
Is it necessary to buy 2 million for the three insurances? After comparing the gap, the owner suddenly realized

Many people regard the car as a second home to shield themselves from the wind and rain, and think that it is much safer to drive out than to go out on an electric car or motorcycle. The various safety configurations in the car can indeed provide some safety for our travel, but this does not mean that our travel is completely safe. If a traffic accident occurs on the road, it may also endanger your own life.

Is it necessary to buy 2 million for the three insurances? After comparing the gap, the owner suddenly realized

After a traffic accident, the car will also be damaged and the repair cost of the vehicle will be incurred. If you hit someone else's car, you have to pay for the other person's car repair. If you don't buy insurance for the car, the owner has to pay for it himself, and the economic pressure is soaring. Therefore, many people will buy an insurance for their car after buying a car.

Is it necessary to buy 2 million for the three insurances? After comparing the gap, the owner suddenly realized

At present, there are many types of car insurance on the market, traffic insurance is a type of insurance that every car owner must buy, three insurance is a kind of insurance to compensate others, if there is a crash on the road or driving into others, you need to use the three insurance.

Since last year's premium reform, the amount of three insurances has also increased, the maximum amount of the three insurances was 1 million, and now the maximum amount of the three insurances has become 2 million. Many car owners undoubtedly wonder, is it necessary to buy 2 million yuan in the three insurances?

Is it necessary to buy 2 million for the three insurances? After comparing the gap, the owner suddenly realized

A few years ago, most people would choose 500,000 or 1 million to buy three insurances, because everyone felt that this amount of three insurances was completely enough to cover the loss of vehicles. A few years ago, the number of luxury cars in China was not much, and the opportunity to see Rolls-Royce, Maybach, Bentley and other models on the road was also small, and there were 500,000 three insurances or 1 million three insurances, which were indeed enough.

However, with the take-off of the domestic economy, there are more and more rich people, and more and more people in the second and third lines buy luxury cars, and many people still buy top luxury cars worth millions or even tens of millions. These luxury cars are not only expensive, but also expensive to repair, and replacing a bumper may cost two or three hundred thousand.

Is it necessary to buy 2 million for the three insurances? After comparing the gap, the owner suddenly realized

If there is only 500,000 insurance, the owner of the car may have to pay a part of the money himself. 2 million of three insurance, even if it is 1 million car damage owners do not have to worry. In terms of road conditions, it is actually more secure to buy a 2 million amount of tripartite insurance.

Many car owners may feel that the amount of 2 million three insurance compensation is indeed a lot, but the cost of insurance is also very high, buy a car of more than 100,000 yuan, just buy insurance to spend five or six thousand, the owner will feel that he has suffered a loss, it is better to buy a 1 million three insurance cheaper.

Is it necessary to buy 2 million for the three insurances? After comparing the gap, the owner suddenly realized

However, if you calculate an account, you will find that in fact, the difference between the premiums of the three insurances of 2 million and the insurance of 1 million is not large. At present, the three insurances with a quota of 500,000 yuan are about 1600 yuan, the charging price of the three insurances of 1 million is about 2000 yuan, and the price of the three insurances of 2 million is about 2400 yuan. Although it is 400 yuan more expensive than the 1 million three insurance, the insurance amount is twice as much. We just spent 400 yuan more, but we have more than 1 million guarantees, and we can have a happier driving experience when driving.

Is it necessary to buy 2 million for the three insurances? After comparing the gap, the owner suddenly realized

Short Comments:

As the saying goes, "Always walk by the river, where are the shoes that don't get wet"? Although we usually drive very carefully, we can't guarantee that other vehicles won't hit us, or that no other accidents will occur, so we can be more at ease when we buy car insurance and drive ourselves. If there is a crash on the road, there is a high amount of insurance, and your psychology will be more confident. What do you think?

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