
Nantong Chongchuan: Dense data "nerves" build super "brain" regional governance modernization to help "win the new schedule"

author:China Daily
Nantong Chongchuan: Dense data "nerves" build super "brain" regional governance modernization to help "win the new schedule"

The scene of the media meeting (Ding Calmly)

Promoting the modernization of the governance system and governance capacity is a major decision and deployment made by the Fourth Plenary Session of the 19th Central Committee of the Communist Party of China. Chongchuan District, as the main urban area of Nantong City, took the lead in creating an "urban wisdom brain" that matches the status of the main urban area, and built a "1+16+824" regional governance modernization command system from horizontal to edge and vertical to the end, that is, it has built a regional super "wisdom brain" integrated commander, 16 areas "wisdom cerebellum" shard integrated command, 824 comprehensive grid endings "wisdom nerve" accurately collect data and "whistle" system. It has played an important role in helping ecological protection, escorting economic development, and innovating social governance.

On the afternoon of September 10, the reporter followed the "Media Meeting on 'Striving for Modernization • Winning the New Race' held by the Propaganda Department of the Nantong Municipal Party Committee" into Chongchuan District, and conducted a concentrated observation and in-depth understanding of the modernization of regional governance in Chongchuan District. Yang Wanping, deputy secretary of the Chongchuan District CPC Committee and acting mayor of the district, and Yang Jingjing, member of the Standing Committee of the Chongchuan District CPC Committee and director of the Propaganda Department, attended the meeting, which was presided over by Zhou Jinnan, deputy director of the Propaganda Department of the Nantong Municipal CPC Committee and director of the Nantong Municipal Information Office.

Uncovering the "Smart Brain" of the Region with Super Data

Nantong Chongchuan: Dense data "nerves" build super "brain" regional governance modernization to help "win the new schedule"

Chongchuan Regional Governance Modernization Command Center Ding Rongrong

On March 18 this year, the new Chongchuan Regional Governance Modernization Command Center was officially opened. The hall covers an area of about 500 square meters, with 34 working seats, 2 command seats, 13 leadership seats and observation seats, for a total of 62 seats. It has a command screen with a length of 18 meters, a width of 3.3 meters and an area of about 60 square meters. On the right side of the command hall is a comprehensive office area of 500 square meters, the second floor also has an analysis and judgment room and a duty room, and the third floor has a party building activity room and a business office. This command center is the total integration that controls the entire Chongchuan district regional governance modernization system, that is, the regional "wisdom brain" of the Chongchuan regional governance modernization system.

Wang Qiang, deputy secretary of the Chongchuan District Political and Legal Committee, deputy director of the Government Office, and director of the Regional Governance Modernization Command Center, told reporters that the modernization of regional governance in Chongchuan District is an important political task assigned by the district party committee and district government. Since the adjustment of the zoning, the district command center has stood at the height of comprehensively improving the modernization level of regional governance in the district in accordance with the spirit of the instructions of the district party committee and district government, planned the overall situation, made a breakthrough by means of informatization, and with the help of "big data + artificial intelligence", focused on building a regional governance modernization command center that is "leading in the city, first-class in the province, and influential in the country", providing a strong guarantee for promoting the modernization of the regional governance system and governance capabilities. Through the organic integration of institutional functions, the newly established regional governance modernization command center gives full play to the comprehensive advantages and professional advantages of relevant departments, so that functions are more centralized, powers and responsibilities are more coordinated, and operation is more efficient.

The reporter found that the command center is based on the five principles of "full coverage, comprehensive, real-time, early warning, and traceability", and through the full collection of governance data, video and other resources, highlights the innovation leadership, highlights the characteristics of Chongchuan, and builds a multi-dimensional integration and complete function of the operation system, which mainly reflects the three characteristics:

The first is to build a governance system throughout the world. Simultaneously built 1 district command center and 16 street command centers, optimized and adjusted 824 comprehensive grids, formed a three-dimensional vertical command to the end, horizontal coordination and linkage, full coverage of the "1 + 16 + 824" linkage command system, to achieve the "one center management of the whole area" function. The district command center carries out data governance, analysis and judgment, linkage command, and grid management at the district level; the street command center and the party and government offices work together to collect information, report clues, dispose of work orders, and coordinate linkage on the front line; and constantly improve the "big data + grid + iron footboard" working mechanism, extend the grass-roots social governance tentacles, and ensure the integrated development of "grid +".

