
Can't even eat a mouthful of mung beans for the elderly? Reminder: If you don't want your body to deteriorate, it's best not to eat these types of people

author:Xiaochai Health Talk
Can't even eat a mouthful of mung beans for the elderly? Reminder: If you don't want your body to deteriorate, it's best not to eat these types of people

Disclaimer: The content of the article is for reference only, the storyline is purely fictional, intended to popularize health knowledge, if you feel unwell, please seek medical attention offline.

Wang Hua, an old man who has been retired for many years, is enjoying a leisurely life.

In addition to doing some light housework every day, the biggest fun is playing chess and chatting with the neighbors.

Not long ago, Wang Hua also went to the vegetable market to buy a large bag of fresh mung beans, preparing to cook a bowl of cool mung bean soup in the evening.

Just as he was about to cook mung beans in the pot, his family suddenly came to stop him, "Dad, don't eat mung beans!" The doctor said you can't eat a single bite of mung beans at your age!"

Can't even eat a mouthful of mung beans for the elderly? Reminder: If you don't want your body to deteriorate, it's best not to eat these types of people

Wang Hua's heart was full of doubts, "What? How can I hear you say that I can't even eat mung beans? It's my favorite summer wellness!"

The children anxiously explained: "You are now very old and your physical functions are declining.

Doctors say that mung beans are cold, and if you eat them for a long time, it can easily cause gastrointestinal discomfort and even lead to deterioration of physical condition.

In particular, some elderly people with chronic diseases or kidney diseases should avoid mung beans completely. "

Can't even eat a mouthful of mung beans for the elderly? Reminder: If you don't want your body to deteriorate, it's best not to eat these types of people

Wang Hua was silent, he never thought that this common summer health ingredient would also have a negative impact on the body of the elderly.

He couldn't help but wonder if there were other foods that he usually consumed that were not suitable for people of his age.

Seeing that the father looked confused, the children hurriedly comforted: "Dad, don't worry, we have communicated with the doctor in detail."

In addition to mung beans, there are some other common foods, such as iced drinks, raw and cold fruits, etc., which are best avoided at your age. "

Can't even eat a mouthful of mung beans for the elderly? Reminder: If you don't want your body to deteriorate, it's best not to eat these types of people

After repeated instructions from his family, Wang Hua gradually understood that some of the foods he usually eats can also bring harm to his body.

As an elderly person, he needs to choose his diet more carefully in order to better maintain his health.

Back in the room, Wang Hua carefully thought about the precautions that his family said.

By consulting relevant information, he learned that the main reasons why the elderly need to be particularly cautious in their diet are as follows:

Can't even eat a mouthful of mung beans for the elderly? Reminder: If you don't want your body to deteriorate, it's best not to eat these types of people

As the elderly age, the digestive function and absorption capacity of the elderly will gradually decline.

Some cold or cold foods can easily cause gastrointestinal discomfort and even aggravate the symptoms of some chronic diseases.

Due to the decline of kidney function, the elderly should also be extra cautious about some foods rich in purines and calcium, so as not to increase the burden on the kidneys.

Some elderly people may also have chronic diseases such as diabetes and high blood pressure, so they need to follow the doctor's advice and avoid some foods that may cause symptoms to worsen.

Can't even eat a mouthful of mung beans for the elderly? Reminder: If you don't want your body to deteriorate, it's best not to eat these types of people

After understanding these truths, Wang Hua was even more grateful for the care of his family.

He decided that from now on, he strictly followed his doctor's instructions and avoided foods that could adversely affect his health.

Choose a diet that is more suitable for you to maintain your old age.

Can't even eat a mouthful of mung beans for the elderly? Reminder: If you don't want your body to deteriorate, it's best not to eat these types of people

In the future, Wang Hua will be more cautious and cautious in terms of diet.

Eat less cold or foods that stimulate the kidneys, and choose more light and moisturizing ingredients.

He believes that as long as he persists, he will be able to maintain a good physical condition and continue to enjoy this wonderful old age.

Can't even eat a mouthful of mung beans for the elderly? Reminder: If you don't want your body to deteriorate, it's best not to eat these types of people

Through this special "mung bean taboo" experience, Wang Hua deeply realized that many seemingly ordinary foods around him,

There can be potential risks for people of all sizes and ages.

Therefore, we must always be cautious and vigilant in our diet in order to better maintain our health.

Can't even eat a mouthful of mung beans for the elderly? Reminder: If you don't want your body to deteriorate, it's best not to eat these types of people

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(The story in the article is purely fictional, if there is any similarity is purely coincidental, if the body is not well, seek medical help in time)

[Reference: Guidelines for the Nutritional Management of Older Adults with Chronic Diseases]

[Reference: Dietary Guidelines for the Elderly]

[Reference: Nutrition and Health Guidelines for the Elderly in China]

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