
This is an article, I think it is very good

author:Dream perfectly

  In my opinion, winter is the most unromantic season, especially in the south, it can't see the silver wrapped in the north, ice and snow; Nor can you see the desert in the west, quietly silent. Winter in the South is always just a depressed color. It was very cold and cold, but without a hint of wetness, and the cold that soaked into the bone marrow seemed to suck away all the warmth of the body, leaving only a cold lump like a dry fluff stuck between the chest and lungs. In such a season, people's minds will be frozen, and even the emotions and romance will be thrown out of the clouds in an instant. In such a situation, it is difficult to mention a good interest, and even if there is an occasional wish, it will soon be thrown into the corner of memory.

  Standing outdoors, gently sighing, a cloud of white mist wrapped in a warm lift lifted into the air, stretching in mid-air, and the half-shaking merged into the dry and cold air. The little hope that had just been ignited was shattered, and it disappeared quietly and calmly, as if it had never been before, and there was a special wetness in the trance. The small tree grows into a big tree, and in the winter it becomes an old tree, with the old branches staggered, and only a few sparse leaves dotted with traces of life. The bark was slightly scorched yellow, as if it had been roasted on the fire for a long time, and the torment had lost its vitality, and it seemed that it would fall to the ground at any time.

  In the lotus pond of the summer flower field, only the root dead pipes and fragments of residual leaves are left at this time. The charm of the dew and beads has long gone. The cold wind gently shakes, withered and leaves, as if quietly telling the beauty of the past, and as if gently weeping and now declining. If there is another cold rain, it will make the flowers fall even more, which will reflect Li Yishan's state of mind of leaving a remnant of lotus to listen to the sound of rain.

  The mountains in the south have never been as tall and majestic as the north, and in winter, they have lost their former luster, leaving a slightly gray figure quietly towering between heaven and earth. Silence remained. If in the north, there is a heavy snow that covers the mountains with a layer of white, it is a majestic picture, and new hope is bred in the midst of the mountains. Unfortunately, there is no snow in the south, just like the mounds are scattered on the vast Jianghan Plain, and only the shadows of pine and cypress are left in the mountains, but the green is like a layer of frost, and the light green is faintly glowing with green ash. In the distance, it seems to be covered in flying dust.

  Standing by the river, I found that the graben in the past was now only a narrow gray chain, and the riverside where the waves of the past were beating thousands of stones is now unhappy. The river seemed to be frozen, and even the flow rate of Dongzhu seemed to be stopped, and everything was now dead silent.

  Yes, the winter in the south can only be described as dead silence, and there is no trace of life dynamics. There is only a single gray cloud between heaven and earth. This atmosphere of depression fills everything and sucks away the vitality of their lives little by little.

  I'm gone—to leave my parents and brothers, all my dear ones. Although it was a short period, I already felt sad. If you, in the midst of the happy and sweet times in the morning and rain, under the knees of your father and mother, in the inter-line of sisters and brothers, can think of a warm and loyal friend in overseas wanli, alone in the annoying and miserable weather, and cannot enjoy such a blessing, then the innocent pity of your glance has been paid to me with great and immeasurable happiness and comfort from the spirit of the universe!

  Love is on the right, compassion is on the left, walking on both sides of the road of life, sowing seeds at any time, blossoming at any time, and taking this path for a long time,

  Dotted with seasonal flowers, so that pedestrians who wear branches and leaves, stepping on thorns, do not feel pain, there are tears to fall, nor are they sad.

  Successful flowers, people only admire her current brilliance! But at the beginning, her buds were soaked with the fountain of tears of struggle,

  Sprinkled with a rain of sacrifice.

  When I was a child, I wept for a cricket with broken feet and whimpered for a wounded yellow finch; I understood as a child that all life is the average size in the eyes of the Creator; I didn't do anything unkind in my childhood, but now I'm depraved...

  Today, I have confessed in front of you, solemn children, please judge!

  I left home yesterday afternoon, and I fell asleep. As the car turned around the corner, I looked back and stared at it— unless I saw all the dear people under the bean-leaf shed again, I wouldn't wake up from this dream!

  I felt deeply honored in my pity. Ice heart he blessed, to get the innocent and pure love of these children, to dissolve this deep and unencumbered divorce.

  At night, I just couldn't sleep, sat up a few times, opened the window, and there was only a vague semi-full moon, shining on the deep and endless fields. ——The car is galloping in the wind, the wheels are rolling, running towards an infinite future. Mingyue and I, step by step, are far away from home!

  Looking out at the distant mountains continuously, they were not in the mist, fading to the point of desire. Only light blue peaks line up the sky. The cooking tobacco of the people in the mountain pass, the pound pound in the valley, is like a cloud. The bright light of the morning sun shines on the boundless neat green fields. I stood by the window for half an hour after freshening up, and in this solemn and great environment I could only bow my head silently and praise the Creator of Almighty Wisdom.

  How many people and how many feelings are not lost to distance, nor to time, but lack of courage to face bravely and miss the best opportunity. Feelings are different from life, in the world of feelings, we can be restrained, but not too restrained, many times you need to say it straight, and can not shrink to the side of silence, silence can only create a puzzle of incomprehension, never let each other know.

