
"Born a couple" marriage license is on fire, after reading the name of the couple, netizens: it must be a special fate

In life, we occasionally meet people with the same name and surname as ourselves, of course, the odds of such a very low.

So when a couple has the same name, it naturally surprises others, even unbelievable, but this kind of thing can really happen.

Before there was a "born pair" marriage certificate on the Internet, because the names of the bride and groom were exactly the same, both called Zhang Meng.

"Born a couple" marriage license is on fire, after reading the name of the couple, netizens: it must be a special fate

At that time, even the staff who applied for their marriage license could not believe it, saying that they were seeing them for the first time.

Many netizens said that when they first saw this marriage certificate, they would subconsciously rub their eyes and always feel that they were wrong.

As for why the groom would take such a feminine name, his explanation was that the parents thought the boy was naughty, so they would give a girl's name, so that maybe the child would be more obedient.

It was also because of this name that he met the bride.

"Born a couple" marriage license is on fire, after reading the name of the couple, netizens: it must be a special fate

Both felt a little strange at the time, and as the number of contacts increased, the relationship between them changed.

From the previous friend to the lover, and then into marriage, it is no wonder that netizens can't help but say that this must be a special fate.

Although Zhang Meng has gained beautiful love because of her name, not all people can have such good luck.

If parents are too casual in naming their children, it is likely to cause the name to bring trouble to the child.

"Born a couple" marriage license is on fire, after reading the name of the couple, netizens: it must be a special fate

What situations do parents need to pay attention to when naming their children?

1. Avoid strange words

In order to make their children's names different, parents often use some rare words to use in their children's names.

This does make the child different, but parents may not consider that this kind of strange word may bring trouble to the child.

After all, not all people know strange words, especially children who are still in school, and they are very unfamiliar with such words.

So they may come up with some nicknames to replace the child's name, invisibly making the child the object of everyone's discussion and even ridicule.

"Born a couple" marriage license is on fire, after reading the name of the couple, netizens: it must be a special fate

2. Avoid the harmonic sound of the name

Some parents will use the harmonic terrier to give their children a name, although if used well, maybe the child's name will be eye-catching.

However, many times parents may not be able to accurately grasp the use of harmonic sounds, so they often make jokes.

For example, if a child's surname is Du, and the parents name him Zi Teng, I have to say that Zi Teng is a good name, which means that the child can take off and develop.

But if you read it together with your last name, it will seem a little awkward, and naturally it will make your child a laughingstock for everyone.

"Born a couple" marriage license is on fire, after reading the name of the couple, netizens: it must be a special fate

3. Avoid the child's name and gender do not match

Next to us, some parents will give the boy a more feminine name, or give the girl a masculine boy name.

Perhaps the original intention of parents is to make up for the child's personality, hoping that boys can have the care and gentleness of girls, and girls can have boys' masculinity and domineering.

But if the name and the child's gender do not clearly match, then when people see the child's name for the first time, they will naturally misunderstand the child's gender.

This will actually cause a lot of trouble, and after the child's name is talked about many times, they themselves will become inferior.

"Born a couple" marriage license is on fire, after reading the name of the couple, netizens: it must be a special fate

Taking names is actually a very profound science, and parents should spend a little more time when naming their children.

If they give their children too casual names, they will not only make their children laugh at school, but also encounter a lot of trouble after entering society.

After all, although the name cannot determine the fate, it still has a certain impact on the child.

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