the district are successfully concluded with the approval of the entrusting institution, according to the application, each case is given a post-subsidy fee of 2,000 yuan, and the maximum annual subsidy of each institution is not more than 50,000 yuan.

[Scope of funding: One of the parties to a mediation case must be an enterprise, public institution, social group or individual domiciled in Yangpu District. Successfully concluded cases with the approval of the entrusting institution from January 1, 2021 to December 31, 2021 (subject to the date of the closing certification materials stamped and approved by the entrusting institution)]

(5) Intellectual property management system certification

1. After the enterprise signs the intellectual property management system certification contract and obtains the certification, it can apply for a subsidy amount of 50% of the actual certification contract costs.

2. The same unit will provide funding once, and the maximum amount of funding shall not exceed 100,000 yuan.

【Scope of Funding: Contract (certification) expenses actually incurred between January 1, 2021 and December 31, 2021 (subject to invoice date)】

(6) Cultivate enterprises and institutions with intellectual property advantages

1. A one-time incentive subsidy of 200,000 yuan will be given to the Shanghai Intellectual Property Demonstration Park that has passed the acceptance, and a one-time reward subsidy of 150,000 yuan will be given to the Shanghai Intellectual Property Pilot Park that has passed the acceptance.

2. A one-time reward subsidy of 200,000 yuan will be given to the Shanghai patent work demonstration units that have passed the acceptance, and a one-time reward and subsidy of 150,000 yuan will be given to the Shanghai patent work pilot units that have passed the acceptance.

3. A one-time incentive subsidy of 400,000 yuan will be given to the national intellectual property demonstration enterprises or demonstration parks that have passed the certification, and a one-time reward and subsidy of 300,000 yuan will be given to the identified national intellectual property advantage enterprises or pilot parks.

4. Rewards and subsidies of not more than 400,000 yuan will be given to other national intellectual property cultivation projects that have passed the certification, and no more than 200,000 yuan will be given to other Shanghai municipal intellectual property cultivation projects that have passed the acceptance.

【Scope of Funding: Acceptance and accreditation from January 1, 2021 to December 31, 2021 (subject to the date of documents passed and recognized)]

3. Declaration process

1. Eligible applicants can log on to the "Government Affairs Openness" column of the official website of Yangpu, Shanghai, search for the "Notice on Carrying Out Patent Funding in Yangpu District in 2021", download and fill in the original documents of the electronic application form and application list (Annex 1 and Annex 2), and send the following electronic declaration materials to the "Yangpu Intellectual Property Rights" email mailbox (please use the name of the applicant unit as the email subject) for online preliminary examination before May 31, 2022:

【The following are the documents required for each funding application】

(1) Yangpu District Patent Funding Application Form (word file);

(2) List of patent funding applications in Yangpu District (excel file);

(3) If the applicant is an enterprise, submit the business license of the enterprise (a scanned copy of the copy with the official seal)

(4) The applicant submits the registration certificate of the public institution legal person for the public institution (scanned copy with the official seal)

【The following are the materials to be provided accordingly according to the funding application】

(5) If the application is for authorized patent funding, provide the rights page on page 1 of the patent certificate; the invoice for patent fees (a scanned copy of the copy with the official seal)

(6) For those who apply for foreign invention patent funding, provide proof of foreign patent fees, if it is impossible to provide proof of foreign patent fees, provide the contract and invoice of the patent service agency company (a scanned copy of the original stamped with the official seal), and the applicant issues a written commitment to prove the amount of the patent invention fee (the agency company and the applicant seal)

(7) If you apply for patent insurance subsidy, provide the formal patent insurance contract signed with the insurance company and the premium invoice after the premium is paid; (Scanned copy with a copy of the official seal)

(8) For those applying for funding for mediation of intellectual property disputes, provide a formal mediation document and proof of case closure approved by the entrusting institution; (Scanned copy of a copy with the official seal)

(9) If applying for intellectual property management system certification funding, provide the intellectual property management system certification contract signed by the enterprise and the certification body, as well as the invoice for the actual certification fee and the intellectual property management system certification certificate; (Scanned copy of copy with official seal)

(10) For those who apply for the cultivation and subsidy of enterprises and institutions with advantages in intellectual property rights, provide the certification documents that have passed the identification and acceptance of the relevant departments; (Scanned copy with a copy of the official seal)

2. The results of the preliminary examination will be notified to the applicant by mail, and the applicant who has passed the preliminary examination shall send the paper declaration materials passed by the preliminary examination to the Yangpu District Intellectual Property Office for practical examination before June 30, 2022 (Windows A02 and A03, 1st Floor, Administrative Service Center, No. 600 Huaide Road), and the actual examination shall be jointly conducted by the District Intellectual Property Office together with the District Development and Reform Commission and the District Finance Bureau.

Paper declaration materials, that is, paper versions of electronic declaration materials, must be consistent with electronic declaration materials, and each copy is required to be stamped with an official seal

4. Legal Liability

If the applicant is found to have committed fraud or other irregularities during the examination, the district intellectual property office will make a decision not to reward it. Applicants who do not receive a reward due to fraud may not apply for a reward again within two years from the date of receipt of the written decision not to award. Where the circumstances are serious and constitute a crime, the district intellectual property office shall transfer the case to the judicial organ for handling.

5. Contact Information

1. Send the electronic declaration materials to the "Yangpu Intellectual Property Rights" email address (please use the name of the applicant unit as the subject of the email):

2. Contact address: Yangpu District Market Supervision and Administration Bureau (Intellectual Property Office) (No. 600 Huaide Road Administrative Service Center 1st Floor A02, A03 window)

Reception hours: Monday to Friday 9:00-11:00, 14:00-16:30

The above content is compiled and published by Shanghai Jiyu Intellectual Property Agency Co., Ltd. & Shanghai Jiyu Patent Agency (General Partnership).