
Zhu Changluo died in the same year as his father Wanli, is the year name placed this year or next year?

author:Beechburg Bandits

In the history of the Ming Dynasty, there was an emperor whose reign was extremely short, dying in just one month. He is Zhu Changluo, Emperor Taichang. However, the emperor's short reign left a thorny question for future generations. In the forty-eighth year of Wanli, Zhu Changluo died shortly after succeeding to the throne, and his father, Emperor Wanli, also died in the same year. This rare situation put the ministers in a difficult situation: how should Zhu Changluo's era name "Taichang" be used? Will it be placed this year, or next year? This seemingly simple question actually involves many complex factors such as the change of emperors, the use of era names, and historical records. What is the story behind Zhu Changluo's short reign and sudden death? What impact did his relationship with his father Wanli have on all this?

Zhu Changluo's road to the crown prince can be described as the most bumpy section in the history of the Ming Dynasty. As the eldest son of Emperor Wanli, according to common sense, he should have been made a crown prince at an early age. However, this is not the case.

In the thirteenth year of Wanli (1585), Zhu Changluo was born. His mother, Concubine Wang Gong, was born as a palace maid and had a low status. At the same time, Zheng Guifei, who was favored by Emperor Wanli, also gave birth to a second son, Zhu Changxun. Concubine Zheng was ambitious and wanted her son to inherit the throne, so she targeted Zhu Changluo everywhere.

Under the influence of Concubine Zheng Guifei, Emperor Wanli was very cold to his eldest son Zhu Changluo. Zhu Changluo has lived in a hostile environment since he was a child. His living expenses are far inferior to those of other princes, and he even has few opportunities to see his mother. In order to protect her son, Concubine Wang Gong had to be cautious and try to avoid attracting the attention of Concubine Zheng.

Zhu Changluo's difficult situation can be seen from his title. In the Ming Dynasty, the eldest son of the emperor was usually crowned King of Qin. However, Zhu Changluo was named King Fu. This seemingly inconsequential detail actually reflects the Wanli Emperor's lack of attention to his eldest son.

Zhu Changluo died in the same year as his father Wanli, is the year name placed this year or next year?

As he grew older, Zhu Changxun, with the support of Concubine Zheng Guifei, gradually became Zhu Changluo's biggest threat. Concubine Zheng Guifei repeatedly made suggestions to Emperor Wanli, asking Zhu Changxun to be appointed as the crown prince. However, this move was strongly opposed by the ministers of the DPRK and China. They believe that it is the law of the ancestors to establish the elders and not the young, and it cannot be easily changed.

Faced with this situation, the Wanli Emperor adopted a delaying strategy. He neither made Zhu Changluo the crown prince, nor did he agree to Concubine Zheng's request. This practice has plunged the DPRK into a state of long-term instability.

Zhu Changluo spent his entire teenage years in this uncertain environment. He had to always be on guard against threats from Concubine Zheng and Zhu Changxun, and at the same time he had to be careful not to leave any handle for his father. This situation made the young Zhu Changluo develop a cautious character.

Until the twenty-ninth year of Wanli (1601), Zhu Changluo was already sixteen years old, and the position of crown prince was still undecided. In this year, the minister of the DPRK and China sent a letter again, urging him to establish a prince. Under pressure from his ministers, the Wanli Emperor finally agreed to appoint Zhu Changluo as the crown prince. However, this decision was not immediately implemented.

After another three years, in the thirty-second year of Wanli (1604), Zhu Changluo was finally officially established as the crown prince. At this time, he was already nineteen years old. In the history of the Ming Dynasty, this was the eldest son of the emperor who was the latest to be made a crown prince.

However, becoming the crown prince did not fundamentally improve Zhu Changluo's situation. Life in the Prince's Mansion is still hard. Emperor Wanli was so stingy with the appropriation of the Prince's Mansion that the officials and servants of the Prince's Mansion were eliminated from the Imperial Palace. Zhu Changluo's living expenses are far inferior to those of other princes.

What's more serious is that Emperor Wanli still has a grudge against Zhu Changluo. He rarely summoned the crown prince and did not allow the prince to participate in court politics. Zhu Changluo could only study the books of sages in the prince's mansion in order to protect himself.

Zhu Changluo died in the same year as his father Wanli, is the year name placed this year or next year?

This situation lasted until the 48th year of Wanli (1620). This year, Emperor Wanli died, and Zhu Changluo finally ascended the throne as emperor. However, the long-term depression and difficult career as a prince have left an indelible mark on his body and mind. These experiences also planted the seeds of tragedy in his short career as emperor.