  If the other party does not like you, it is useless for you to chase no matter how much you chase, the other party likes you, there is no need to dig out and chase. Maybe one day he will be touched by your sincerity, but most of them will eventually break up. ------ Because love is not touching, you are not the ideal partner in his mind, even if you accept you for a while, in the future when you meet the one he likes, it will leave you. So still find someone who loves you a little more!

  There is a person who will not turn his back on you at any time, and this person is yourself; Love yourself, a little more sunny and a little less smoke and rain. Even if one day the person in love drifts away, don't follow the footsteps that can't be left behind, take the rest of the road well, and learn to be independent. We are not very perfect people, but we have to accept our imperfect selves. Learn to love yourself and spoil yourself.

  I remember your palms were warm and you had said you loved me. We walked around for so long and came back here. You soon fell into another relationship, and the sweet vows we had held and said good were broken by our joint efforts, and the original time made us lose each other at the same time, but also let us learn to forget. Love and liking is nothing but a self-care obsession. But I love you and love the whole one ever.

  There is no love when single, standing alone in a crowd, no feelings. When a couple walked by, they couldn't help but glance at each other, and when they went home, they quietly thought, whether the taste was very beautiful, thinking about it, the sweet sleep in their hearts could not sleep, but the appearance hid shyness, and the heart could obviously hear the beating of the heart strongly.

  Ambiguity is, a little closer than a friend, but a little farther away than a lover; Ambiguity is that will often wait for him online on QQ. Ambiguity is to understand that there is too much helplessness in life, there are too many restrictions in reality, you know that it is impossible, but you are reluctant to let go; The ambiguity is that he is not your lover, but it seems that he cares more about knowing you than your lover.

  Don't say that you will miss it after you leave; Don't say, still friends after breaking up. Leave a place where the scenery no longer belongs to you; If you miss someone, that person has nothing to do with you. The falling flowers were originally intentional, and the flowing water was also ruthless. The second I turned around, my happiness had nothing to do with you. Pick up the mood, keep going, miss the flowers, you will harvest the rain, miss this one, you will meet the next one.

  Some people that you think you can meet; There are some things that you think you can keep going. However, maybe at the moment when you turn around. Some people, you'll never see again. ------ When the sun goes down and rises again, everything changes, and if you are not careful, you will never go back.

  If he doesn't love you anymore, be brave enough to break up. In this way, in his heart you are still a beautiful landscape, because men never remember the women who were abandoned by themselves, but they are always unforgettable for the women who abandoned themselves. Even if it is the end, you must make yourself walk more gracefully, no one in this world can not live without losing, even if it is lost, let yourself retain a little self-esteem.

  In fact, for love, the more simple the happier. It is best to be in love only once in a lifetime, experience too much and will be numb; Separation is more, will get used to; More lovers, will be compared; In the end, you will no longer believe in love; You will give up on yourself; You'll be the walking dead; You'll marry someone you don't love and live like this for the rest of your life.

  A few years, leaving a little helplessness, walking by, passing by, crying, laughing, loving, and hating. Every day in this kind of life, repeatedly, like a round circle, enjoy it tirelessly. Maybe physically and mentally exhausted, but the road under your feet has never had a return date. A few years, whether it is happiness or sadness. There is never a law, happiness and sadness are always alternating.

  Some love, inadvertently, is carved to the bone; Some people, inadvertently, meet; Some things, inadvertently, begin; Some words, inadvertently, promise; Some love, inadvertently, arises; Some people, inadvertently, separate; Some things, inadvertently, disappear; Some words, inadvertently, blurted out.

  Those things that do not belong to them, one day in the future, will eventually go away and never come back. That day has come. Some wounds cannot be healed, and even if they are healed, they will leave permanent scars. I think, no matter how long it takes, I don't regret leaving you as a memory, leaving those good days to remember..... If, after ten years, you are not married, and I am not married, let us take it together.

  In the country of love, there will always be a protagonist and a supporting role, the tired will always be the protagonist, and the hurt will always be the supporting role. Although life can repeat the first love, it cannot repeat regret; Regret can be repeated, but you can't repeat the favorite. Love is selfish, and once someone has a good morning light, it must be in the other direction of 180 ° There will be another person who cannot break free from the lonely night.

  I'm waiting for someone, someone who can put a rest on my lonely story; A person who can accompany me through all the sad love songs, but will not make me want to cry; A man who I can find a hundred flaws in him, but still insist on loving him; A person who will say to me, we have pits to jump together, there are bitterness to taste together, and we have lived together for a lifetime! Actually, I've been waiting for you and want you to know.

  Suddenly I found that after looking in the mirror for a long time, I became strange inside; Suddenly found that the name read for a long time, the name has become strange; Suddenly I found that a certain word had been written for a long time, and the word was no longer the original word, it was still strange. The world is changing, the scenery is changing, the air around me is changing all the time, but I can't grasp the center of gravity, I don't know who will be whose scenery, who is just whose passerby. I do not know.

  Like people, right? Can't let go of people, right? Feel aggrieved, right? Oh, the result? People are annoyed, right? People think you're being arrogant, right? People think you're redundant, right? People don't want to see you, do they? People ignore you, right? You don't have anything to say to people to reply to, but you can't say anything, right? When you care about a person in particular, he won't care about you, and you will never understand.

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