The second is to aggregate data resources in full quantity. It has built a big data sharing and exchange platform, bringing together the data resources of the whole district grid, the "Xueliang Project", the 12345 government hotline, the digital urban management and 30 departments and 16 street business systems, 92.85 million pieces of 332 items of warehoused data, 257 million pieces of exchange data, more than 10,000 integrated video data, and fully shared and used to district-level departments (units). At the same time, it has built an urban operating system platform, a spatial geographic information platform, a government cloud platform, and a cloud resource security pool, and built a rich big data innovation application platform system.

The third is to fully develop core functions. The local municipal party committee requires command centers at all levels to focus on the four core functions of "data sharing, early warning and prejudgment, linkage command, and administrative efficiency", take the lead in improving practical functions at a high level, and take the lead in china. The Chongchuan District Command Center implemented the spirit of the instructions of the superior for the first time, focused on innovating and seeking breakthroughs in practical functions, and built a modern and intelligent platform for regional governance that integrates four "core functions". "Data sharing": Centralize the collection of global data, build a data sharing and exchange platform, and provide service support for the supply, sharing and openness, development and utilization, and security guarantee of public data in the whole region. "Early warning and pre-judgment": Build an artificial intelligence early warning analysis model, build an economic and social operation monitoring, early warning and analysis and judgment system, and promote the transformation of regional governance from passive "risk plugging" to active "detecting loopholes". "Linkage command": Establish a three-level linkage command system of district and street grid that integrates peacetime coordination and coordination and wartime emergency command, so as to achieve "easy to use in peacetime and effective in wartime". "Administrative Effectiveness": Committed to serving the high-quality development assessment of the whole region, forming a supervision and evaluation system covering the whole process of administrative law enforcement and government services, and improving administrative efficiency.

Nantong Chongchuan: Dense data "nerves" build super "brain" regional governance modernization to help "win the new schedule"

Chongchuan District Social Governance Modernization Command Center Ding Rongrong

Wang Qiang said that as the district command center, Chongchuan District has realized the core function of linkage command by developing a practical application system of "linkage command map". And carefully created two regional and cross-departmental innovative applications such as "a map of building economy" and "Yangtze River ecological eye", in the field of ecological environmental protection and economic development, to better help regional governance to achieve precision.

Explore the "smart cerebellum" of a well-functioning area

Nantong Chongchuan: Dense data "nerves" build super "brain" regional governance modernization to help "win the new schedule"

Xuetian Street Regional Governance Modernization Command Center Ding Rongrong photographed

Urban high-altitude projectiles have always been a difficult problem to solve in urban management. It is often people who are smashed and cannot find anyone to "pay the bill". It brings no small hidden danger to the safety of life and property of the society and the citizens. The reporter walked into the local Xuetian Street Area Governance Modernization Command Center and found that in the area, through the "Sky Eye" system of the smart community, the timely high-definition capture of high-altitude projectiles is realized, and the one-key lock function is realized, so that high-altitude projectiles will no longer be able to "escape orders".

At present, many new communities have inconvenient charging of battery cars, and residents often push electric vehicles into elevators and take them upstairs to charge, which has huge safety risks. In order to eliminate the safety hazards of the corridors, Xuetian Street installed electric elevator elevator blocks in the elevators of each building and connected to the command center system. As long as there is a battery car to take the elevator, not only the elevator door can not be closed, but also there is a voice reminder of "electric vehicles are prohibited from entering", which reduces the harm caused by illegal charging while enhancing the safety of the elevator.

