
The most expensive name? Musk revealed the origin of Tesla's name

Speaking of Elon Musk's Tesla electric car company, you must be no stranger, a few days ago, Musk revealed in an interview that "Tesla Cars" were not owned by Musk or Tesla at the beginning, and this name was sent to the company's employees to sit in front of other people's homes to grind hard bubbles to get it.

Musk said Tesla also spent $75,000 on the name. The $75,000 around 2003 should have been exchanged for 600,000 yuan. Is it the most expensive name?

The most expensive name? Musk revealed the origin of Tesla's name

However, Xiaobian thinks that Musk may just be making a big joke, he himself is not the founder of Tesla, but the fourth CEO, when the company was founded as Tesla Motors. The so-called hiring people to buy soft and hard bubbles for 75,000 US dollars is to say that they have vision?

The most expensive name? Musk revealed the origin of Tesla's name

In addition, Nikola Tesla, the American electric inventor with the same name as Edison, the promoter of alternating current, had about hundreds of invention patents in his lifetime. His invention, which rewrote the American economy, also affected the lives of our modern people. Tesla Motors is also in honor of the inventor.

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