In July of the forty-eighth year of Wanli (1620), the news of the death of the Wanli Emperor spread throughout the capital. Zhu Changluo finally waited for the moment he had been waiting for for his long-awaited accession to the throne. However, this hard-won opportunity has come with many challenges and crises.

After Zhu Changluo ascended the throne, he changed his name to Taichang. When the new emperor ascended the throne, it was supposed to be a grand event for the whole world to celebrate, but the accession of Emperor Taichang was shrouded in a dark cloud. Years of palace struggles and power struggles have filled the court with undercurrents.

As soon as Emperor Taichang ascended the throne, he was faced with a thorny problem: how to deal with Concubine Zheng. As the favorite concubine of the first emperor, Concubine Zheng Guifei has a huge influence in the palace. She has repeatedly prevented Zhu Changluo from being made the crown prince, and the two have had a long-standing grudge. According to common sense, after the new emperor ascended the throne, the concubines of the previous dynasty should retire to Cining Palace. However, Concubine Zheng was unwilling to give up her influence easily.

It was at this delicate moment that a seemingly ordinary thing happened. Concubine Zheng suddenly sent someone to present eight beauties to Emperor Taichang. This move left many people feeling puzzled and wary. You know, in the court of the Ming Dynasty, bestowing beautiful women was often seen as a favor. But Zheng Guifei, as the concubine of the first emperor, presented a beautiful woman to the new emperor, which is obviously not in accordance with the rules.

Some people believe that this is Zheng Guifei's attempt to curry favor with the new emperor. However, those who know the past grievances between the two are skeptical. Emperor Taichang himself was also quite confused by this "gift". He could not refuse outright, lest he be vindicated; and not accept it all, lest it give authority to others.

At the suggestion of the courtiers, Emperor Taichang decided to place these eight beauties in the palace, but they were not close. This may seem like a good decision, but in fact it is a curse. Because the true identity and purpose of these beauties is always a mystery.

Zhu Changluo died in the same year as his father Wanli, is the year name placed this year or next year?

At the same time, Emperor Taichang began to deal with the affairs of the court. As the new king, he is eager to show his abilities and courage. He issued a number of decrees in succession in an attempt to correct the accumulated shortcomings during the Wanli period. These include measures such as the elimination of redundant personnel, the rectification of the administration of officials, and the reduction of taxes. These policies were well-intentioned, but because they were implemented too quickly, they caused dissatisfaction among some officials.

In addition to dealing with government affairs, Emperor Taichang also had to deal with various disputes in the palace. The long-term life as a crown prince has made him accustomed to court struggles, but after actually sitting on the throne, he found that the situation is more complicated than he imagined. The open and secret battles between various palaces and concubines made him tired of coping.

In this situation of internal and external difficulties, Emperor Taiyu began to summon the eight beauties frequently. Some say it's his way of seeking relaxation under immense pressure. Some people also believe that this may be the beginning of Zheng Guifei's conspiracy. In any case, this behavior of Emperor Taichang quickly attracted the attention and concern of the courtiers.

According to the "Ming Shilu": "It was night, and even a few people were lucky, and the holy Rong was suddenly reduced. Behind this brief record is a portrayal of a new monarch who has lost himself in the maelstrom of power. Emperor Taichang began to indulge in the sound of dogs and horses, and his physical condition became weaker and weaker.

After only a month on the throne, Emperor Taichang's health deteriorated dramatically. He began to experience symptoms such as dizziness and fatigue. The imperial doctors in the palace were helpless, and for a while, the people in the government and the opposition were panicked.

At this critical moment, a eunuch named Cui Wensheng stepped forward. In addition to being a eunuch with a pen, Cui Wensheng is also in charge of the imperial pharmacy. He recommended a prescription to Emperor Taichang that was said to improve his physical condition.

Under the torture of illness, Emperor Taichang agreed to Cui Wensheng's suggestion. However, this decision became the last big one of his life. Because this medicine not only did not improve his condition, but accelerated his failure.

Zhu Changluo died in the same year as his father Wanli, is the year name placed this year or next year?

On September 1, the 48th year of Wanli, Emperor Taichang, who had been on the throne for only one month and one day, died in the Qianqing Palace at the age of 36. His sudden death not only threw the court into chaos, but also left many questions for future generations. The short reign of Emperor Taichang thus came to an end amid controversy and speculation.

The death of Emperor Taichang Zhu Changluo came so suddenly that the entire imperial court was plunged into shock and chaos. The emperor, who had only been on the throne for a month, was supposed to usher in a new era, but died in a hurry, leaving behind countless mysteries and controversies.

