
How to see if a man is genuine to you? Girls take a look

Text\XiaoYi\Picture from the network

Girls want to get a man's sincerity, so how to see if a man is sincere to you? Many girls don't know, especially girls who have just fallen in love and are still relatively ignorant, and the men's apparent dedication will take them down.

How to see if a man is genuine to you? Girls take a look

A man who treats a woman sincerely means that no matter what happens, he will divorce the woman he loves. Many girls want to know if their men are sincere about themselves, and immediately enter the main topic, girls can see

01. Tu Lei, the master of emotions, said: To see if a man is sincere to you, do not look at how he treats you when he is happy, but how he treats you when he is angry, lost, and in pain

You have to see if your man is sincere with you, don't look at how he treats you when he is happy, but how he treats you when he has a bad temper.

It is not that he treats you well when he is happy, but that if he can treat you well as always when he is angry, lost, and in pain, it means that he is 100% sincere to you.

I have a couple who really love each other, the man was fired by the boss because of work problems, because the matter of being fired was already very painful, and the wife was still at home scolding him, he was very depressed, after calming down in the room for a while, the wife also scolded.

Because his wife was also very busy, he still had to do housework after work, so he helped his wife with all the housework, and when he ate at night, his wife also apologized to him, saying that she should not scold him like that.

In fact, he did not blame his wife, but felt that he was fired in his heart, and his wife scolded and grinned at him to make him more annoyed, but if he quarreled with his wife, it would cause family conflicts, and it was not worth it to fall out with the person he loved because he was dismissed.

So he chose to be considerate of his wife, because he really loved his wife, so he took care of his wife's housework and reduced the pressure on his wife.

People who truly love you truly love you no matter what, and even if they are wronged, they will continue to treat you as always.

02. Don't look at what he says, but look at what he does

Men who like to coax women do not necessarily treat their own women sincerely, and men who give practical actions for women will certainly treat their women with sincerity.

Some men like to trick women, their purpose is very strong, in order to let women have children for themselves, any promise can be said, but these promises they can not even fulfill one, such men want them to treat you sincerely, it is impossible.

When he treats you well, it is actually because you are valuable to them, such as making up some promises to deceive you for the purpose of giving birth to him, and when the purpose is achieved, you are dispensable in your mind!

Men who make a series of promises without doing anything will generally not treat you sincerely, and the men who treat you sincerely are men who do what they say, and the big husband is difficult to chase after when he says a word, or don't make any promises, and do it when he promises.

How to see if a man is genuine to you? Girls take a look

03. Deliberately being good to you is not sincere, and unintentionally being good to you is sincere

Some men deliberately do something for women in order to please women, and what is the purpose of pleasing women? Not for women, but for themselves, for the purpose of achieving their own desires.

For example, cheating on women's feelings, making women choose to deliberately please women because they pay for him, and wait until women are deceived to reveal their true nature.

Deliberately being nice to you is actually purposeful, and if a man deliberately treats you well and deliberately does something for you for a certain period of time, he is likely to want to get more from you.

Rather than deliberately, a man who has no intention of being good to you is a man who treats you sincerely, because he is good to you is good to you, without purpose, and the purpose of being good to you is that he loves you.

04. Men who hurt you and then confessed their mistakes will not treat you seriously at all

Can a man who hits a woman and confesses a mistake to a woman be forgiven? I think many women will not forgive such a man, and such a man cannot really treat women well.

After beating you and then apologizing to you, asking for your forgiveness, saying that you were impulsive for a while, who can guarantee that you forgave him and will he have a second or third time? I think it's unlikely that such a man would treat you with sincerity.

Domestic violence men beat women are one and two and three, because they even control their temper and impulses, beating women afraid that women divorce him and then come out of the "guilt of the thorn" is not impossible, women forgive him with a soft heart, in fact, this is also the reason to give him the next time to hurt you.

Men who treat women sincerely can't bear to hurt their women even if they have a big temper, and they are willing to hurt themselves rather than let their women hurt.

How to see if a man is genuine to you? Girls take a look

05. Conclusion

Although the feelings between men and women are not pure, but two people who love each other together is for the future of two people, not who pits anyone, just like marriage requires men to treat women sincerely, women treat men sincerely, and treat each other sincerely, only such a marriage is a promising marriage.

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