According to Ms. Zhao, the person in charge of the center, in April this year, on the basis of the original smart community module, the application content was continuously enriched and the application scope was expanded, and the smart street module was upgraded. In the three application systems of basic, perception and service, it helps the grid service to be precise and the management is refined. The basic application system collects and integrates the data of community people, places and objects into the intelligent security system, and explores a new model of community security prevention and control, including access management, high-altitude projectile monitoring, and electric vehicle ladder resistance.

She said that in the past, grid members to understand the basic situation of floating population, rely on "step by step" visits. Now the entrance and exit of the community has installed a face and vehicle recognition system, just like adding countless pairs of eyes, realizing the accurate collection of basic information of the residential community and the effective management of foreign personnel, and solving many problems of "manpower is not enough, manpower cannot be reached". At present, 29 communities in the street have completed housing modeling and basic information collection.

In addition, the platform also has a perception application system, relying on platform data analysis, improving the risk immediate perception and intelligent early warning capabilities, becoming the "clairvoyance" and "downwind ear" of community governance, including fire geomagnetism, intelligent door magnetism, intelligent manhole cover, intelligent smoke sense.

In view of the difficult phenomena of epidemic prevention and control, safe production, long-term management, dust control and other difficult phenomena in the jurisdiction, the command platform has also added a "safe street" module, installed cameras at the entrances and exits of the community, commercial buildings, farmers' markets, etc., and installed 63 intelligent monitoring equipment in key places such as vaccination temporary points, health centers, and community bayonets as needed to achieve video data sharing between the command center and mobile phone APP. In the street command center, you can always see that the vaccination point queue is not long, whether it is necessary to increase the number of personnel to maintain order, the doctor's vaccination regulations are not standardized, whether the duty personnel of the 40 bayonets on the street have taken body temperature, see the second code, etc. The reporter learned that recently, the street was also created in conjunction with a civilized city, and is ready to add 12 cameras on the demonstration line of the civilization creation of Longwangqiao Road, so that you can see the health cleaning and store operation at any time.

Ms. Zhao said that in the past, river patrols have always relied on the iron footboard of the staff, and as a supplement to manual inspections, the street command center uses unmanned aerial vehicles to carry out river patrols from time to time. It is reported that when the nucleic acid stress test was done on August 9 and 10, in order to effectively do the "leak picking" work of "not missing a household and not leaving a person behind", the use of drones shouted at a high altitude in the jurisdiction, with obvious results.

In order to better do a good job in emergency rescue and emergency handling, the center is further equipped with an instant intercom system with grid members. Ms. Zhao said that through the construction of "smart community", the grass-roots governance model of integrating "big data + iron footboard + grid" makes it more convenient and efficient to serve the masses, and the "zero distance" service makes the happiness and sense of gain of the masses continue to rise. Next, Xuetian Street will further give play to the role of the "wisdom brain" of the street social governance modernization command center and the "front-line commander" of the precinct, with "big data" as the support, "grid" as the base point, and "iron footboard" to weave a dense "service network", through intelligent small applications, to help the street to be safe, to make the service more intelligent, and to make the masses happier.

The Gangzha Economic Development Zone Social Governance Modernization Command Center was prepared in March last year and officially put into operation in June, which mainly collects and accepts, analyzes and judges, and coordinates and directs various social events in the jurisdiction of Gangzha Development Zone, Yongxing Street and Tianshenggang Town. The center covers an area of about 380 square meters and is equipped with a command room, a research room, an office, a reception room and a duty room. According to Yan Changshan, deputy secretary of the Party Working Committee of the Gangzha Economic Development Zone, the center is based on grid supervision, supported by data resources, with the law enforcement team as the starting point, and with the supporting mechanism as the guarantee, through the simultaneous development of five forces, to achieve the first time to discover, the first time to respond, and the first time to deal with various social events in the three plates. In addition, the center focuses on building a new model of "big data + command center + comprehensive administrative law enforcement", highlighting the practical guidance, combined with regional reality, to create a number of pragmatic and effective law enforcement supervision innovation applications such as smart urban management, smart security supervision, smart waters, and smart communities.