It all started with the laxative prescribed by Cui Wensheng. Cui Wensheng, as the eunuch of the ceremonial supervisor and the eunuch in charge of the imperial pharmacy, has considerable influence in the palace. When Emperor Taichang's physical condition deteriorated, Cui Wensheng recommended this prescription to the emperor, which was said to improve his physical condition.

However, the composition and efficacy of this dose remain a mystery to this day. According to historical records, this medicine did have a laxative effect after taking it, but it was followed by a sharp deterioration in the emperor's physical condition. Emperor Taichang experienced severe abdominal pain and weakness shortly after taking the drug, which was very different from the effect that Cui Wensheng had promised.

The ministers of the DPRK and China strongly questioned Choe's actions. Some people believe that Cui Wensheng may have been instructed by someone to deliberately harm the emperor. There are also suspicions that this may have been the beginning of a palace coup. In any case, Cui Wensheng's medicine undoubtedly accelerated Emperor Taichang's exhaustion.

Just when Emperor Taichang was in critical condition, another key figure appeared. This is Li Kezhuo, a doctor at Tai Hospital. On the night when Emperor Taichang's condition worsened, Li Kezhuo was urgently summoned to the palace. Faced with the emperor's critical situation, Li Kezhuo prescribed a dose of "red pills".

The ingredients of this "red pill" also became the focus of controversy in later generations. Some believe that it is a miracle drug that can restore vitality quickly. There are also suspicions that this may be a potent stimulant that can temporarily relieve symptoms, but the side effects are huge.

Zhu Changluo died in the same year as his father Wanli, is the year name placed this year or next year?

In any case, Emperor Taichang did have a brief improvement after taking the "red pill". According to the "Ming Shilu": "The emperor took the medicine, suddenly felt powerful, and summoned the crown prince and ministers. This scene was called "back to the light" by later generations.

In this brief moment of sobriety, Emperor Taichang did an extremely important thing: he summoned the crown prince Zhu Youxiao and important ministers of the court to explain the aftermath. This move ensured the smooth succession of the throne to a certain extent and avoided a possible battle for succession.

However, this upturn was short-lived. Soon after taking the "red pill", Emperor Taichang's condition deteriorated again and eventually died. His sudden death has sparked widespread speculation and discussion among the government and the opposition.

Some believe that Emperor Taichang's death was an elaborate conspiracy. They suspect that Cui Wensheng's laxatives and Li Kezhuo's "red pills" are part of this conspiracy. But this claim is not supported by hard evidence.

It is also believed that Emperor Taichang's death was due to his indulgent life after his accession to the throne. The eight beauties mentioned above may have played an important role in this. But this view also hardly explains the suddenness of Emperor Taichang's deterioration.

There is also an opinion that Emperor Taichang may have been suffering from some kind of hidden disease. The long life as a crown prince and the tremendous pressure after his ascension to the throne may have aggravated this hidden disease, which eventually led to his physical collapse. This claim, while plausible, is equally difficult to prove.

In any case, the sudden death of Emperor Taichang brought a huge shock to the Ming court. As a newly enthroned emperor, he died in a hurry before he could establish his own power base. This situation is extremely rare in the history of the Ming Dynasty.

Zhu Changluo died in the same year as his father Wanli, is the year name placed this year or next year?

After the death of Emperor Taichang, the court fell into a brief period of chaos. Some ministers fear a power vacuum, which could lead to a coup. But fortunately, because Emperor Taichang summoned the crown prince and important ministers in time before his death, the issue of the succession of the imperial throne was properly handled.

Emperor Taichang's eldest son, Zhu Youxiao, soon succeeded to the throne as Emperor Xizong. However, the new emperor was only fifteen years old, and the government soon fell into the hands of a group of eunuchs headed by Wei Zhongxian. This also laid the groundwork for the political turmoil in the late Ming Dynasty.

The brief reign and sudden death of Emperor Taichang became a high-profile but controversial event in the history of the Ming Dynasty. It not only affected the political situation at that time, but also left many unsolved cases for future generations. The discussion about the cause of Emperor Taichang's death has not stopped to this day. The emperor, who reigned for only one month, left his mark on the history of the Ming Dynasty in a dramatic way.

The sudden death of Emperor Taichang was like a boulder thrown into a calm lake, causing ripples up and down the government and the opposition. The emperor's short reign, which lasted only one month, sparked a series of far-reaching political changes after his death.

First and foremost is the question of succession to the throne. Although Emperor Taichang summoned the crown prince Zhu Youxiao on his deathbed, since the new emperor was only 15 years old, the ministers of the court and China were divided over how to handle government affairs. Some conservative ministers advocated that the Queen Mother should follow the rules as usual. The other faction believes that the authority of the new emperor should be established as soon as possible to avoid a power vacuum.

