
Frequent repeated sweating, may be caused by these 4 kinds of problems, after understanding, symptomatic treatment

Sweat refers to a fluid secreted by glands in the body's skin. It is understood that sweating is a self-regulating mechanism of the body that is able to release excess heat in the body and expel toxins in time.

In general, the phenomenon of sweating can be divided into two kinds: physiological and pathological, of which physiological sweating is related to factors such as personal constitution and mood;

Frequent repeated sweating, may be caused by these 4 kinds of problems, after understanding, symptomatic treatment

Is a normal physiological response, does not need special treatment, only need to replace the electrolyte in time after a lot of sweating, and rest for a period of time, but if you always sweat in life, then you should pay attention to it, it is likely to be caused by the following four problems.

Frequent repeated sweating, may be caused by these 4 kinds of problems, after understanding, symptomatic treatment

First, damp heat

From the perspective of Chinese medicine, if the humidity in the body is too heavy and there is a situation of damp heat, then it will become particularly fond of sweating, and even if there is no activity, the body will still sweat continuously.

The occurrence of this problem is mainly related to the high excitability of the sympathetic nervous system, if the patient has not been treating it, then the moisture in the body will be more and more, and in the later stage, it may even evolve into wet poison, resulting in adverse effects on their own health.

In this regard, patients should deal with it in time, eat more damp foods in normal times, and develop good sleep habits.

Frequent repeated sweating, may be caused by these 4 kinds of problems, after understanding, symptomatic treatment

Second, diabetes

Diabetes is a common disease of abnormal glucose metabolism, after the onset of the disease, the body's blood sugar will be at a high level for a long time, and with the change of this situation, the nerve tissue in the body will suffer certain damage, resulting in a variety of different complications, such as autonomic dysfunction.

Once this complication occurs, it will lead to frequent sweating in patients, and some patients will also have symptoms such as polyuria and weight loss. We must be particularly vigilant in this regard.

Frequent repeated sweating, may be caused by these 4 kinds of problems, after understanding, symptomatic treatment

3. Hypoglycemia

Hypoglycemia refers to a situation in which the content of glucose in the venous plasma in the body is too low. There are many reasons for this disease, such as excessive consumption, insufficient nutritional intake, liver disease and endocrine disorders, etc. After the onset of the disease, there will be a series of abnormal problems, the most obvious of which is a lot of sweating.

The reason for this is mainly due to the drop in blood sugar levels in the body, which causes the sympathetic nerves to become abnormally excited, and then secrete a large amount of adrenaline hormones, so that they sweat at every turn.

Frequent repeated sweating, may be caused by these 4 kinds of problems, after understanding, symptomatic treatment

4. Pheochromocytoma

Many people may not be particularly familiar with the disease, or even completely unaware of it, so that they ignore it, which in turn can lead to a worsening of the condition.

In fact, this is a tumor disease that mainly originates from the chromophilic tissue of the neuroectoderm, often occurs in the adrenal glands, extraperitoneum, and abdominal aorta and other parts, if the patient suffers from this disease, then the body will secrete a large number of catecholamines.

This is a common adrenaline hormone that can easily cause problems with sweating. Therefore, patients should treat them in a timely manner.

Frequent repeated sweating, may be caused by these 4 kinds of problems, after understanding, symptomatic treatment

The above are four common causes of sweating, perhaps many people feel that sweating at every turn is innate, affected by physical fitness, as long as a little rest can be improved, but in fact, the above pathological factors are also likely to cause sweating.

In this regard, we should pay special attention to it in normal times, check it as soon as possible, and actively treat it with the help of a doctor. In addition, after a lot of sweating, it is necessary to replenish water in time and try to avoid dehydration.

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