Nantong Chongchuan: Dense data "nerves" build super "brain" regional governance modernization to help "win the new schedule"

Ding Rongrong, command center for regional governance modernization of the Gangzha Economic Development Zone

Understand the mechanism of system-sound peripheral "nerve" operation

According to Wang Qiang, the district command center took the lead in implementing the "big data + grid + iron footboard" mechanism, optimized and adjusted 824 comprehensive grids and 237 exclusive grids, upgraded the all-factor grid system, and integrated 176 grass-roots auxiliary forces such as household registration coordinators and urban management coordinators into the team of full-time grid members. Construct a linkage mechanism of "grid whistle blowing and department reporting", strengthen the responsibility of industry supervisors of district-level departments, respond to the "whistle blowing" incident of the grid in a timely manner, and comprehensively promote the grid work to enter the fast lane of regional governance modernization.

First of all, the district grid service management center and the command center operate as one, with the "grid +" empowerment for the private sector, and gradually integrate the work of departments involving grass-roots social governance, such as comprehensive management, public security, petitioning, urban management, market supervision, health, environmental protection, and safe production, into the grid according to the requirements of community access matters. Focus on the "grid + Yangtze River protection", give play to the role of grid service management in the construction and protection of ecological landscape belts along the river, and further promote grid service management projects such as "grid + prevention of illegal finance", "grid + railway road protection", "grid + veterans service management", "grid + rule of law publicity", etc., continuously extend the tentacles of grass-roots social governance, and do a good job of a "multi-dimensional" grid with complete functions.

At the same time, the city took the lead in building a gridded early warning and control mechanism for seven special groups of "thorough investigation, hierarchical control, dynamic early warning, coordinated linkage, front-line disposal, service return visit, and closed-loop effect". The command center platform normally applies the "social governance map", receives the early warning module of the accident-prone accident at the first time and issues early warning instructions, and distributes early warning work orders to the corresponding departments and streets at the district level. According to the early warning work order, the corresponding departments and streets at the district level rely on seven gridded early warning and control mechanisms to timely do a good job in the control and service of special groups such as patients with mental disorders who are prone to accidents and disasters, and ensure that special groups do not get out of control and do not get out of control.

In view of different themes such as flood prevention, emergencies, epidemic prevention and control, and illegal construction, centralized combat drills are organized every week in districts, streets, and grids, and the street command center and the grid members of the whole district actively participate, obey the unified command and dispatch of the command center, and transmit on-site audio and video information to the command center through equipment such as individual soldiers and all-element grid mobile phones, effectively improving the timeliness of handling major emergencies. Through normal drills, the actual combat capabilities of the two-level command centers and grid members in the district and street have been continuously improved, ensuring that "it is easy to use in peacetime and effective in wartime".

The reporter learned that Chongchuan is the central urban area of Nantong City, known as "Chongchuan Fudi", with a permanent population of 1.18 million, the total economic volume and general public budget revenue rank first in the local city, and it is one of the main urban areas with the most dense population, the most concentrated resource elements and the most livable urban environment in the Yangtze River Delta region, and has won the titles of National Livable and Livable Model Area, National Intellectual Property Strong County Project Demonstration Zone, And National Community Governance and Service Innovation Experimental Zone. The local municipal party committee and municipal government put forward development requirements for Chongchuan, requiring Chongchuan District to "enhance the first place and the whole province to compete for the position". Around this requirement, the second party congress of the district outlined a beautiful blueprint for the construction of the "five cities", of which strengthening and innovating social governance is an important connotation of "safe and happy city".

Yang Wanping said that next, Chongchuan will more accurately grasp the needs of urban development, continue to actively explore and actively cultivate bright spots, focus on promoting the modernization of regional governance to a new level, and contribute to Nantong's efforts to create the first batch of "qualified cities for the modernization of national urban social governance". (China Daily Jiangsu Reporter Station)