
The military deputies and members of the CPPCC National Committee enthusiastically discussed consolidating the unity between the military and the government and between the military and the people

author:China News Roundup

■ People's Liberation Army Daily reporter Wang Yu Pei Xian

"Complete the reform of the national defense mobilization system and strengthen national defense education for the whole people." Governments at all levels should vigorously support national defense and army building, so that the unity between the military and the government and between the military and the people is as solid as a rock. Listening to the government work report, the military deputies and members had many feelings: flood fighting and emergency rescue, earthquake relief and disaster relief, fighting the epidemic... In recent years, the moving scenes of the army loving the people and the people supporting the army have vividly interpreted the deep feelings of the people's army breathing together with the people, sharing a common destiny, and connecting hearts and minds, and fully demonstrated that the people's sons and soldiers have firmly remembered their original mission, always maintained their nature and purpose, always charged forward for the safety and danger of the people, and held the people's interests high above their heads.

"The rock-solid unity between the military and the government and between the military and the people is an important magic weapon for the people's army to overcome all difficulties and obstacles and to continuously advance from victory to victory." Looking forward to the future, the military deputies and members are full of confidence that as long as the military and the localities "unite like one person," vigorously carry forward the glorious tradition of loving the country and supporting the army and loving the people, and constantly consolidate the relations between the military and the government and between the military and the people, they will certainly be able to gather together the magnificent power of building dreams with one heart and creating a common future.

Rooted in the people, the people are the biggest backer

On July 30, 2021, the Central Propaganda Department, the Ministry of Veterans Affairs, the Political Work Department of the Central Military Commission, and the National Office of Double Support jointly released the advanced deeds of "the most beautiful military supporters", and 9 individuals, including the captain collective of the "supporting military ship" and Tsering Rob in Rongcheng City, Shandong Province, were awarded the title of "Most Beautiful Supporting Military Figures".

"Their beauty lies in their loyalty to the motherland and their love for the people's children and soldiers." Deputy Pu Yongneng said: During the revolutionary war years, countless Soldiers of Rong Guanxiu and Wang Yu exchanged their affections for their sons and daughters, countless Tang He'en and Ma Maojie enthusiastically supported the front, and the army and the people won victories with one heart. Today, countless "Yimeng Red Sisters-in-law" and models of supporting the army in the new era have emerged one after another, and the "most beautiful pro-army figures" are the prominent representatives of them.

In the war years, our army's victory over powerful enemies and victory in the revolution cannot be separated from the support of the people. In peacetime, army building and preparations for military struggle are also inseparable from the support of the people.

"At present, the troops have been stationed in the field for a long time, have many cross-regional maneuvers, and have heavy joint training tasks, and the support for supporting the army and supporting the front is also advancing with the times." Deputy Zhao He said: In recent years, the armed forces have focused on being able to fight and win wars, and their enthusiasm for training and preparing for war has been high; all localities and departments have carried forward the fine tradition of supporting the army and supporting the army, and have tried every means to do a good job in serving and guaranteeing the troops, thus forming a vivid situation in which the troops trained to fight wars and before local training and support.

Entering a new era, the work of supporting the military and giving priority to subordinates has gradually been innovated and improved, and the respect for military personnel has been transformed into a practical measure full of temperature. Deputy Gao Buming from the Chongqing Garrison District introduced that on the eve of this year's Spring Festival, 19 provinces (autonomous regions and municipalities) and the Xinjiang Production and Construction Corps, including Chongqing, actively responded to the Special Spring Festival condolence activities organized by the National Double Support Office for the Spring Festival of "Loving Border and Coastal Defense Officers and Soldiers," and 170 national model cities (counties) with double support quickly took action. A staff member of the Ministry of Veterans Affairs lamented: "Such a large-scale special condolence activity is really like the year when everyone worked together!" ”

The people are supreme, and they will always maintain the true character of the children and soldiers

Recalling that scene two years ago, Deputy Xie Zhengyi was still excited.

