
Your baby is only exposed to English in kindergarten, can have a simple conversation, and wants to know how he learned

Wen | child-rearing

My baby was only exposed to English in kindergarten, and now in simple daily conversations, I say the first sentence, he can say the next sentence. Moreover, I also learned some mantras myself. The following is a sharing of his process and methods of learning English.

The baby is in a private kindergarten, which has a foreign teacher class once a week, and there is also a school's customized English learning package, worth more than 2,000 yuan. The package includes a reading pen, picture book, flashcards, and interactive materials.

You may also have to wonder, since there are foreign teachers, why do you have to spend money to buy an English learning package? This is because we are not applying for a real bilingual class, the real bilingual class is more than 30,000. Therefore, ordinary wage earners will choose this kind of more affordable class.

Your baby is only exposed to English in kindergarten, can have a simple conversation, and wants to know how he learned

The teacher also said at that time that the real bilingual class usually uses the same learning materials as us, that is, more foreign teachers. When the child returns home, the parents still have to urge the child to insist on learning in order to truly remember. Hearing this, do you think that the teacher is more involuted than the parents?

In fact, the baby's teacher is a very responsible and good teacher, the learning of the second language is different from other learning, the sooner this enlightenment, the easier it is, if there is a baby at home is still small, you can let him start with the mother tongue.

My baby missed the best enlightenment period, that is, he began to contact English in this kindergarten, and some of the simple conversations he has learned so far can speak 60% fluently, and the picture books he has read can be simply spoken in English.

Your baby is only exposed to English in kindergarten, can have a simple conversation, and wants to know how he learned

Children can learn to speak some English, in fact, thanks to himself and a little reading pen, sometimes I am busy with housework, he will play enough to open some reading pens and learn English. At this stage, the child's memory is OK, and he can basically remember it after listening to it two or three times. Therefore, when I was teaching foreign teachers in school, the teacher asked questions, he could basically say it, often got small sticker rewards, the teacher was a bit surprised (because I didn't like to punch in the class group for him, the teacher always thought that we had not learned, and every class meeting would remind me to spend so much money to buy materials, and I must make good use of it).

The child has been using a reading pen for a year and a half, and the changes are visible to the naked eye. Therefore, if you are a father or mother who is usually busy and does not have much time to learn English with your child, you can choose a suitable reading pen for him and guide him to read it himself. Every time a child does this little, that little bit, the same as playing, he can learn a lot.

Your baby is only exposed to English in kindergarten, can have a simple conversation, and wants to know how he learned

The following comments on the reading pen sent by my baby school, for your reference:

1, expensive, how much money is not known, because it is uniformly customized. I just remember the first time I received the reading pen, the teacher kindly reminded us: This point reading pen is very expensive, we must use it carefully!

2. This point reading pen can only point to the content of the English picture book he sent, and the content on other English picture books cannot be pointed;

3. After changing the level, you need to re-download the learning package, and you can't read it without downloading the content of the new semester;

4) There are stories and music that can be looped, but very limited.

Your baby is only exposed to English in kindergarten, can have a simple conversation, and wants to know how he learned

There is no harm in comparison, the following comment on a recent grass planting of a point reading pen, let's take a look at what:

Name: Learn early to read the smart WIFI point reading pen

1. You can read 100,000+ books, English picture books, graded reading, and primary school textbooks;

2, intelligent dual camera, can realize which to read, point to where to read where;

Your baby is only exposed to English in kindergarten, can have a simple conversation, and wants to know how he learned

3, intelligent WIFI, no need to download the installation point reading package, this is simply too advanced!

4, cost-effective, the function is much more powerful than my home, the price is only about three hundred!

I put the product link below, you can also click into it to place an order!

Children have birthdays, many people do not know what gifts to send children, three or two hundred can not buy any decent good gifts, it is better to send a good reading pen. Maybe the child likes English because of the reading pen you sent, and then the confidence is high, and quietly embarks on the road of learning to dominate!

Haha, just kidding, buy it back or guide the child to insist on using it to have an effect, if you buy it back and put it in the sun at home, it is better to buy some food to play.

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