In the midst of a heated argument, an unexpected figure stepped forward - Wei Zhongxian. This eunuch, who was unknown during the period of Emperor Taichang, seized this golden opportunity. He used his connections in the palace to quickly establish a close relationship with the new emperor.

The rise of Wei Zhongxian marked a major shift in the political landscape of the Ming Dynasty. He gradually took control of the inner court and influenced the government through various means. This situation of eunuchs in power is not uncommon in the history of the Ming Dynasty, but the power of Wei Zhongxian is unprecedented.

Zhu Changluo died in the same year as his father Wanli, is the year name placed this year or next year?

At the same time, the ministers of the DPRK and China were not idle. Some of the reform measures implemented during the reign of Emperor Taichang, such as the abolition of redundant personnel and the rectification of the administration of officials, caused dissatisfaction among many officials. Now that the emperor is dead, these people see an opportunity to reverse these policies.

For a time, there was an undercurrent surging inside and outside the court. Pro-reform officials sought to uphold Emperor Taichang's policies, while the opposition strongly advocated a return to the old system. This struggle is not only about the specific policy direction, but also about the status and influence of each faction in the new court.

In this power struggle, an unexpected beneficiary is Zheng Guifei. As the favorite concubine of the first emperor, she was originally in a bad situation after Emperor Taichang ascended the throne. However, the sudden death of Emperor Taichang gave her a chance to make a comeback. She used her influence in the palace to secretly support Wei Zhongxian and became one of the important supporters of the new regime.

As time passed, the new Emperor Xizong gradually revealed his indifference to government affairs. He was more interested in crafts such as carpentry than dealing with national affairs. This attitude provided favorable conditions for Wei Zhongxian's dictatorship.

Wei Zhongxian began to promote his cronies aggressively, forming the so-called "eunuch party". They controlled important political positions and monopolized the eyes and ears of the emperor. Any opposition to Wei Zhongxian will be quickly suppressed.

Under these circumstances, the political atmosphere of the imperial court changed dramatically. Some of the reforms originally implemented during the Taichang Emperor were abolished one by one. Instead, there was a series of policies conducive to consolidating Wei Zhongxian's power.

For example, Wei Zhongxian implemented the employment policy of "choosing Qitian". This practice is ostensibly for the purpose of selecting talents, but in fact it is for the purpose of installing their own cronies. Those officials who were unwilling to attach themselves to Wei Zhongxian would find it difficult to be reused, regardless of their talents.

Zhu Changluo died in the same year as his father Wanli, is the year name placed this year or next year?

At the same time, Wei Zhongxian also vigorously promoted the "East Factory" and "West Factory" spy agencies. These two institutions were nominally designed to supervise hundreds of officials, but in fact they became tools for Wei Zhongxian to crack down on political opponents. As a result, many upright officials have been persecuted and even lost their lives.

In terms of economic policy, Wei Zhongxian also made major adjustments. He abolished the tax reduction policy of the Taichang Emperor, but increased the tax burden of the common people. Most of this money flowed into Wei Zhongxian's private pocket, resulting in an empty treasury and a withering people's livelihood.

However, Wei Zhongxian's dictatorship was not without resistance. Some upright officials, such as Yang Lian, Zuo Guangdou and others, have always insisted on fighting. They repeatedly wrote to impeach Wei Zhongxian and expose his crimes. Although these efforts ultimately failed to change the situation, their courage and sense of justice left a glorious page in history.

This series of political changes after the death of Emperor Taichang had a far-reaching impact on the Ming Dynasty. It not only changed the political landscape at that time, but also laid the groundwork for the decline of the Ming Dynasty. Wei Zhongxian's autocratic power accelerated the corruption of Ming politics and weakened the power of the state.

At the same time, the political changes during this period also reflected the shortcomings of the Ming political system. The sudden death of the emperor can lead to such a huge political upheaval shows that there are serious problems in the system itself.

In general, the changes in the political situation after the death of Emperor Taichang can be said to be an important turning point in the history of the Ming Dynasty. It not only changed the political landscape of the time, but also laid a hidden danger for later development, and its influence continued until the last years of the Ming Dynasty.

Although the sudden death of Taichang Emperor Zhu Changluo was only a small episode in the long history of the Ming Dynasty, it had a profound impact on later generations like a butterfly effect. The death of the emperor, who reigned for only more than a month, not only changed the political situation at that time, but also laid the groundwork for the fate of the Ming Dynasty.

Zhu Changluo died in the same year as his father Wanli, is the year name placed this year or next year?