After the outbreak of the new crown pneumonia epidemic, under the order of the Central Military Commission, three medical teams drawn from the Army Military Medical University, the Naval Military Medical University, and the Air Force Military Medical University rushed to Wuhan on military aircraft, converging into a light and a fire at a critical moment.

"'The People's Liberation Army is coming!' This sentence is full of the trust and trust of the people, and also reminds the people's children and soldiers to always remember the sacred duty of carrying guns for the people and fighting for the people. Deputy Xie Zhengyi said.

"The flesh and blood of the military and the people are linked, and the fish and water are deep." Deputy Miao Runqi, who has long been engaged in the teaching of political theory, said: Since its founding, our army has been entrusted with the sacred mission of fighting for the interests of the people completely and thoroughly. The roots of the people's army are deeply rooted in the people's deep land; the great strength of the people's war comes from the great strength of the people.

In times of crisis, the children and soldiers were never absent. In the Tangshan earthquake, the children and soldiers rushed to the rescue; the 98 flood resistance, the children and soldiers were in the middle of the mainstay; the Wenchuan earthquake, the children and soldiers were rescued in life and death; the fight against the new crown pneumonia epidemic, the children and soldiers charged ahead... "Where there is danger, there is a retrograde figure of the children and soldiers; where there is a need, where is the battlefield of the people's army." Deputy Zheng Hao said.

For the people, rely on the people, serve the people. Deputies and members of the military said that the officers and men of the whole army will always keep firmly in mind the true color of the purpose and use practical actions to write the answer sheet of the original intention of putting the people first.

The military and the people are united to see who can be the enemy in the world

In 2022, the Opinions of the CPC Central Committee and the State Council on Comprehensively Promoting the Key Work of Rural Revitalization in 2022 were released. On the road of comprehensively promoting rural revitalization, how can the people's army continue to warm the hearts of the people with its original intention? At this year's two sessions of the National People's Congress, many military deputies and members brought motions and motions on the army's participation in rural revitalization.

"The greatest force is to work together. Promoting rural revitalization, military-civilian joint efforts, and double support and empowerment can achieve greater benefits. Jiang Yongxihuan, a member of the Tibet Military Region, introduced that in recent years, the troops of the Tibet Military Region have vigorously carried out the "five communists and five solids" military-local twinning and joint construction activities to help the Tibetan masses develop special tourism and specialty processing industries, the income of the people stationed in the localities has doubled, and the poverty alleviation and rural revitalization have been effectively linked.

"National defense and army building are the common causes of the whole party, the whole army, and the people of all nationalities throughout the country." Deputy Hou Yun said: As far as the people's army is concerned, it is necessary to always keep the word "people" firmly in mind and always keep serving the people in mind. As far as local party committees and governments at all levels are concerned, it is necessary to regard concern for and support for national defense and army building as a matter within their duty, earnestly relieve military personnel of their worries, and let the soldiers train and prepare for war without distraction.

Since the Eighteenth National Congress of the Communist Party of China, all localities and units have vigorously promoted the work of double support at a new historical starting point, and written a new chapter in the era of unity and progress of the military and the government and the military and the people.

The army loves the people, and the people support the army. In the urban construction of Xiamen City, Fujian Province, with the seaport, airport, high-speed rail and highway as the main body, xiamen city has built a transportation network that combines peacetime and wartime. Xiangshan County, Zhejiang Province, aimed at fighting and supporting the army, staring at the battlefield support front, for more than 10 consecutive years to support the troops to exercise more than 50 batches. The masses in Inner Mongolia, Gansu and other places cooperated to do a good job in equipment transportation, personnel support and other work, and helped the "Shenzhou" fly...

The vivid practice of the work of double support has once again proved that promoting the development of army building is inseparable from the concern and support of the masses of the people. Whether in the past, at present or in the future, the military-government-military-civilian relationship of the same breath, the common destiny, and the heart-to-heart relationship is the blood and bond that we must cherish and carefully care for. Deputy Gao Buming said.

(People's Liberation Army Daily, Beijing, March 8)