
Cheng Yi invited the crew of "To the Mountains and Seas" to drink drinks, and the soda of 2 yuan was complained by netizens that it was too low!

author:A rose

【Entertainment Headlines】Celebrities are generously invited to be discussed? Cheng Yi's "To the Mountains and Seas" crew drank freely, and the 2 yuan soda was accused of being "too down-to-earth"!

Cheng Yi invited the crew of "To the Mountains and Seas" to drink drinks, and the soda of 2 yuan was complained by netizens that it was too low!

Recently, the well-known actor Cheng Yi showed his warm-hearted side and invited the crew of "To the Mountains and Seas" to drink out of his own pocket, but this kind act did not seem to have completely won the favor of netizens.

Cheng Yi invited the crew of "To the Mountains and Seas" to drink drinks, and the soda of 2 yuan was complained by netizens that it was too low!
Cheng Yi invited the crew of "To the Mountains and Seas" to drink drinks, and the soda of 2 yuan was complained by netizens that it was too low!

In three consecutive hospitality activities, Cheng Yi showed his people-friendly style every time from the plum garden drink to the iced small drink, and then to the room temperature soda this time.

Cheng Yi invited the crew of "To the Mountains and Seas" to drink drinks, and the soda of 2 yuan was complained by netizens that it was too low!
Cheng Yi invited the crew of "To the Mountains and Seas" to drink drinks, and the soda of 2 yuan was complained by netizens that it was too low!

However, it was the 2 yuan bottle of soda, as well as the most expensive 6 yuan a can of "a certain cow" on the entire table, that set off a discussion on the Internet about the "celebrity hospitality standard".

Cheng Yi invited the crew of "To the Mountains and Seas" to drink drinks, and the soda of 2 yuan was complained by netizens that it was too low!

"It's another treat, Brother Cheng Yi is going to feed the crew to the rhythm of 'happy fat'!" One fan humorously commented online. However, unlike the warm response of the previous two treats, the variety of choices this time, such as drinks packed from the grocery store owner, has caused polarization on the Internet.

Cheng Yi invited the crew of "To the Mountains and Seas" to drink drinks, and the soda of 2 yuan was complained by netizens that it was too low!

Some netizens expressed puzzlement: "Such a cheap treat, it's too low, right?" "Celebrities are so rich, can't they choose some high-end drinks? Such remarks quickly fermented, and doubts arose.

Cheng Yi invited the crew of "To the Mountains and Seas" to drink drinks, and the soda of 2 yuan was complained by netizens that it was too low!

However, in the midst of the complaints, many netizens also stood up to support Cheng Yi, who thought that this criticism was too harsh: "The mind is the most important, why care about the price? "Cheng Yi's intentions are more valuable than anything else, which is much stronger than those who only do superficial work. ”

Cheng Yi invited the crew of "To the Mountains and Seas" to drink drinks, and the soda of 2 yuan was complained by netizens that it was too low!

Supporters emphasized that Cheng Yi's actions were originally intended to express care and gratitude to his colleagues in the crew, rather than to show wealth or taste, 2 yuan of soda, 6 yuan of a certain cow, although simple, but enough to convey a coolness and friendship in the tense working atmosphere of the crew.

Cheng Yi invited the crew of "To the Mountains and Seas" to drink drinks, and the soda of 2 yuan was complained by netizens that it was too low!

In fact, Cheng Yi has always been known for his low-key and affable, and this treat incident once again proves his uninhibited and substantive-minded personality.

Cheng Yi invited the crew of "To the Mountains and Seas" to drink drinks, and the soda of 2 yuan was complained by netizens that it was too low!

In today's highly commercialized and materialized entertainment industry, Cheng Yi's sincerity and reality are particularly valuable. As one crew member said, "A small surprise like this can make people feel the warmth of the team more than expensive gifts." ”

Cheng Yi invited the crew of "To the Mountains and Seas" to drink drinks, and the soda of 2 yuan was complained by netizens that it was too low!

At a time when entertainment news is constantly flooded with traffic and hype, Cheng Yi's "soda incident" may provide an opportunity to reflect: do we pay too much attention to the external form and ignore the inner goodwill and sincerity?

Cheng Yi invited the crew of "To the Mountains and Seas" to drink drinks, and the soda of 2 yuan was complained by netizens that it was too low!
Cheng Yi invited the crew of "To the Mountains and Seas" to drink drinks, and the soda of 2 yuan was complained by netizens that it was too low!

In this story, a small bottle of soda reflects a breath of fresh air in the entertainment industry, reminding us that true value is not always tied to the price tag. As a public figure, Cheng Yi used his actions to interpret what it means to "think of the source of drinking water", and maintain a plain and warm heart behind the glitz.


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