First of all, the death of Emperor Taichang directly led to the rise of Wei Zhongxian. Wei Zhongxian, as an ordinary eunuch, originally had no chance to be elegant. However, the sudden death of Emperor Taichang provided him with a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity. He took advantage of the young age of the new emperor and quickly took control of the government. During Wei Zhongxian's dictatorship, the political ecology of the Ming Dynasty underwent tremendous changes.

The rise of the "eunuch party" was the most striking feature of this period. Wei Zhongxian promoted his cronies aggressively, forming a political group with eunuchs as the core. This clique controlled the power of the imperial court, even above the orthodox bureaucracy. This distortion of the political pattern seriously damaged the political ecology of the Ming Dynasty and accelerated the decline of the dynasty.

At the same time, Wei Zhongxian's dictatorship also inspired a group of upright officials to revolt. Donglin Party members such as Yang Lian and Zuo Guangdou repeatedly wrote to impeach Wei Zhongxian and expose his crimes. Although these officials were eventually persecuted, their righteous deeds left a strong mark on history and became a model for later generations of intellectuals.

The political changes that followed the death of Emperor Taichang also had a profound impact on the economic policies of the Ming Dynasty. Some of the policies introduced during the reign of Emperor Taichang to reduce the burden on the people were abolished and replaced by a series of measures to increase taxes. These policies led to the withering of people's livelihood and the emptiness of the national treasury, laying the hidden danger for the financial crisis in the late Ming Dynasty.

On the military front, the political changes that followed Emperor Taichang's death also had a negative impact. In order to consolidate his power, Wei Zhongxian vigorously suppressed dissidents, resulting in many talented generals being pushed out of the army. This directly affected the military strength of the Ming Dynasty and laid the groundwork for the later frontier crisis.

For example, the famous general Yuan Chonghuan was ostracized during this period. Yuan Chonghuan had repeatedly performed miraculous feats on the battlefield of Liaodong and was an important force in resisting the Houjin army. However, due to his unwillingness to attach himself to Wei Zhongxian, Yuan Chonghuan was eventually dismissed. This is not only a personal tragedy, but also a loss for the entire Ming Dynasty.

The impact of Emperor Taichang's death is also reflected in the field of culture and thought. After Wei Zhongxian came to power, he was imprisoned, and many scholars were persecuted for inappropriate speech. This high-pressure policy severely suppressed the free development of thought, leading to a sluggish academic atmosphere in the late Ming Dynasty.

Zhu Changluo died in the same year as his father Wanli, is the year name placed this year or next year?

For example, the famous thinker Huang Zongxi experienced a turning point in his life during this period. His father, Huang Zunsu, was persecuted to death for opposing Wei Zhongxian, an experience that profoundly influenced Huang Zongxi's thinking and prompted him to become an important thinker and political theorist in the late Ming and early Qing dynasties.

The death of Emperor Taichang also indirectly affected the relations between the Ming Dynasty and neighboring countries. Due to the chaos of internal affairs, the attitude of the Ming Dynasty towards diplomacy became more negative. This gave the surrounding countries an opportunity to take advantage of, especially the Later Jin, to continue to encroach on the territory of the Ming Dynasty.

At the social level, the political changes after the death of Emperor Taichang exacerbated social contradictions. Wei Zhongxian's corruption and expropriation led to boiling public resentment. This provided the soil for later peasant uprisings, such as the rise of rebel armies such as Li Zicheng and Zhang Xianzhong, which were closely related to the social contradictions of this period.

The effects of Emperor Taichang's death even extended to the Qing Dynasty. The various maladministrations of Wei Zhongxian's autocratic period became the negative teaching materials of the Qing rulers. In the early days of its establishment, the Qing Dynasty paid special attention to guarding against the dictatorship of eunuchs, which to some extent was also a summary of the historical lessons of the Ming Dynasty.

From a longer-term historical perspective, the death of Emperor Taichang and the subsequent political changes were an important turning point in the Ming Dynasty's transition from prosperity to decline. It not only accelerated the internal corruption of the Ming Dynasty, but also created conditions for the invasion of external forces. Although the Ming Dynasty lasted for more than two decades after the death of Emperor Taichang, its decline was difficult to reverse.

In general, the sudden death of Emperor Taichang was like a seed, sowing the factor of the decline of the Ming Dynasty. This seemingly accidental historical event actually reflects the deep-seated problems of the political system of the Ming Dynasty, and also provides a unique perspective for us to understand the evolution of the ancient Chinese political system.

Zhu Changluo died in the same year as his father Wanli, is the year name placed this year or next year?